Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 446 Su Jingshen Arrives

Chapter 446 Su Jingshen Arrives

But no one cares about them. After all, their relationship is just average. Don't look at living in a dormitory, but this relationship is really not that good.

Lin Jing felt that other people were looking at her, and said angrily, "What are you looking at?"

Tong Xin was not happy anymore, and said in a strange way: "If you don't look at us, how do you know that we are looking at you? There is something wrong."

Li Hongying was also a little dissatisfied. Hearing Tong Xin's words, she said silently in her heart: Well said.

Xu Jiao said lightly: "The dormitory belongs to everyone, not you alone. We don't seem to need to report to you."

Lin Jing choked, and her face became even uglier. Sun Qianqian looked like she had nothing to do with her. If it was normal, Sun Qianqian would still help her, but now it is impossible for her to help.

Lin Jing has always been calm, but when it happened to Su Jingyang, she would become confused.

Lin Jing only felt that she was being laughed at by them like a clown, so she stood up angrily and glared at them: "You..."

Finally ran out with red eyes.

Seeing her like this, Tong Xin rolled her eyes and said strangely: "There's something wrong with her. She usually pretends to be serious, but it turned out that she was just putting on a show. I thought it was so powerful."

Sun Qianqian's eyes flickered, her lips moved slightly, trying to say something, but in the end she didn't speak, she silently packed her things.

Lin Jing ran out and ran into Fu Kanghui.

Fu Kanghui already had a good impression of her, but when he saw her running out red-eyed, he hesitated and followed her.

Gu Beichuan just got out of the shower and saw this scene, his brows were slightly wrinkled, but he soon let go.

Fu Kanghui followed Lin Jing to the back of the educated youth spot, under a big tree at the foot of the back mountain.

Lin Jing took a stick angrily, and slapped the grass to vent her anger, tears fell from her eyes: "Why don't you like me, why, what's wrong with me, why even your sister bullies me... ..."

Fu Kanghui stood in the distance listening to her venting, frowning.

He always knew that Lin Jing liked Su Jingyang, but Su Jingyang didn't like her, but Lin Jing couldn't let her go.

Fu Kanghui didn't believe what she said about Su Jingyang's younger sister bullying her.

Because he has met Su Jingyang's two younger sisters, the elder sister is gentle, and the younger sister is lively, not to mention that Jiang Lin likes Su Jingyang's lively younger sister, the gentle one, who speaks softly and softly, but Lin Jing's temper, how can he May be bullied.

Fu Kanghui sighed, shook his head and turned back.

After all, he and she are not people who can be together. Fortunately, they just have some good impressions, not deep feelings, but they will feel a little sad in their hearts after all.

It was broken before it even started.

Gu Beichuan was doing laundry at first, but when he saw Fu Kanghui coming back so soon, his face was still a bit lonely, and his eyes flickered.

He kept his head down and continued to wash clothes.

Fu Kanghui went straight back to the dormitory.

Zhao Jingyi and the others didn't know what happened at the educated youth spot.

Even if I knew it, there was no special reaction.

For them, Lin Jing is very troublesome, it's okay if they don't stick to it, but if they do, it will affect their mood a bit.

For Su Jingyang, it was a big trouble. He didn't like annoying women.

A week passed in a flash.

Su Jingshen didn't arrive in Langtou Town until today because of the train.

Someone will naturally pick him up when he arrives, and the accommodation has been arranged, but he doesn't plan to live in the town.

Instead, go to Zhaojia Village.

No one except the Su family knew the news of his coming here, so he explained everything and made arrangements to have someone drive him to the entrance of Zhaojiacun.

Su Jingshen carried two boxes and walked into the village entrance.

Through the grove, we arrived at the village.

It was already afternoon at this time, but the villagers hadn't finished work yet, Su Jingshen looked at the earthen houses in front of him and couldn't tell which one belonged to Zhao Jing's family.

After thinking for a while, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

Su Jingyu drew it for him, saying it was a map of Zhaojia Village.

Su Jingshen's face was tense, and he even looked at the paper in his hand, no, it should be the so-called 'map of Zhaojia Village', wishing to see a hole.

He shouldn't have trusted that old fifth bastard.

The so-called map of Zhaojia Village is actually nothing more than two points, a line, and the words left and right on the side, plus a few numbers.

Su Jing took a deep breath, it's no wonder that the fifth child asked him to open it when he arrived.

It's no wonder that the way my uncle looked at me was indescribable.

Zhao Xiaoya came down from the back mountain, carrying a pannier with some branches in it.

Seeing a stranger standing at the intersection, he hesitated and walked over.

"You are not from our village, are you here to find someone?"

When Su Jingshen saw Zhao Xiaoya, his eyes lit up, and he nodded, "I'm here to find someone, where do you live, Zhao Jingyi?"

Zhao Xiaoya looked at him vigilantly and asked, "Who are you and what do you want her for?"

Su Jingshen didn't mind her vigilance, but said with a good attitude: "I am Su Jingyang's third brother, Su Jingyang, you should know him, if you don't, Su Jingyu and Su Jingyan, I am also their third brother."

Zhao Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, seeing that he could accurately name Su Jingyan and the others.

I already believe it a little bit.

Say, "Are you really?"

Su Jingshen nodded: "Really."

Zhao Xiaoya hesitated for a moment and said, "Then come with me."

Su Jingshen smiled and said, "Thank you."

Zhao Xiaoya nodded, and walked into the village with a basket on her back.

Su Jingshen followed her, looking at such a thin little girl, carrying a backpack bigger than her, filled with branches, feeling a little complicated.

She was about the same age as Su Jingyan, but she helped the family early.

Zhao Xiaoya brought Su Jingshen to Zhao Jing's house, and she didn't know whether she was at home or not, so she walked up and knocked on the door.

Zhao Jingyi was originally making clothes at home, but she was a little tired. She just took out her mobile phone and read a novel for a while, when she heard a knock on the door.

The system said: "It's Zhao Xiaoya, she brought Su Jingshen here."

When Zhao Jing heard Su Jingshen's name, she thought she had heard it wrong.

"Su Jingshen?"

System: "Hmm."

Zhao Jing was stunned: "When did he come?"

System: "I don't know, Beijing is too far away, the system can't monitor it."

Zhao Jing put away her mobile phone, and walked out full of doubts: "Here we come."

Walking to the gate and opening it, seeing Zhao Xiaoya and Su Jingshen, she was really shocked.

"Shen Jing, why are you here?"

Su Jingshen smiled and said, "Long time no see, little cousin."

Zhao Jing was startled and said, "Long time no see, come in."

Then he looked at Xiaoya and said, "Xiaoya, come in too."

Zhao Xiaoya originally wanted to say, go back by herself, but as soon as Zhao Jing walked over, she took her hand.

Zhao Xiaoya had no choice but to follow in.

Zhao Jing said to her, "I'm having dinner at home tonight, I'll call Jingyang later and ask Jingyang to buy more."

(End of this chapter)

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