Chapter 404 Will She Like Me
He knew it after hearing it, and didn't know what happened. Zhao Xiaozhen watched her elder brother busy in the room, and thought about going to the kitchen.

Zhao Jianxin was talking to the captain and Zhao Jianyuan in the room.

Wang Guihua is busy in the kitchen.

As soon as Zhao Xiaozhen entered the kitchen, she walked over to help.

"Mother, are you going to live in our house forever?"

Wang Guihua said without raising her head, "Well, your master will live with us from now on."

Although Zhao Xiaozhen also had guesses in her heart, she was still a little surprised when she heard what she heard: "Mother, did something happen?"

Wang Guihua said lightly: "Children, don't ask so many questions."

Zhao Xiaozhen heard that her mother had a bad temper.

I pouted and didn't ask any more.

Helping with the cooking, I thought about going to my grandparents tomorrow to ask about the situation.

In the room.

Zhao Jianxin said with guilt on his face, "Big Brother, Second Brother, I'm so sorry."

The captain knew what he wanted to express, and he would not anger them: "It's okay."

Zhao Jianyuan said: "You don't have to worry, fourth brother. My eldest brother and I don't blame you, and this matter is not your fault."

Zhao Jianxin was a little moved.

The team leader saw Zhao Jianxin's self-consciousness, "Minghe went back?"

Zhao Jianxin nodded: "I went back, I went back at noon, and my father asked her to go back."

The captain nodded: "That's good."

It's okay to go back, and you don't have to get involved in these bad things anymore.

Although I have already known and seen many things, but whether there will be more in the future, no one can say for sure.

Seeing that Zhao Jianxin was still preoccupied, the captain raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, don't think too much, your second brother and I won't blame you, and it's not your fault, work hard to earn work points , the children have grown up, and they are about to marry a wife."

Zhao Jianyuan nodded and said, "Brother is right."

"Well, I see, big brother, second brother, then I'll go back first."

The captain nodded and stood up and said, "Okay."

After watching Zhao Jianxin leave, he said a few more words to Zhao Jianyuan, and Zhao Jianyuan also went back.

Educated youth point.

The three of Chen Mingyun came back and saw Jiang Lin sitting at the door of the room. After the three of them looked at each other, Chen Mingyun walked over and sat aside: "Jiang Lin, what are you thinking, are you not angry?"

Jiang Lin shook his head, hesitated for a while and asked the doubts in his heart: "No, it's just that you think I really like her?"

Chen Mingyun was stunned. He had been thinking about this just now?
"Could it be that you don't like it?"

Jiang Lin shook his head: "I don't know."

Chen Mingyun asked in a low voice: "Have you ever dated someone else?"

Jiang Lin nodded: "Yes."

Chen Mingyun understood, this kid probably doesn't even know what liking is.

A girl who definitely didn't like it before.

"Like is that when you see her, you will be unconsciously happy and your eyes will fall on her unconsciously."

"If you like her, you will be happy if she is happy. If she is not happy, you will not be happy either. Your emotions will follow her. If you don't see her, you will think about her unconsciously..."

The more Jiang Lin listened, the more he felt that Chen Mingyun was easy to understand, and he was right on point.

Chen Mingyun talked a lot, felt that it was almost done, and asked: "You have all these, right?"

Jiang Lin nodded embarrassingly: "Yes."

Chen Mingyun smiled and said: "That's what I like. Now that you are done with your own work, will you help her? Are you happy to work with her?"

Jiang Lin hesitated and asked, "Then, do you think she will like me?"

Chen Mingyun looked at Jiang Lin in surprise: "Are you asking me?"

Jiang Lin nodded: "Yes."

Looking at him expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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