Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 402 If You Like Someone, Just Tell Him

Chapter 402 If You Like Someone, Just Tell Him

Jiang Lin came back to his senses, smiled and nodded: "It's nothing, I was thinking that I haven't written a letter to my family for a while, and I will write a letter to my family when I get back."

Chen Mingyun and Chen Zhiqing on the shoulders of Jiang Lin listened and nodded. After thinking about it, they seemed to be the same, and said, "We are too. We will be together later, and then we will send together."

As they spoke, several people walked to the educated youth spot together.

Along the way, Jiang Lin was always a little absent-minded.

Chen Mingyun looked at him strangely: "Jiang Lin, what's going on with you today, could it be that your confession failed?"

Jiang Lin's face darkened, and he pushed him away angrily: "Go, go, what are you talking about."

Chen Mingyun gritted his teeth, and didn't mind at all, and said, "If you like someone, just tell them. Look at that girl, she's so stupid. If you don't tell me a lesson, she might not be able to react when her hair turns gray." .”

Jiang Lin subconsciously said, "How is that possible."

After finishing speaking, his bad friends looked at him with smirks on their faces, and Jiang Lin knew that they were tricking him just now, but what he subconsciously said also made him stunned for a moment.After he reacted, he realized that he didn't know when he had a crush on the girl who laughed heartlessly all day long and never paid attention to her image.

Jiang Lin didn't know what to say for a while.

Chen Mingyun laughed for a long time, and found that Jiang Lin was silent, and several people looked at each other, thinking: Could it be that he was angry.

Cautiously asked tentatively, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Lin shook his head: "It's okay."

After finishing speaking, he left. At this moment, his heart was disturbed.

Chen Mingyun and the others looked at his walking figure, look at me.I look at you.

Qiu Sheng asked: "What should I do?"

Yang Xin shook his head: "I don't know."

Chen Mingyun thought for a while and said: "Go back and have a look first, Jiang Lin is not a stingy person, maybe he didn't think about it himself."

Qiu Sheng and Yang Xin nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Jing's family.

As soon as Zhao Jing arrived home, Su Jingyu hurried back on her back.

Zhao Jing turned her head and looked at her face covered in sweat and panting, wondering: Why is this girl running in such a hurry?
The system snickered and said, "She thought the host was angry, so she ran back immediately."

Zhao Jing was stunned for a moment, what the hell?She is angry?What are you angry about?

Doubts and repeated questions popped up in my mind.

After the system explained, Zhao Jingyi was a little speechless. What's the matter?

There's nothing to be angry about, let alone she didn't say anything.

When Su Jing saw Zhao Jing looking at her, she thought she was going to discipline her, and she seemed a little reserved.

When Zhao Jing saw her like this, she burst into a 'puchi' laugh, and said, "I won't tell your brother, don't be nervous, if you like it, just ask him if he would like to come back with you to be serious Come over to have a meal."

Hearing Zhao Jingyi's laughter, Su Jingxi was stunned for a moment, and then heard the words behind it.

His face flushed instantly, and he quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, little cousin, you misunderstood me. He and I are just friends, not that kind of relationship."

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at her, she raised her eyebrows with a half-smile and said, "Just friends? Really?"

Su Jingyu didn't dare to look directly into Zhao Jingyi's eyes, she subconsciously looked elsewhere, and said stiffly, "Of course, they are friends, what else can they be if they are not friends."

The more you speak, the quieter you are.

As soon as Zhao Jing saw her like this, she didn't know why, she already felt her heart a little bit.

But she subconsciously denied it.

But it's obvious in words and actions.

(End of this chapter)

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