Chapter 494 Strength ([-])
Zhao Jing nodded, and said with a weird face: "I know, but look at this wild boar, it's so heavy... Do you think it's a bit weird if I carry it down the mountain?"

The system choked: "..."

It's more than weird, it's just...

The system doesn't dare to imagine it, the picture is so beautiful, it's a bit hot on the eyes.

Zhao Jingyi: "..."

Zhao Jing made up her own brain, and her whole face became even weirder.

But if she doesn't resist, how can this go on? Nan Yunyu's fight with it just now has consumed a lot of energy.

Even if it doesn't consume it, it won't work. Nan Yunyu can't drag a four hundred catty wild boar.

Sighing, it seems that he still has to do it himself.

Zhao Jing had already made a decision in her heart, and her face immediately changed to one full of worry, with a pannier on her back and one in her hand.

He seemed flustered, but walked on cautiously.

Nan Yunyu heard the movement and hurried over. She must have been frightened by the screams just now.

There is worry between the brows.

As soon as Zhao Jing came down from the mountain, the two just bumped into each other.

As soon as Zhao Jing grabbed Nan Yunyu's hand, her face turned pale, her hands trembled a little, and she asked in a nonchalant manner, "Sister, are you okay, I heard the wild boar's cry just now, how are you... "

Nan Yunyu was relieved to see that Zhao Jingyi's face was fine except a little pale.

Nan Yunyu listened patiently to Zhao Jingyi's words, and then said by herself: "I'm fine, don't worry, take a deep breath first, don't be afraid, sister is here."

There is comfort in the tone.

As soon as Zhao Jing heard her words, she felt a little relieved, but her face was still full of fear, she looked around nervously and said.

"It's fine, it's fine, sister, let's go, it's not safe here, it's bad if the wild boar finds out that we're here."

Nan Yunyu smiled and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, the wild boar is taken care of by me, it won't be in danger, but now we have to find a way to get the wild boar to the village, so that you can also record some centimeters for you, plus you should You can also get some rewards."

Zhao Jing was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Nan Yunyu to think so much about her.

I didn't know how to react for a while.

The system reminded: "Host, please leave quickly, the smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger."

As soon as Zhao Jing came back to her senses, she said 'hmm', looked at Nan Yunyu, and said embarrassedly: "Sister, I can."

Nan Yunyu didn't respond immediately: "Huh?"

Zhao Jingyi repeated: "I can."

Nan Yunyu thought it was Zhao Jingyi who wanted to help her too much, that's why she said this, and said helplessly: "Don't make trouble, you are so small, this pig weighs about four hundred catties."

Zhao Jingyi pursed her lips, put the things down, hesitated for a while, then Congnan Yunyu took the sickle in her hand, and chopped down the surrounding hay.

With nimble fingers, she wove a crude mat that could barely be called a straw mat.

Then he walked over and looked at the wild boar lying on the ground, covered with Nan Yunyu's knife in order not to scare her.

Taking a deep breath, he spread the straw mat aside, grabbed the wild boar's foot with one hand, and lifted it up.

Nan Yunyu was stunned.

Eyes widened.

For a moment, the image of Zhao Jingyi as a soft sister in her heart shattered.

Zhao Jing put the wild boar away, then wrapped it with a straw mat, leaving four legs.

The system described Nan Yunyu's reaction to her in his mind.

Zhao Jingyi touched her nose in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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