Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 447 Xiaoya: "Hello, Brother 3."

Chapter 447 Xiaoya: "Hello, my third brother."

The corners of Zhao Xiaoya's mouth rose slightly. She knew that Zhao Jingyi was very busy and didn't have time, so she didn't bother her.

Seeing that Zhao Jing and his wife are still the same as before, the jealousy in my heart after so many days is gone.

When they came to the main hall, Zhao Jingyi poured a bowl of water for the two of them.

Then he introduced them to each other and said, "This is Xiaoya, this is Xiaomo's third brother."

Zhao Xiaoya's eyes were not on Su Jingshen, but on Zhao Jingyi. After hearing Zhao Jingyi's words, she turned her eyes on Su Jingshen. After a brief greeting, she stopped looking at him.

"Hello, Third Brother Xiaomo."

The corner of Su Jingshen's mouth twitched, but he didn't mind.

He nodded and replied, "Hello, little girl."

Zhao Jingyi felt helpless, looked at Su Jingshen and asked, "Why did you come here suddenly?"

Su Jingshen said with a smile, "Come here to deal with something."

Zhao Jing nodded, didn't ask any more questions, but looked at his luggage and asked, "Do you want to stay at home?"

Su Jingshen planned to stay here when he came, and said with a smile: "That's exactly what I meant, and I'm going to cause trouble for my little cousin."

Zhao Jingyi almost couldn't help rolling her eyes when she looked at him like this, he had already made up her mind and waited for herself to speak, but Zhao Jingyi still followed his words: "As a family, it's okay to talk about two families. Too polite."

Su Jingshen still remembered what the old man said: "During the time when little cousin came back, grandpa was thinking about little cousin, and told him to make sure little cousin called back when Jingshen arrived."

Zhao Jing froze for a moment, remembering that she hadn't called the old man for nearly half a month, she felt a little more guilty.

"I've been busy during this time, so I forgot about it. It just so happens that it's still early, so you have to come with me to talk to the captain, and call back by the way."

Just leave, Zhao Jingyi has already stood up, Su Jingshen nodded and also stood up.Zhao Xiaoya just took the back basket back, and brought her rations along the way.

After Zhao Jing took a sip of water, she walked out and said, "Let's go, just let Jingyang and the others buy more meat from the town."

Su Jingshen nodded, and he listened to Zhao Jingyi's arrangement: "Okay."

The three of them went out the door.

Go all the way to the brigade.

Halfway through, Zhao Xiaoya separated from them.

Seeing the person leave, Su Jingshen said: "This little girl seems to be very attached to you."

Zhao Jingyi didn't dare to say that she took care of Zhao Xiaoya, after all, when she was with the two of them, Zhao Xiaoya took care of her more: "After her grandfather passed away, she lived with me for a while."

Su Jingshen was a little confused: "Where are her parents?"

Zhao Jingyi is only about 15 years old this year, did Zhao Xiaoya live with her for a while?She is still so small.

Zhao Jingyi said calmly: "The little girl was picked up by her grandfather."

Su Jingshen understood, it turned out to be the case.

"No wonder I'm so attached to you."

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "Jingyang doesn't know about your coming here, does he?"

Su Jingshen nodded: "At present, no one else knows except you."

Zhao Jing nodded slightly.

By the time the two of them were talking, they had already reached the headquarters of the brigade.

The door was open, and Zhao Jingyi led Su Jingshen to walk over.

Knocked on the door.

The captain looked up at the door and saw a strange man behind Zhao Jingyi.

"Grandma, what are you doing here?"

Zhao Jing walked in with Su Jingshen, and introduced, "This is Su Jingshen, my nephew, who is coming to stay at home for a while, and come to talk to you."

The captain looked at him, and Su Jingshen also looked at the captain: "Hello, captain, I'm Su Jingshen."

The captain looked at him and thought he was a little familiar to you. After reading it again, he suddenly realized: "Hello, Su Jingshen? Are you Su Jingshen's brother?"

Su Jingshen smiled: "Yes, I am his third brother."

The captain suddenly realized, no wonder, it is Su Jingyang's third brother, that is, the third brother of Su Jingyu and their two sisters.

Zhao Jingyi said, "I'll make a call."

The captain nodded: "Okay."

As soon as Zhao Jing remembered the number Su Jingyang had left for her, she dialed it, and the call was quickly connected.

"Hello, who is it?"

It was a stranger's voice, Zhao Jingyi: "Hi, I'm looking for Su Jingyang."

"Hold on."

Zhao Jingyi: "Okay."

On the other end of the phone, the voice soon fell silent. After waiting for a while, Zhao Jing heard Su Jingyang's voice: "Hello, who is it?"

Zhao Jing said, "It's me, Jingyang, when you come back from get off work, buy some more meat."

Hearing Zhao Jingyi's voice, Su Jingyang froze for a moment: "Okay, little cousin, I understand."

Zhao Jing hummed and hung up.

Su Jingyang on the other end of the phone was just about to ask, why buy more meat, but the phone hung up and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Shaking his head helplessly, he thanked the uncle who answered the phone and went back to work.

Afterwards, Zhao Jingyi made another phone call to Beijing City, and chatted with Mr. Su for a while before hanging up.

The brigade requires money for calling, but not for answering the phone.

Just as Zhao Jingyi was about to pay the captain, Su Jingshen was one step ahead of her.

The captain was not polite, took the money from Su Jingshen, and gave him the change.

After Zhao Jing finished making the phone call, she said, "Then let's go back first."

The captain nodded: "Okay."

When Zhao Jingyi and Su Jingshen came out of the brigade headquarters, Zhao Xiaoya had been waiting outside for quite a while.

Seeing what Zhao Xiaoya was carrying in her hand, Zhao Jingyi was very helpless: "You, why are you taking rations again?"

Zhao Xiaoya smiled and said, "How can I do without food rations?"

As soon as Zhao Jing knew about her temper, she didn't mind, but Zhao Xiaoya insisted.

It doesn't matter what you say.

After returning home, Zhao Jing said to Su Jingshen, "Take your things into the house, Jingyang and the others live in this room."

Zhao Jing pushed away the room next door to her own where Su Jingyang and the others lived.

The inside is very tidy, Su Jingyang and Ji Mingxuan tidy up the room very cleanly, seeing that the window is closed, Zhao Jing pushed the window open.

This room is the largest Kang, and it is no problem to sleep three adults.

Su Jingshen nodded: "Okay."

Zhao Jingyi said, "You pack your things, and I'll cook."

Su Jingshen put down the suitcase and said, "I'll go with you, just clothes, don't need to pack much."

After he said that, Zhao Jingyi had nothing to say, and nodded, "Okay."

Both men and women in the Su family can cook. Su Jingyan is an exception. Although the food she cooks is edible, the taste is really not very good.

Su Jingshen rolled up his sleeves and began to help Zhao Jing with some work.

Zhao Jingyi took out several dishes from the cellar, and Su Jingshen and Zhao Xiaoya were sorting them out.

Zhao Jing put the rice down to cook.

Then go to the yard outside and follow the two of them to process the vegetables together.

She has enough food, after all, there are several people.

After tidying up and cleaning, Su Jingshen was in charge of cutting.

Not long after, the sound of quitting work sounded.

Zhao Jingyi said, "Little concubine and the others are coming back."

Su Jingshen nodded: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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