Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 403 Su Jingyan, Su Jingyu: Is this too cruel?

Chapter 403 Su Jingyan, Su Jingyu: Is this too cruel?

Zhao Jingyi shrugged her shoulders and said, "Okay, friends are friends, just pretend I didn't say that, go wash your face and wipe the sweat off your face."

Su Jingyu wanted to say something more, but she didn't know how to say it.

In the end, I had to clean up the sweat and mud on my body.

Zhao Jingyi shook her head with a helpless smile.

After washing my hands, I went back to the room and took a suit of clothes, and took the water that had been dried at noon to the toilet to wash.

When she came out, Su Jingyan had already returned and was preparing the dishes to be cooked later.

The moment I walked out, there was an inexplicable feeling of not being used to it.

In the morning, the house is still lively.

Now it's suddenly quieter, which makes her quite uncomfortable.

I don't know what happened to them now.

It's been smooth sailing along the way.

Su Jingyan saw Zhao Jingyi holding the bucket in a daze at the door of the toilet, and shouted: "Little cousin, what are you thinking?"

Once Zhao Jing came to her senses, she shook her head and said, "It's nothing. What's for dinner tonight?"

Su Jingyan raised the sauerkraut in her hand and said, "It's hot, eat something lighter."

Zhao Jing thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'm making a light broth."

Su Jingyan nodded: "Okay."

Going to work is basically physical work, so if possible, I still need to replenish my energy.

As soon as Zhao Jing got some water, she washed the changed clothes, hung them up, and then went to collect the things that were drying in the yard.

Just as it was being put away, Ji Mingxuan and the others came back.

Ji Mingxuan looked at so many things and said, "The two of us will move the things in a while, and you can put them away."

Zhao Jing nodded, "Okay."

As he said that, he continued to pick up the noodles on the bamboo poles. In fact, they were almost dry, and they would be basically dry after another day of drying tomorrow.

After parking the car, Ji Mingxuan went to wash his hands first, and then came over to help clean up after drying his hands.

Noticing the red muzzle on Zhao Jing's hand, she frowned subconsciously: "Did you go to work today?"

Zhao Jing was taken aback for a moment, and saw Ji Mingxuan looking at her hand, looking over, her tiger's mouth was red, she smiled and said, "Well, I can't stay at home all the time."

Ji Mingxuan looked at her seriously and said, "Yes, you can stay with me at home and take care of you at work."

Zhao Jing choked one by one, and said helplessly, "No, I can go to work to earn work points."

Ji Mingxuan knew that she would not agree, but he still did not give up trying to convince her, especially since the temperature has not shown any signs of cooling recently, so he said worriedly: "It's too hard, not to mention the weather is so hot, what should I do if I suffer from heat stroke."

Zhao Jingyi said patiently: "No, I'm very careful, besides, I'll find a place to rest when I'm tired, so I won't let myself suffer from heat stroke."

Ji Mingxuan sighed helplessly: "Okay, then you have to be careful, even if you don't go to work, it's fine, if you're really tired, just rest, you know, don't make me worry."

Zhao Jing smiled and nodded obediently: "Okay."

He won't force her to do something she doesn't want to do.

The two chatted while collecting things and quickly put them away.

in the kitchen.

Concubine Su Jing was carrying the dishes out to wash, but she saw Zhao Jingyi and Ji Mingxuan talking and laughing, there was nothing wrong with it, but why is it a little sweet?
The whole person was stunned, and he walked back with the food in a daze and asked, "Sixth brother, little cousin and brother Xuan..."

Su Jingyang was cooking, and turned his head in doubt: "What's wrong?"

Su Jingyan, who was burning the fire, also looked at her with a puzzled expression.

Su Jingyu originally wanted to ask if the two of them were together, but after thinking about it, it seemed that something was wrong, so she immediately changed her mind and asked: "Are they two, no, is Brother Xuan interested in little cousin?"

Hearing this, Su Jingyan was dumbfounded, and subconsciously looked at Su Jingyang.

Su Jingyang paused with his hands, his expression unchanged: "Did you see it?"

Su Jingyu nodded: "Well, I was about to wash the vegetables just now, and I accidentally saw it."

Su Jingyang sighed and said, "Well, brother Xuan is pursuing little cousin."

As soon as these words came out, Su Jingyan and Su Jingyu didn't realize it for a long time. When she came back to her senses, Su Jingyan said a little unhappy: "Sixth brother, you know why..."

Su Jingyang stir-fried the vegetables in the pot twice, looked at the two of them and asked, "You mean to say why I didn't stop you?"

Su Jingyan nodded: "Yes."

Su Jingyang said calmly, "The old man and my parents can't stop it, how can I stop it."

Su Jingyan and Su Jingyu were stunned: "Grandfather, they all know?"

Su Jingyang sighed: "Otherwise."

Su Jingyan and Su Jingyu had nothing to say: "This..."

Isn't this too ruthless? Brother Shijia wants to become his uncle.

Zhao Jingyi walked in with her things: "What are you talking about?"

Just as Su Jing wanted to ask if she was with Ji Mingxuan, she saw Ji Mingxuan walking in, and changed the topic: "It's nothing, Brother Six asked me to wash the vegetables."

Zhao Jingyi didn't think much about it, she nodded and made room for her.

Ji Mingxuan walked in and checked to see if there was anything he could help.

I walked to another stove, opened the lid of the pot and looked at the porridge, put it in a basin when it was cooked, and used a fan to cool down the rice outside.

Zhao Jingyi originally wanted to help out, but, what should be done, they should be done.

Helpless, I had to take out the bowls and chopsticks first.

I don't get in their way in the kitchen anymore.

Another stove was vacated, Ji Mingxuan took the cleaned pot, and opened it with Su Jingyang, so that the speed would be faster.

Ji Mingxuan looked at the cut meat beside him, and asked, "What is this meat for?"

Su Jingyan pushed the firewood into the stove, raised her head and said, "Little cousin said she wants to make broth."

Ji Mingxuan nodded and fried the potatoes in the pot.

Broth is on the mind, what kind of broth is good.

At this time, Zhao Jing walked over and said, "It's better to keep it simple. You can put two eggs, break them up, and then put some chopped green onions in."

It was the first time Ji Mingxuan heard of this method, but she wanted to eat and drink this kind of soup, so she made it, and nodded to her: "Okay, I understand, you go out and blow the fan, and leave it to us here."

Zhao Jingyi didn't refuse, nodded, and went to the main hall to sit down.

Suddenly, his eyes saw that the gloves made for Su Jingyu's two sisters were rotten.

After thinking about it, I went back to the room, found a few pieces of fabric left over from making clothes, took out the needle and thread, cut it out, and started sewing.

After Su Jingxi finished washing the dishes, she went to get her clothes to wash.

The captain's family.

When Zhao Xiaozhen came back, she saw that her grandpa just moved back yesterday, and today he moved home again, and there are more things than yesterday.

Confused, what's the matter?

Seeing his second brother standing inside, Zhao Xiaozhen put her things away, washed her hands and walked over.

He asked in a low voice, "Second brother, what's the matter?"

In fact, Zhao Huaijun didn't know what was going on, he only knew that his grandfather moved to live with us: "My grandfather moved to live with us."

(End of this chapter)

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