Chapter 475 Waiting for you
Then he walked over and asked, "Who made this clothes for?"

Zhao Jing looked up at him and said, "You're awake."

Su Jingshen nodded: "I'm awake."

Nan Yunyu said without raising her head, "Anyway, it's not for you."

Su Jingshen: "..."

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "I made it for my godmother."

Su Jingshen was not surprised that Zhao Jingyi would make clothes for Jiang Juner, after all, he probably knew that when Zhao Jing gave things away, she liked to give clothes made by herself.

However, Su Jingshen was a little curious about Nan Yun's language.

After all, with her status, she doesn't need to learn how to make clothes at all.

Sensing Su Jingshen's gaze, Nan Yunyu looked up at him and asked, "Are you free?"

Su Jingshen slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "It's not time to cook yet, so I'm really free."

Nan Yunyu said lightly: "Since you are so free, then you can go to the entrance of the village to get vegetables."

Su Jingshen slightly looked at her suspiciously: "Get the food?"

Nan Yunyu looked at him: "Yes."

Su Jingshen vaguely guessed something and said, "Did you ask someone to buy vegetables and deliver them?"

Nan Yunyu raised her eyebrows slightly: "Hmm."

Su Jingshen said tentatively: "It seems that you have brought a lot of people over this trip."

How could it be that Nan Yunyu couldn't hear it, the temptation in his words, and said in a flat tone: "You don't need to test me, my sister knows how many people I have brought."

Su Jingshen touched his nose in embarrassment and said, "No other meaning, I'm used to it, sorry."

Nan Yunyu nodded lightly and said, "Go and get the food back, they should be here."

Su Jingshen nodded sharply this time, after all, he was wrong: "Okay."

Seeing Su Jingshen walk out, Nan Yunyu smiled helplessly and said, "All the men in the Su family are so boring."

Zhao Jing looked at her suspiciously, not quite understanding what she meant: "How to say?"

Nan Yunyu shrugged and said, "Have you forgotten what those brothers from the Su family said when they were in Beijing?"

Zhao Jingyi looked puzzled: "Huh?"

Just as Nan Yunyu was about to say something, she suddenly remembered that Zhao Jingyi wasn't there at that time: "Forget it, you weren't there at that time. Anyway, they're just boring."

Zhao Jingyi was helpless: "This..."

Nan Yunyu didn't want to say more, she looked at the clothes she sewed and said, "Don't talk about this, you see why I don't feel right about this."

Seeing that she didn't want to talk further, Zhao Jing focused on the clothes in her hands: "What's wrong? Let me take a look."

Nan Yunyu showed Zhao Jing the sewing place on her hand.

Zhao Jingyi took it and checked it, and found that she had sewn it together, and said with a smile, "You sewed the bottom piece together."

Nan Yunyu was stunned: "Huh?"

Zhao Jing showed her where she accidentally sewed: "Look here."

Village entrance.

Su Jingshen looked at the empty village entrance, and there was no one there.

The first reaction was that I was fooled.

But after thinking about it, she didn't need to lie to herself.

Just stood at the entrance of the village and waited.

After about 10 minutes or so, the sound of the car was finally heard, and Su Jingshen was a little impatient to wait.

I saw Su Jingshen from all the way, but Guan Guanyun didn't expect to see Su Jingshen here.

At the entrance of the village, the car stopped, the door opened, and Guan Guanyun got out of the car.

They met in Beijing before, and they were considered acquaintances. Guan Guanyun shouted: "Third Young Master Su."

Su Jingshen didn't expect that the person who came was an old acquaintance: "Captain Guan, we meet again."

Guan Guanyun asked suspiciously: "Master Su is waiting for someone?"

Su Jingshen said helplessly, "I'm waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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