Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 401 I was crushed to death before I acted

Chapter 401 I was crushed to death before I acted
Before she could move, she was crushed to death.

She doesn't care much about the others.

There are only a few with good backgrounds, go and go, and those who have masters have masters.

After all, these two conditions are the best.
Fu Kanghui was too old, and he didn't like him, so Jiang Lin was the only one left, but now Jiang Lin also has someone he likes.

If it were someone else, she could still grab it. The problem is that although Su Jingyu is not as smart as her sister, she can't grab it either.

Not to mention anything else, her background is quite powerful.

She couldn't grab this one thing, not to mention that her brother, sister, and her cousin were all there. Based on this, the people in the village were somewhat related to him. Although it was a bit far-fetched, it was also related.

How could she rob someone.

Tong Xin could only grit her teeth and swallow this unwillingness into her stomach.

Su Jingyu felt Tong Xin's gaze, and looked over with a puzzled expression.

Tong Xin snorted and turned her head away, not looking at her.

Su Jingyu: "..." This person's mind doesn't seem to be very bright.

Seeing that she stopped, Jiang Lin asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Su Jingyu shook her head: "It's okay."

Then continue to collect soybeans.

With Jiang Lin's help, Su Jingyu was still nearly halfway from reaching the standard, and she had already collected enough before she left work.

Su Jingyu smiled and said happily: "Fortunately, there is you, Comrade Xiao Jiang, I will treat you to something to eat in a few days."

Jiang Lin froze for a moment, smiled and nodded: "Okay."

I slowly had expectations in my heart.

But what Su Jingyu thought was.

It seems that there is still some money in my small bag, and it should be enough to buy some meat and cook a meal. I would like to thank Comrade Xiao Jiang for his help.

If it is not enough, ask my sister to borrow some.

He has helped me so many times, and the last time I encountered a snake was thanks to Comrade Xiao Jiang.

She is not the kind of person who does not remember gratitude.

At about five o'clock, the sound of work quitting.

Others also gradually weighed the grain they harvested today.

Weigh it well, and those who remember the centimeter can leave first.

Tools and so on, someone will come and put them away in a while.

Zhao Jingyi's things were carried by the villagers to weigh them, and Zhao Jiandong also weighed hers first, and after recording the centimeters, Zhao Jingyi was asked to go back to rest.

Then call someone else's.

As soon as Zhao Jing took the water bottle, she patted the soil on her body, drank a few sips of water, and walked home.

Walking to the only way into the village from Congdi, I happened to run into Su Jing and Jiang Lin.

Seeing Zhao Jingyi, Su Jingyu subconsciously distanced herself from Jiang Lin, and felt as if she was caught by her parents.

Jiang Lin was wondering why Su Jingyu suddenly changed her face, but ended up looking in the direction she was looking.

Seeing Zhao Jingyi, Jiang Lin felt awkward for a moment.

Like Su Jingyu, she felt like she was overwhelmed and frightened when her parents found out about the person she was secretly talking to.

Su Jingyu grabbed the corner of her clothes, lowered her head and whispered, "Little, little, little cousin."

Zhao Jing nodded and walked forward without saying anything.

Seeing Zhao Jingyi leaving directly, Su Jingyu not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but was even more worried.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Su Jingyu's expression was not right, she asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

Su Jingyu shook her head: "I'm fine, I'll go back first."

After speaking, he ran away.

Jiang Lin was slightly taken aback.

Immediately thinking of something, there was a little worry in his eyes.

At this time, several friends who were educated youths with him came over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Jiang Lin, why are you standing here in a daze, you have to go back, you are exhausted."

 I got vaccinated today... My hands hurt so much, everyone, remember to get vaccinated, take care of yourself, and protect yourself
(End of this chapter)

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