Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 474 One Seriously Taught, One Seriously Learned

Chapter 474 One Seriously Taught, The Other Seriously Learned
Lao Gentou said calmly: "You can agree, don't worry about her, your aunt has an old problem."

He had few grandchildren, so he hoped that Gao Hongdan would marry in and have more children.

Gao Hongdan didn't dare to answer these words, so she could only keep silent.

And Zhao Jianhai breathed a sigh of relief.

Old Gentou took a puff of his cigarette and said, "Let Dahai pick you up tomorrow and go to the town to buy a set of clothes."

Gao Hongdan glanced at Zhao Jianhai, blushed slightly and nodded, "I'll listen to Uncle."

For the obedient Gao Hongdan, Lao Gentou was still willing to show a good face, nodded and said: "That's it, I'll find someone to see the wedding in two days."

Aunt Mo said with a smile on her face, "Okay then, let's go back first."

Old Gentou nodded, looked at his third son and said, "Da Hai, go see him off."

Zhao Jianhai nodded happily: "Yes, Dad."

Send Gao Hongdan and Aunt Mo out.

After the person left, Lao Gentou's complexion also fell.

Looking at the old woman beside me, he said, "It's you who wants to give the third daughter-in-law Zhang Luo, and you are the one who is not willing to spend money. You want to throw my old face to other villages, don't you?"

The old lady Ma shrank her neck in fright, and said stiffly, "I want to save some money."

Hearing what she said, Lao Gentou's face became even more stinky: "If you want to save money, you still make the third child marry a wife."

Madam Ma opened her mouth and wanted to say, then they can't let the two elders provide for their son in the future.

Old Gentou slammed the cigarette rod hard and said sharply: "Don't give me a moth, you'll lose my face, you see how I will deal with you."

After speaking, he entered the house.

The old lady Ma was really angry at the moment, but she was also scared. After being together for so many years, her old man still knew what he said and would do it.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know anything about Lao Gen's family.

Even if you know, you won't feel anything.

It's nothing more than waiting for Zhao Jianhai to get married, she will go to have a meal, meet Zhao Jianhai's new wife, and wait for the two juniors to kowtow to her, then she will have nothing to do.

But before here, Zhao Jingyi didn't want to get involved in these things.

At the moment, she is making clothes, Nan Yunyu is learning from the side, and Jiang Juner is resting in the room.

She was spoiled and spoiled, she was afraid of half a mountain today, but she was exhausted.

I am sleeping soundly now.

So Zhao Jingyi and Nan Yunyu took the cloth for making clothes, and went outside to the main hall to blow a fan while making clothes.

As soon as Zhao Jing saw that Nan Yunyu was about to do something to the cloth in front of her with the scissors, she quickly reminded, "You have to cut according to the drawn line, and you can't cut it crooked."

Nan Yunyu nodded solemnly, looked at the cloth, and took a deep breath.

He approached with scissors, looking serious and serious.

Zhao Jingyi also held her breath, watching, afraid that her hand would shake and it would be cut crookedly.

Fortunately, Nan Yunyu's hand is very steady, and the cutting position is facing the drawn line.

After cutting, Nan Yunyu breathed a sigh of relief, and so did Zhao Jingyi.

Zhao Jing leaned over to look at the neat cut, gave Nan Yunyu a thumbs up, and praised: "It's great,"

Nan Yunyu said arrogantly, "Of course."

Zhao Jingyi smiled helplessly and said, "Also, you finish cutting first, and then I will teach you how to sew."

Nan Yunyu nodded: "Okay."

One is serious about teaching and the other is serious about learning.

Time flies too quickly.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Su Jingshen woke up, heard voices outside, stretched himself, grabbed his hair twice, and came out.

I just saw Zhao Jingyi and Nan Yunyu making clothes seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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