Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 397 Unless Your Mother Leaves, There Is No Way

Chapter 397 Unless Your Mother Leaves, There Is No Way

Zhao Jing shook her head and said, "I'm fine, I just feel that she is too cheap."

Although the system also thinks it's too cheap for Mrs. Huang, but after all, it's separated: "But the host, this is their family business, we can't control it too much."

Zhao Jingyi also knew, so she was depressed.

Zhao Jingyi was a little disappointed after thinking of ways but couldn't come up with any good solution.

"Forget it, remember this time, if she is acting as a monster and settles new and old debts together, not to mention that Zhao Changzhu will not let her go easily."

System: "It would be nice if the host could think like this."

Zhao Jing nodded, the fan blows for a while, and she lays down for a while.

Go to work in a while.

The captain's family.

Zhao Jianyuan looked at the captain and asked, "Brother, do you want to tell sister about this?"

The captain said: "Let's talk about it later."

After all, the marriage is a bit far away, and it is not convenient to go back and forth.

Zhao Jianyuan nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Xiaozhen looked at her father and her second uncle, and wanted to ask what happened, but she didn't dare to ask.

Her father looked the same as usual, but she could feel that her father was not in a good mood.

So she dared not ask.

Zhao Jianyuan got along with Zhao Changzhu more than the team leader. After such a thing happened, it is impossible for his father to live with her: "Then what should I do?"

The team leader said lightly, "It depends on whose house he wants to live in."

Zhao Jianyuan nodded, it really depends on his thoughts, he hesitated and asked: "The third child..."

The captain paused and said: "She is her, the third child and the others are the third child and the others."

Zhao Jianyuan was slightly stunned and fell silent. He was not as broad-minded as his elder brother, and he would vent his anger in his heart.

However, the eldest brother is right, she is her, and the third child is the third child.

The team leader saw what was going on in his heart and said, "The youngest and the others are all good."

Zhao Jianyuan sighed and said, "Brother, I know."

Wang Guihua came out with the dishes and said, "It's time to eat, don't think so much."

Originally, they went back to their respective houses for dinner, but because of what happened just now, Zhao Jianyuan and Huang Hongli planned to come over with rations and talk about things by the way.

Zhao Huaiguo and Zhao Huaijun felt that the atmosphere at home was weird, and they frowned and asked, "What happened?"

Zhao Xiaozhen shook her head, and said in a low voice: "I'm not very clear about the details, but I do know that Grandpa and Grandma had a fight, and Grandpa said that they would be separated from Grandma, that is, a divorce."

Zhao Huaiguo was stunned, so he went to see off Fourth Grandpa and the others, and such a big thing happened: "So serious?"

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded: "Well, then my sister asked me to go to my grandparents, and my grandparents asked me to go to my parents, so I went. I was going to follow, but my mother wouldn't let me go, so I don't care what happened. do not know."

Zhao Huaijun looked at the four elders sitting there and said, "The second uncle is here, it seems that the matter is not small."

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded in agreement: "Yes, I think so too."

Huang Hongli looked up at the three of them standing there, and said, "Why are you three standing there, come over to eat."

Zhao Huaiguo originally wanted to say something, but when he heard his second aunt's words, he quickly said, "Here we are."

After all, what happened in the morning cannot be hidden from the villagers, especially those who live around Zhao Changzhu's house.

It didn't take long for half the village to know about it.

By the time the meeting goes to work, the whole village will know about it.

But they don't know exactly what happened.

But these years, the captain has a good reputation in the hearts of the villagers, and most of them are Mrs. Huang.

Many people in the village know and have heard of Mrs. Huang's origin, identity, and what happened back then.

Especially those who are of the same generation as Zhao Changzhu, who are about the same age.

"I also heard that my aunt was very angry, and I don't know if she was angry."

"This old yellow woman is too shameless."

A woman said with a look of disgust: "That's right, I live next door to their house and act like a demon all day long, so her son and the others can bear her being a demon all day long."

On the way to work, several women walked together and talked about it.

They were all saying bad things about Mrs. Huang alone.

As soon as Zhao Jing walked behind, the hat on her head was pressed down, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Zhao Xiaozhen was by her side.

Zhao Jiandong came over: "Auntie, why are you here?"

He heard something about what happened in the morning, and when he saw Zhao Jingyi, his first reaction was worry.

As soon as Zhao Jing raised her head, she said with a slight smile, "When you come to work, you can't stay at home all the time."

What Zhao Jiandong originally wanted to persuade her to rest in the lake area got stuck in her throat and she couldn't say it.

I can only nod my head: "Then you should be careful not to get tired, and rest if you feel uncomfortable."

Zhao Jing smiled and nodded: "I will."

Zhao Jiandong almost forgot to ask her where she was going, and asked, "Grandma, are you going to the sweet potato field or the soybean field, or..."

Zhao Jingyi felt that it was the same everywhere: "Everything is fine."

Zhao Jiandong hesitated for a moment and asked, "Then go to the sweet potato field?"

He was keeping score for the sweet potatoes, so he wanted Zhao Jingyi to go to his place a little bit selfishly.

Zhao Jing took a look at him and guessed what he meant, she smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Zhao Jiandong smiled and said, "I'll go and tell the captain, you go first."

Finished talking and left.

Zhao Jingyi smiled helplessly.

Everyone around them must have heard what they said, but they didn't think there was anything wrong with what Zhao Jiandong said, on the contrary they thought it was good.

And no matter who manages the field, it is the same.

They took good care of Zhao Jingyi.After all, no one has brothers and sisters.

Except for Zhao Xiaoya, that is, Zhao Jingyi.

Moreover, Zhao Jingyi is still an elder, young and sensible.

It is also good for the juniors in the village.

In addition, whether her grandparents, or her parents, have helped the villagers.

Everyone else said that Mrs. Huang was not good, on the one hand because of the team leader, and on the other hand because of Zhao Jingyi.

They all saw how much the captain's family took care of Zhao Jingyi. Moreover, the captain was very fair to the villagers, and was recommended by Zhao Jingyi's father.

The old lady Huang's move was not just as simple as offending the captain and the others.

It also made Zhao Jingyi angry. No one in the village knew that Zhao Jingyi was in poor health and couldn't stand it.

Mrs. Huang is now the same as Mrs. Ma and Mrs. Liu in the eyes of the villagers.

Disgusting, loathing.

Zhao Changzhu's home.

Sitting on a stool, Zhao Changzhu looked at his three sons and one daughter and said, "I'll live with your elder brother, and your mother will live with you from now on."

Zhao Jianbai also wanted to persuade: "Father..."

Zhao Changzhu interrupted what he was going to say: "It is impossible for me and your mother to live under the same roof. I will never forgive her for what she did."

Zhao Jianbai asked in a muffled voice without giving up: "Is there really no other way?"

Zhao Changzhu looked at his third son, shook his head and said, "Unless your mother leaves, there is nothing I can do."

(End of this chapter)

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