Chapter 493 Wild Boar ([-])
Zhao Jingyi looked at it with some concern, and said, "Can Nan Yunyu beat it? This wild boar weighs about four hundred catties, and its tusks are so long."

The system said reassuringly: "There is still a system, the host can rest assured."

Zhao Jing patted her forehead, but she forgot.

Concern is chaos.

Time passed little by little, and the speed of the wild boar was getting slower and slower. Nan Yunyu's eyes were slightly cold, knowing that this was his chance.

Go down little by little, remembering the rules of wild boars walking below, and walk to the position that the prediction thinks is appropriate.

Holding the sickle tightly in his hand, he stared at the wild boar.

Because of the sudden disappearance of the wild boar's wife and child, the whole... pig is in a mad state at the moment.

The vigilance was on the decline, so for a while, he didn't realize that the danger was approaching quietly.

Zhao Jing asked the system suspiciously: "When did she take two sickles?"

System: "When leaving."

Zhao Jing blinked, she only saw Nan Yunyu take the one from her and went there, but she didn't see when she also took the one from her back basket.

But looking at her, the double sword is her most commonly used weapon.

When the wild boar ran over, Zhao Jing only saw Nan Yunyu holding a sickle in both hands, jumped out, and slashed the wild boar twice, cutting its skin, but it was not fatal.

Nan Yunyu also reacted quickly when she realized that she hadn't killed the wild boar with two stabs.

Quickly distance yourself from the wild boar.

After being stabbed twice, the pain and the smell of blood drove the wild boar crazy.

Nan Yunyu immediately dodged when the wild boar rushed over.

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at it, her whole heart was raised.

Nan Yunyu didn't expect that the wild boar would be so difficult to deal with when it went mad.

One person, one pig, went back and forth like this for about ten minutes. In the end, Nan Yunyu was the better player. The wild boar was finally defeated because of excessive blood loss.

Nan Yun kicked and hissed and sat on the ground.

There are bloodstains splashed from the body of the wild boar to some extent.

Zhao Jingyi vaguely smelled the smell of blood, frowned and said, "System, is there any powder for removing the smell of blood, exchange it, and then find a way to cover up the smell of blood around."

It is not far from Zhaojia Village, it is not close, but if Xiong Xiazi and other carnivorous animals in the deep mountains ask about the smell of blood.

It's not worth it near here.

The system also took it into consideration, so he responded in a nonchalant manner: "Yes, host, I will exchange it for you immediately."

Then he immediately exchanged two or three bags of medicine powder, and controlled the medicine powder to be scattered within a radius of 500 meters.

The medicine powder that animals don't like is used. It has a pungent smell, and people can't smell it. It is mainly aimed at animals.

So this also avoided a storm.

Nan Yunyu looked at the wild boar lying on the ground belching in front of him, and he was tangled up.

It's so heavy and so big, how can I get it down the mountain?

Looking at the blood scattered around, Nan Yunyu walked over with a sickle, dug up the soil with the sickle and covered it up.

Then he went to the pool to wash the blood stains on his clothes.

She was afraid that Zhao Jing would be worried, so she cleaned up the blood on her body first.

Then I went to the side and cut some hay to block the knife edge on the wild boar.

I tried to drag the wild boar, but I exhausted all my strength and could only move it a little.

And Zhao Jingyi, who went up the mountain to hide, looked troubled.

Finally, he sighed, made a decision in his heart and said, "It seems to be exposed."

The system said reassuringly, "Don't worry, the host, it's normal for some people to be special."

(End of this chapter)

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