Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 472 Zhao Jianbin's thoughts

Chapter 472 Zhao Jianbin's thoughts

Zhao Family Village.

In the afternoon, Gao Hongdan and Aunt Mo arrived at Lao Gentou's house together.

Now is the time when they are ready to go to work.

I saw two strangers enter Lao Gentou's house.

Everyone was quite puzzled.

Someone said: "Isn't this the matchmaker from Gaojia Village? Who are you trying to tell a date by bringing this girl here?"

"The boys in Lao Gen's family are all under age, and this girl is so old, so she probably wanted to kiss Dahai."

"No way, Dahai is much older than this girl."

A woman who lived next door to Lao Gen's house came over and said, "Why can't I, I told Aunt Lao Gen a few days ago that I was going to marry Hai Dahai, and it seems that it is almost settled. It is probably time for my son to come to the house now." Say it."

A woman didn't understand and said: "This girl doesn't know about the sea? She doesn't know about Lao Gen's family, otherwise how can she agree?"

Wang Guiliu was better informed than they were. Hearing their discussions, he immediately joined in and said, "How can I not know, that girl's family is not good, and her parents are not good. She is still in her twenties and hasn't married yet." , Didn’t I choose the sea?”

Aqing's daughter-in-law looked puzzled: "How do you know so much?"

Wang Guiliu gave her a blank look and said, "Auntie Lao Gen said it herself, when she was in the field a few days ago."

Everyone suddenly realized that this is the case, no wonder, but this girl's life is not good, and it's not good to marry anyone, marrying Lao Gen's family.

Regarding everyone's discussion, Zhao Jianhai didn't know, and Gao Hongdan didn't know even more.

Two brothers, Zhao Jianbin and Zhao Jianhe, their sons haven't left the house yet.

Seeing Gao Hongdan, the two brothers were a little surprised.

Zhao Jianhe was a little jealous of Zhao Jianhai. With such a reputation, he was able to marry a big yellow girl as his wife.

Zhao Jianbin, on the other hand, hated, and looked Gao Hongdan up and down with undisguised eyes.

His eyes kept lingering on Gao Hongdan.

She looks okay, Zhou Yuemei is not as good-looking as Zhou Yuemei, but Gao Hongdan is better than young.

Zhao Jianhai walked over and stood beside Gao Hongdan, blocking the sight of his two brothers, and said softly to Gao Hongdan, "Go in and sit down."

Gao Hongdan smiled at Zhao Jianhai and said, "Okay."

Although he didn't like the look in his two brothers' eyes, he didn't show it.

Seeing Zhao Jianhai's actions, Zhao Jianhe sneered, and said to Zhao Jianbin beside him, "Fourth brother, let's go."

Only then did Zhao Jianbin look away, turned around and walked out with his second brother Zhao Jianhe.

And the actions of the two of them completely convinced Gao Hongdan that if she really got married, the family must be separated, even if Zhao Jianhai turned his back on it, she would have to separate the family.

If it's a big deal, she will make trouble, anyway, she doesn't care about reputation.

Zhao Jianhai didn't know what Gao Hongdan was thinking, and if he knew, he wouldn't say anything, but would agree instead.

If he was hesitant before, the actions of his two brothers just now made him not hesitate at all.

Especially Zhao Jianbin, he met his wife, who is also a man and a brother, and they have lived together for so many years, so they know him well.

Although he hid it well, Zhao Jianhai could still see it.

He had already turned his attention to Gao Hongdan.

He wanted to take revenge on himself, how could he give him this chance, so there was only one way, and that was to separate and move out immediately after marriage.

He knew that his mother would not agree, but as long as he persisted, he would definitely be able to, not to mention that Taohua's household registration had been changed to his own name, and he would just take her away at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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