Chapter 495 Strength ([-])
She didn't want to either, but she couldn't bear this wild boar.Four hundred catties.

It looks like a lot, but it's not enough for a village. However, a little is enough for a family. I've been so busy recently, how can I do without some meat to replenish my strength.

Zhao Jing turned to look at Nan Yunyu with an innocent face, and asked, "Sister, shall we go back now?"

Nan Yunyu came back to her senses, her words were a little awkward: "Go back, go back."

Zhao Jing nodded and said, "Sister, wait for me."

As he said that, he walked to the side, found a suitable tree, hesitated for a while, stretched out his hand to grab the tree, and pushed it slightly.

With two clicks, the tree broke.

Nan Yunyu who witnessed all this with his own eyes: "..."

it's all so...

To be honest, it's a bit heartbreaking, does this still need my protection?
She feels like she's the one who needs to protect, and that hits her a little bit.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know what was going on in Nan Yunyu's mind, she was busy dealing with the tree she broke right now.

There is no way, a tree that is too small will be broken by wild boars and cannot be lifted.

So Zhao Jingyi can only break one tree, which is big enough and resistant enough.

After finishing it, Zhao Jing weighed it twice, nodded with satisfaction, then walked over, put the wood between the pigs, tied the two pig legs, and tried to lift it up.

Without a break, Zhao Jingyi confidently carried the wild boar to find Nan Yunyu.

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "Sister, I've done it."

Nan Yunyu's complexion was a bit strange, she looked at Zhao Jing with clear eyes, and sighed helplessly, "Is your strength natural?"

Zhao Jingyi nodded a little at a loss: "Yeah."

Seeing her nervousness, Nan Yunyu's heart softened, and he said softly, "No one else knows about this, right?"

If others knew about this, they might not think it was a good thing, but would think it was a strange thing, which would put Zhao Jingyi in a difficult situation.

So Nan Yunyu was more worried.

Zhao Jing shook her head and said, "Except for Cousin Yun, only Ah Xuan knows about it."

She knew Su Qingyun, but who is this Ah Xuan?

Nan Yunyu was puzzled: "Ah Xuan?"

Zhao Jingyi explained, "Ji Mingxuan."

Nan Yunyu frowned slightly: "Is he trustworthy?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Ah Xuan won't tell others."

Seeing her so innocent, Nan Yunyu was very helpless, but also very happy, because she trusted herself in her heart, that's why she showed it in front of her, but she still had to remind her.

"That's fine. Next time, don't show your skills so casually to others. It's not good for you."

Zhao Jingyi nodded obediently, and then said seriously: "Sister is not someone else."

Nan Yunyu was slightly stunned, with a happy smile on his face, very happy, but he still said: "Then you should be careful to hide it, and don't let others know."

Zhao Jing nodded: "OK."

Nan Yunyu picked up the things and said, "Let's go back. When we get to the foot of the mountain in a while, you put the wild boar down and tell the villagers that I got it down. Even if they doubt it, they dare not say anything. Do you know?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "OK."

Warm in my heart, Nan Yunyu is sincerely kind to her, without any purpose, just very pure.

The two returned the same way.

After walking far, the system controls its own ability to clean up the bloodstains in place and the bloodstains along the way.

The way down the mountain was very fast, and it took about 20 minutes to reach the foot of the mountain. Everyone is still taking a lunch break at the moment, so no one is active here. If there is someone, the system will tell Zhao Jingyi.

(End of this chapter)

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