Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 389 The feeling of elders watching children do their homework and study

Chapter 389 The feeling of elders watching children do their homework and study
Zhao Minghe didn't speak for her either.

Zhao Minghe believed that her mother should be disciplined, otherwise it would not be an option to keep making trouble.

After a while, Zhao Minghe sighed heavily and said: "Mother, just calm down a little bit, if you continue to make trouble like this, the family will be broken up by you."

Zhao Changzhu said indifferently: "If you make trouble again, you will go back to Lao Huang's house. It was not my intention to marry you in the first place."

Zhao Minghe opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, and finally he didn't say anything.

Mrs. Huang felt even more aggrieved, she felt that she had done nothing wrong.

The resentment towards the captain grew stronger in his heart.

If it wasn't for him, how could their family become what it is now.

However, even so, she couldn't do anything. She was sick in her heart, but she still had a brain, and knew that besides Zhao Changzhu, there was another person protecting their family, and even Zhao Changzhu would listen to her.

What's more, she knew very well that if she really did something, Zhao Changzhu would be the first to let her go.

Zhao Jing's family.

Zhao Qingyan watched the two of them studying seriously, and said to Zhao Qingling who was on the side: "At this moment, I suddenly feel like an elder at home is watching the child doing homework and studying."

Zhao Qingling joked with a light smile: "Didn't you always deny that you are old?"

Zhao Qingyan raised her eyebrows and said: "I didn't say that I am old, and the elders don't have to be old at all."

Zhao Qingling choked for words.

Helplessly glanced at Zhao Qingyan, and suddenly said: "I'm going back tomorrow, and I'm afraid I won't see this girl for a few years."

Zhao Qingyan was startled and said: "There will be more time in the future."

Zhao Qingling nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Xiaozhen studied very hard.

At this time, the system reminded Zhao Jingyi: "The ripe fruits of the host have already been picked and packed for you."

Zhao Jing gave an 'hmm'.

The fruit in the system space will ripen every time, and the system will help her pick it.

The things in the space are basically taken care of by the system for her.

So don't worry about her.

Today is the last day of rest, and after sending Zhao Qingling and the three of them away tomorrow, she will go to work in the afternoon.

At this time Zhao Qingling stood up and said: "I remember there are still some flour, I'll go and make them into noodles, when you want to eat them, you can cook them directly."

Zhao Jing looked up at her and nodded with a smile: "Thank you, Third Sister."

Zhao Qingling smiled: "You're welcome."

Then he walked to the kitchen.

Other pasta can't be stored after being cooked, so it can only be made into noodles, and then dried in the sun, and when you want to eat, just boil it directly under the water.

And noodles can be stored for a certain period of time after drying.

Zhao Qingling could tell that Zhao Jingyi liked to eat noodles, so she wanted to make more before leaving.

In the morning, she gave Ji Mingxuan the money and food stamps to buy more.

Ji Mingxuan didn't accept it at first, but Zhao Qingling said that it was a small amount of money given to Zhao Jingyi by his brothers and sisters, so the money must belong to them, so he had to accept it.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know about this at first, but the system told her later.

Zhao Qingling will make another set of clothes for each of them these few days.

They didn't know it was done for them, they thought Zhao Jingyi was doing it for herself.

So I didn't pay much attention to it, and sometimes I would see Su Jingyan studying along with her.

At noon, the two sisters Su Jingyu came back to have lunch.

They also ate noodles, Zhao Qingling made a pot of noodles, and Zhao Xiaozhen also stayed to eat.

Zhao Xiaozhen was a little reserved at first, but she couldn't stop after taking a bite, and then she was full, touching her stomach and praising: "Wow, Aunt Sanzu, the noodles you made are delicious, better than my mother's. .”

Zhao Jing raised her hand and tapped her on the forehead lightly and said, "You are not afraid that your mother will give you two foreheads when she hears this."

Zhao Xiaozhen smiled foolishly.

"I'm telling the truth. My mother's cooking is delicious, but the noodles are really bad."

Zhao Qingling smiled softly and said: "I like to eat, I will cook more at night, you can eat at home."

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded after thinking about it: "Okay."

I thought about going back for a while to get the rations.

She can't take advantage of her grandparents.

The noodle soup made by Zhao Qingling is different every meal, and the taste is also different.

For example, at noon, the scallion oil noodles are very fragrant, and the texture and taste of the noodles are particularly good, plus some side dishes made by Zhao Qingling, mixed together, it is absolutely amazing.

Zhao Jingyi likes to eat very much, and she eats two bowls every time, if she can't eat anymore, she thinks she can eat another bowl.

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan were afraid that she would spoil their stomachs, so they watched her eat every time.

The happiest is Zhao Qingling, she likes to watch others eat when she cooks, and seeing others eat the noodles or rice she cooks, eating happily, she is also happy.

After lunch, Zhao Qingling asked Zhao Jing to write as soon as she took the paper and pen, and no one knew what she was writing.


Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingming have helped out without cooking since they came here, but their cooking skills are not bad.

Thinking of something, he also went to ask Zhao Jingyi and took the paper and pen.Then, like Zhao Qingling, he began to immerse himself in writing.

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Xiaozhen were taken aback by this operation.

There was doubt in the eyes of the two of them.

Zhao Xiaozhen asked suspiciously: "Grandfather Fourth, what are they doing?"

Zhao Jing shook her head: "I don't know."

She didn't let the system tell her what they were doing, it would be better to keep a little mystery.

The two of them just wondered for a while, then turned their attention to the book.Even the sound of going to work did not disturb them.

The two sisters, Su Jingyu, walked lightly, washed their faces and went to work.

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Xiaozhen studied one book after another, and if they didn't understand it, they would discuss it with each other.

Zhao Jingyi was originally a college student, and when she was studying, her grades were among the best.

So some problems, although I didn't understand them at the beginning, I studied them a few times later, and I slowly figured them out after a few times of research.

If Zhao Xiaozhen had any questions she didn't understand, she would ask Zhao Jingyi, and then write it down in her notebook. When she went back at night, she would contact her more often and write it down several times.

in the afternoon.

After three o'clock, near four o'clock, Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Xiaozhen raised their heads from their books.

Rubbing her neck and hammering her waist, Zhao Jing looked at the time and realized how long she and Zhao Xiaozhen had been studying.

He stood up, stretched his waist, yawned and said, "Come here first, I'll find some books for you later, take them back and show them to your brother, if there's anything you don't understand, teach them, if You don't understand either, come and find me."

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded: "Okay."

Noticing that there were only the two of them left in the main hall, he blinked suspiciously.

When did the Fourth Great-Grandpa and the others leave?
Zhao Jingyi also noticed, and she didn't know when they left.

(End of this chapter)

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