Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 396 From now on, the three of us, brothers and sisters, will never owe you anything

Chapter 396 From now on, the three of us, brothers and sisters, will never owe you anything

Speaking of this cursed doll, everyone's face changed drastically.

Zhao Jing's head was a little dizzy, and her face was even more ugly.

Seeing that Zhao Jingyi's face turned pale, Wang Guihua's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly said, "Grandma, please sit down first and calm down. Your complexion is not very good. Drink some water to calm down."

Zhao Jingyi didn't refuse, she was indeed a little dizzy and pissed off.

He took the bowl and drank two sips of water before he managed to calm down.

Zhao Changzhu looked at Zhao Jingyi worriedly.

"Grandma, calm down, don't get angry and ruin your body."

Zhao Jingyi was angry just now, but now she calmed down and asked, "What are you going to do about this matter?"

Zhao Changzhu said without hesitation: "Divorce."

Zhao Jianbai subconsciously shouted: "Father..."

Zhao Changzhu raised his hand to interrupt the words of his sons, and said, "It's not that you don't know what your mother has done all these years, I have endured it, but this time she is so vicious, I can't bear it any longer."

The three Zhao Jianbai brothers closed their eyes decadently.

To be honest, the captain didn't have any other emotions in his heart except for being angry at the beginning and feeling sorry for his father when his stepmother did such a thing.

Instead, I felt a sense of relief.

Although she treated them since she was a child, in addition to being flattering at the beginning and then being indifferent later, she took care of them no matter what.

This kind of kindness, this time, is to repay her original kindness. His father provided for them to study at that time, because she and her younger brothers suffered a lot for this matter.

The captain looked at his father, and said in a deep voice, "Father, mother, she did something wrong, but she is the third brother's mother after all, let alone she is old."

The old lady Huang looked at him in shock. She didn't expect the captain to plead for her at this time.

A bit of regret and guilt rose in my heart.

The three Zhao Jianbai brothers also looked at the big brother in front of them with the same shocked eyes.

Zhao Jianyuan didn't know why his eldest brother did this, but he believed him.

He said in a low voice, "I'm the same as big brother."

Zhao Changzhu looked at his two sons in tears.

Huang Hongli actually disagrees, but she respects her man's ideas.

The 'mother' just now was the last time the team leader called her like this: "This time, I've been honoring your kindness for taking care of me for so many years. From then on, the three of us, brothers and sisters, don't owe you anything."

After finishing speaking, the team leader bowed to Zhao Jingyi: "Auntie, please take care of us brothers, this matter should be left as it is."

Zhao Jingyi didn't know what else to say, but she respected his choice.

Nodded: "Okay."

Looking at Mrs. Huang, she said with a hint of warning in her eyes: "Remember, from today onwards, you'd better be honest, otherwise no one will be able to intercede for you next time."

The captain said, "Let's go."

After a long morning, the matter was settled in this way.

Before leaving, Zhao Jingyi looked at Zhao Jianbai's three brothers and said, "If anything happens in the future, I won't agree to it even if your elder brother asks for mercy. Watch your mother."

After speaking, he left with the captain and the others.

That's how the farce ended.

Not long after they left, the sound of getting off work rang.The atmosphere in Zhao Changzhu's house is still so low.

Maintain the appearance of Zhao Jingyi and the others after they left.

No one spoke, no one moved.

When Zhao Jingyi and the team leader walked halfway, Wang Guihua was very worried about Zhao Jingyi and wanted to go back with her, but she was worried that she would go back alone.

Zhao Jingyi is fine now, she was just a little bit dizzy because she was angry just now.

Now that the anger has subsided, naturally there is no problem.

Some helplessly said: "I'm really fine, I can just go back by myself, you guys go back and cook, it's really hot today."

Wang Guihua was very stubborn, it was related to Zhao Jingyi's body, she didn't dare to be careless, and said seriously: "I just saw that your face turned pale, we should send you back, otherwise we don't feel at ease."

Huang Hongli also helped to persuade: "Sister-in-law is right, auntie, please let us take you back, and we won't waste the effort of these few steps."

Zhao Jingyi was very helpless and could only nod her head: "Sure, let's go."

Wang Guihua and Huang Hongli walked on the left and right of Zhao Jingyi.

Zhao Jing sighed, two sons and daughter-in-law who are so good, why don't they know how to cherish them.

Fortunately, none of Zhao Changzhu's children belonged to Mrs. Huang, otherwise the trouble would be even bigger today.

Even though the two people around them didn't say anything, Zhao Jingyi knew how angry they were.

They are all kind people, but they just met such a mother-in-law.

Fortunately, Zhaojia Village has rules for family separation, and of course there are some individuals who are not separated, so I won't mention it, otherwise the whole village will be in chaos.

They were not far away, and they soon reached Zhao Jing's family.

Zhao Jing said to the two of them, "Okay, I'm home, you two should go back and make lunch."

Wang Guihua and Huang Hongli couldn't say anything more, nodded and said: "Okay, if you feel uncomfortable, you can tell us."

Zhao Jing nodded, and said with a smile: "I'm much better now, you don't have to worry so much, if you feel uncomfortable, I will tell you."

Wang Guihua and Huang Hongli nodded, and then left, each going home.

The captain and Zhao Jianyuan went back halfway.

It didn't take four people to send Zhao Jingyi off, so they went back.

Zhao Jing watched the two of them leave before opening the door and walking in. After opening the door, the two sisters Su Jingyan and Sister Su Jingyan could come in directly without opening the door.

Zhao Jingyi doesn't have any appetite right now, so she just went to stir-fry two vegetables for the two sisters.

There is still the porridge cooked in the morning, and they will come back when they are done.

Seeing that Zhao Jingyi had already finished cooking, she went to wash her hands and eat.

As soon as I sat down, I saw Zhao Jing walking towards the back of the kitchen with a bottle of water.

Su Jingyan asked suspiciously: "Little cousin, don't you eat lunch?"

Zhao Jing said without looking back, "I'm not hungry, you guys eat."

Su Jingyan didn't think too much, and continued to eat.

It is speculated that Zhao Jingyi may not be able to eat because of the hot weather.

She'll make something for herself if she's hungry later, so she's not worried.

Zhao Jingyi, who originally planned to go to work in the afternoon, was not in the slightest mood now. After watering the vegetables in the vegetable garden, she came back with a bucket and put it away. After washing her hands and feet, she went back to her room.

The system knew that Zhao Jingyi was in a bad mood, so it didn't bother her.

Zhao Jingyi sat on the edge of the kang, staring at the ground in a daze.

The system saw Zhao Jingyi like this, and called softly, "Host."

Zhao Jing blinked, continued to look at the ground, and let out a 'hmm'.

The system looked at Zhao Jingyi and couldn't see anything on the surface, but he could clearly feel Zhao Jingyi's mood swings: "Don't be angry, the host, because it's not worth it for such a person to get angry."

(End of this chapter)

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