Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 473 Dispute, bride price

Chapter 473 Dispute, bride price

Aunt Mo sat down and said directly: "Old sister, I am here this time to discuss with you about the bride price, how much are you going to give?"

Madam Ma's complexion is not very good. She just lost 150 yuan, and now her son will come to collect debts again.

Rolling his eyes, he said with a smile: "Anyway, they are all married here to live, so there is no need for bride price or anything."

Aunt Mo's expression immediately dropped.

"No need? Old sister, are you kidding me?"

Gao Hongdan's face was also not very good-looking, and he looked at Zhao Jianhai.

Zhao Jianhai didn't expect his mother to say that, they obviously didn't say that before.


As soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted and said, "Shut up."

The old lady Ma is thick-skinned, so she didn't mind what they thought at all, and said directly: "The bride price was given to the past, so it's not the same as bringing it back. Since it's all like this, why bother so much, just don't use it, just marry Come in."

Aunt Mo overestimated Madam Ma's shamelessness, stood up coldly and said, "Since you say that, then we have nothing to say, Hong Dan, let's go."

Gao Hongdan nodded, stood up and was about to follow Aunt Mo; leave.

Zhao Jianhai hurriedly stopped them, looked at his old mother a little unhappy and said: "Wait a minute, mother, didn't we agree, 30 yuan dowry plus a new set of clothes, how can you change it?"

The old lady Ma's face was very ugly, she saw her son's elbow turned outward, and she was very angry, the god said: "I don't want to give it now, can't I, the money belongs to my mother, I can give it if I want to, and I won't give it if I don't want to. "

These words completely angered Aunt Mo.

As soon as he pushed Zhao Jianhai away, he was about to go out.

At this time, Lao Gentou came out of the house, and said with a gloomy and ugly face, "What are you arguing about?"

Zhao Jianhai said directly: "Father, mother does not want my son to marry a wife."

Lao Gentou just woke up so he didn't know what happened.

He finally squinted for a while, was woken up, and was very unhappy.

Seeing an outsider, Lao Gen looked at Mrs. Ma with a sullen face: "What's going on."

Mrs. Ma's complexion was also bad, but she didn't dare to lose her temper with Lao Gen, and said in a very bad tone: "What's the matter, she came to ask for a bride price."

Seeing her like this, Lao Gentou didn't know what else to do, knocked on the table and said, "Just ask for a bride price, why are you arguing?"

Madam Ma said unwillingly: "They are all married in, so what dowry gift?"

Aunt Mo said angrily: "So, when your daughter or granddaughter gets married, they don't have to give a bride price, that's what it means."

Madam Ma immediately said loudly, "Dream."

After he finished speaking, he felt a little guilty, and just happened to meet Aunt Mo's sarcastic eyes, and his face became even uglier.

Lao Gentou just felt that this old face was thrown outside: "Go back if you can't speak,"

Madam Ma didn't dare to say anything, she could only stare at them with her eyes.

Lao Gentou looked at his third son and asked, "How much dowry is agreed upon?"

Zhao Jianhai said truthfully: "30 yuan, plus a new set of clothes."

Lao Gentou nodded, and accepted it, after all, he was a big girl with yellow flowers, his face softened a little, he looked at Gao Hongdan and asked: "Girl, do you agree with this gift money?"

Gao Hongdan glanced at Aunt Mo and saw her nodding, so she nodded and said, "Uncle, I agree, but Auntie doesn't seem too happy."

(End of this chapter)

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