Chapter 399 Jiang Lin

Zhao Jingyi didn't know what happened in the town, even if she knew, she still believed that Zheng Cheng could handle it well.

At this moment, she was waiting for Zhao Jiandong under the big tree in the sweet potato field.

Others were already busy in the fields.

System: "Host, the man on the right wearing dark blue clothes is Jiang Lin."

As soon as Zhao Jing looked up, she was thin and tall, and she couldn't see her face clearly.

Although I can't see what it looks like, but I can tell that it looks a little darker, and compared with the villagers, it is considered fair.

Zhao Jing said with a smile: "I wanted to find a chance to meet, but I didn't expect to come on the first day, and I just happened to meet."

After watching for a while, Zhao Jingyi withdrew her gaze and looked elsewhere.

Jiang Lin sensed that someone was looking at him, and was about to raise his head to see who it was, when his sight disappeared.

Looking at the source of the line of sight, it happened to be in the direction of Zhao Jingyi.

It's just that she didn't look at herself.

Jiang Lin couldn't help wondering: Could it be that I was overthinking it?

Forget it, let's do the work, see if we can finish it early, and help her.

Zhao Jingyi also felt Jiang Lin's gaze, and talked to the desktop in her mind: "It's very sharp."

The system smiled and said, "The host's eyes may be too obvious."

Zhao Jing raised her eyebrows slightly: "It's fair and aboveboard."

After a while, Zhao Jiandong ran over, after all, the brigade headquarters was some distance away.

His vest and vest were wet.

"Grandma, I've already told the team leader, just watch and get used to it slowly."

Zhao Jing stood up and nodded: "Okay."

She didn't refuse, Zhao Jiandong took her to the other side, made arrangements, took out a notebook and wrote Zhao Jingyi's name.

After exhorting and exhorting, he walked away.

As soon as Zhao Jing moved her wrist, she took a tool and started digging sweet potatoes.

As for the speed, I didn't deliberately control it, and the performance was the same as before.

Under the big tree, although Zhao Jiandong was resting, his eyes were always on Zhao Jingyi.

Seeing her sluggishly working, I was a little surprised.

However, he soon found an excuse for Zhao Jingyi and was full of energy.

I haven't worked for a long time, so it's easy to get started now, but I get tired after a while.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know about Zhao Jiandong's brain supplement. Anyway, her speed is not slow, and she might not be used to it at first. After digging for a while, she gradually got used to it.

About half an hour or so, the half ridge is almost finished.

Zhao Jiandong can also see it now, it seems that he is too worried.

This sweet potato field is not planted in one piece, but several pieces.

After inspecting one area, Zhao Jiandong still has to go there.

The population of Zhaojia Village is as large as that of the surrounding two or three villages.

The land area is also relatively large, so the area for farming is naturally also.

Otherwise, how to feed a village.

This time in October is when the crops are harvested.

The busiest part of the year is harvest time, except for planting.

Although there are many lands and things, there are also many people.

In addition, there are quite a lot of labor in the village. It is so hot like now, and some of them need to be watered before they are planted, so they have to arrange for people to carry water from the river to water the fields and crops.

This is manual work, the river is a little far from the ground, and the road in the ground is not easy to go back and forth. The back and forth and the hot weather, especially around noon and afternoon, the sun is very poisonous.

Everyone is the same, with their backs to the sky and face to the ground, working hard against the sun, in order to eat three meals a day.

(End of this chapter)

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