Chapter 398

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Jianbai fell silent, and Zhao Jianxin and the others fell silent.

That was their mother, how could they abandon her and let her go back.

One is the father and the other is the mother, they can only choose one.

Dad has the elder brother and the second brother, as well as them, but his mother only has a few sons and daughters of them, even though she has done something wrong.

Zhao Changzhu sighed and said, "Go and help me pack my things and move to your elder brother's house."

Zhao Jianbai nodded weakly: "My son knows, dad."

The three brothers went into the house to pack Zhao Changzhu's things.

There are only Zhao Changzhu and Zhao Minghe father and daughter left in the main hall.

Zhao Changzhu said: "Ming He, you can go back today, you can't leave your family behind."

She has already married and has children, and she can no longer live at home like she did when she was a girl.

Zhao Minghe nodded: "Father, I know, I will go back in the afternoon."

She also wanted to persuade her father not to move to her elder brother's house, but she couldn't speak.

What her mother did and said, the brothers didn't know, but she did.

She has no face to persuade her father.

Zhao Changzhu looked at the black and thin little girl, and sighed:

"Don't let yourself be wronged, don't bear with anything, come back and tell your father and your brother."

Zhao Minghe's eyes turned red, and he looked at him: "Father, Shuanzi is very good to me, and he didn't wrong me. Don't worry about me."

Zhao Changzhu nodded: "That's good."

Thinking of the eldest daughter and the second daughter, especially the eldest daughter, he felt guilty: "Walk around more with your elder sister and second sister when you have time."

Zhao Minghe knew who his father was most concerned about: "My second sister and I go to see my eldest sister every year. Don't worry, my eldest brother-in-law treats my eldest sister very well. At home, the eldest sister has the final say."

Zhao Changzhu nodded.

The town, the black market.

Chen Bao brought Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang to Zheng Cheng's residence: "Brother Cheng, someone brought them here."

Zheng Cheng looked up at them and said lightly, "Please sit down."

Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang looked at each other: "Thank you."

Chen Bao looked at Zheng Cheng and said, "Brother Cheng, I'm going out first."

Zheng Cheng nodded: "Go."

After Chen Bao went out, Zheng Cheng poured three cups of tea, pushed them to the two of them and said, "Have some tea."

Ji Mingxuan held out his hand, "Thank you."

Su Jingyang was a little confused about the attitude of the person in front of him, just like Ji Mingxuan, he picked up his teacup and thanked him.

Only then did Zheng Cheng get to the point: "I heard that the two of you are looking for me and want to discuss cooperation with me?"

Ji Mingxuan smiled and said, "That's right, I have business in Zhuang, and I want to talk to you, Brother Cheng."

Zheng Cheng exhaled a puff of smoke ring, his expression was a little unclear, and he said meaningfully: "I am not someone who can talk to me about business."

Ji Mingxuan smiled: "We all know the rules, but if you cooperate with us, Brother Cheng, you won't suffer."

Zheng Cheng said lightly: "I won't suffer even if I don't cooperate with you."

Ji Mingxuan's smile didn't change: "It's natural, it's just that there's better interest, more income, and no danger, so you're not tempted by Brother Cheng's deal?"

Zheng Cheng looked at him and said in his heart: There is something, these two boys.

With the same expression, he asked lightly: "How do I know if what you said is true or not?"

Ji Mingxuan took a sip of tea, raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother Cheng should have investigated the two of us. With our identities and backgrounds, Brother Cheng thinks it is necessary for me to lie?"

Zheng Cheng could not deny that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

What's more, he not only checked the identities and backgrounds of the two of them, but also found some other things.

It took some connections to find out.

"Since this is the case, let's stop beating around the bush and just tell me, what kind of cooperation do you two want to talk to me about?"

Ji Mingxuan liked this kind of thing, and said straight to the point: "I heard that Brother Cheng has rare items, and we want to cooperate with Brother Cheng. You ship the goods, and we send contacts and channels."

Zheng Cheng raised his eyebrows, why do these words feel so familiar.

"I'm not the only one who owns rare things, so why come to me?"

The corner of Ji Mingxuan's mouth twitched and said, "Brother Cheng, don't be joking, the other places also took it from you."

Zheng Cheng didn't find out about it and they even knew about it. It seems that he still underestimated them.

But on second thought, yes, it is not difficult to know.

After all, they are here too.

Zheng Cheng thought for a while, these two brats are capable, but he can only decide how to divide them: "If you want to get goods from me, it's not impossible, but you can only divide them by three or seven."

Su Jingyang almost couldn't hold back, it's too dark.

Ji Mingxuan frowned: "Brother Cheng, you must be eating too much."

Zheng Cheng chuckled and said: "Since you can find out, the goods are from me, so you must also be able to find out the black market. I am not the only one who has the final say."

Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang looked at each other. They had heard about this, but no one had seen the other person, so they thought it was a rumor and it was not credible.

Now that Zheng Cheng admitted it, it turned out to be true.

Ji Mingxuan pondered for a while and asked, "So this is what the other person meant?"

Zheng Cheng smiled and said nothing.

How could it be possible, only three or seven points, he got the same as them, and the four points were for Zhao Jingyi.

Things belong to her, so naturally she takes the lead.

Ji Mingxuan shook his head and said, "Sanqi, no, Brother Cheng, you are also in this business, you should know that this is too little."

It was impossible for Zheng Cheng to give in, and said without hesitation: "No, then there is no need to talk."

Ji Mingxuan frowned and glanced at Su Jingyang, Su Jingyang shook his head, it was too dark.

Ji Mingxuan also felt that it was too dark, but no one else had their things except them, not to mention that others also took them from them.

"Do you think this is okay? Let's go back and discuss it first, and then talk to Brother Cheng later."

Zheng Cheng nodded, not worried at all: "Yes, but I can't return it. I believe you have seen all the things, so I won't say much."

Ji Mingxuan stood up and said, "Okay, let's go back and discuss it."

Zheng Cheng said to Lin Sheng outside: "Ah Sheng, see off the guests."

Lin Sheng pushed open the door from the outside, walked in, and said to Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang, "Please."

Su Jingyang and Ji Mingxuan nodded to Zheng Cheng: "Farewell."

Said the two walked out, Lin Sheng followed them and sent them out of the black market.

On the way, Su Jingyang wanted to tell Lin Sheng what to say, but Lin Sheng lightly resisted it.

It was here that Su Jingyang hit a wall twice, and almost vomited blood out of breath.

At the gate of the black market, Ji Mingxuan thanked Lin Sheng: "Please send us out."

Lin Sheng smiled and said, "You're welcome, goodbye."

After speaking, he walked back slowly.

Su Jingyang looked at Lin Sheng who was walking away, and asked Ji Mingxuan: "Brother Xuan, what should we do now?"

Ji Mingxuan walked out, and said as he walked, "Go back and talk to Song Min first, and see what he has to say."

Su Jingyang was a little irritable. He thought it would be smooth sailing, but he didn't expect to eat worse than them.

(End of this chapter)

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