Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 500 Jiang Jun'er Loves to Read Picture Books

Chapter 500 Jiang Jun'er Loves to Read Picture Books

Fortunately, fortunately, it was a false alarm.

However, how could the Nan family know about this, Su Jingyang frowned: "Third brother, do you think the Nan family knows?"

Su Jingshen said angrily: "Do you think Mrs. Nan and Miss Nan will find out what's going on here when they come here?"

But in fact, Su Jingshen guessed wrong, they didn't check the matter of Jiang Lin and Su Jingyu before they came.

Instead, I checked after I found out.

And there is no time to check it yet, but with the speed at which the Nan family gathers information, the Nan family will know soon.

in the afternoon.

After Zhao Jingyi and Nan Yunyu slept, they woke up feeling much better.

After waking up, she saw Jiang Juner was reading with a picture book in her hand. Zhao Jingyi was used to it. After a short time together, she found that Jiang Juner especially liked to read the picture book.

At first she thought that the suitcase was full of clothes, but she didn't expect that there was a box of picture books in it.

Nan Yunyu told her that compared with her family, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Zhao Jing never dreamed that the gentle and majestic Mrs. Nan in the novel would be a serious book fan.

Then she discovered that as long as she was idle, Jiang Jun'er would always have a drawing book in her hand.

After seeing it many times, Zhao Jingyi became calm.

If you think that Jiang Juner just likes the bloody picture books, you are wrong.

She reads all genres, and has all kinds of picture books.

Nan Yunyu said that her father doted on her mother with no limit and no conditions. Knowing that her mother loved to read picture books, he collected all the picture books he could.

Her home has a very large study room, which is full of picture books, and Jiang Jun'er has not read them until now.

As soon as Zhao Jing took the watch Su Qingyun bought for her from the table, she checked the time, it was almost four o'clock.

Zhao Jing stepped out of the kang, put on her shoes, and didn't disturb Jiang Jun'er's reading.

Nan Yunyu followed suit,
Zhao Jingyi is dividing the kiwi fruit into several portions.

Nan Yunyu walked over and sat beside her to help: "You want to give these away?"

Zhao Jing nodded, and said seriously: "Well, we can't eat so much, and we only give them to the ones that are better for me."

Nan Yunyu nodded, said nothing more, and helped Zhao Jing choose one by one.

It's been so long all the way back to now, some will be crushed, so I have to pick these out.

Zhao Jingyi said while picking, "These bad ones will be taken out in a while, and some water will be added to make them into juice."

Nan Yunyu nodded: "You can decide."

After choosing, Zhao Jingyi took two copies and put them in the basket, and asked Nan Yunyu, "I'm going to deliver something, sister, do you want to go with me or stay at home?"

Nan Yunyu thought that she was fine at home, so she stood up, clapped her hands and said, "I'll go with you."

Zhao Jing nodded and said, "Then I'll go talk to my godmother."

Then he walked to the door of the room, poked his head in and looked at Jiang Jun'er and said, "Godmother, sister and I will go deliver the fruit and come back later."

Jiang Jun'er put down the book and nodded: "Go."

Zhao Jing gave an 'hmm', carried her things, and walked out.

Nan Yunyu was already waiting for her at the door.

Walking on the small road in the village, Nan Yunyu suddenly said: "It feels good to live in the village, time flies very slowly."

Zhao Jingyi smiled and said, "That's because my sister has lived in the city for too long, and I need to do a lot of things, so I feel that time is fast in the city and slow here."

Nan Yunyu thought about it again, yes, she also smiled and said, "I've decided to spend the New Year with you."

Zhao Jing was taken aback for a moment: "Will... Godfather and the others agree?"

Nan Yunyu nodded without thinking: "I will agree."

Her parents have no problems, the old man has some problems, but it is easy to solve.

When Zhao Jing heard what she said, she felt relieved, but if she wants to celebrate the New Year here, it seems that there are not enough rooms at home.

It seems that one more room will be needed.

I don't have any money right now, so it looks like I'm going to go to town.

However, adding a room still requires the help of the villagers. After a while, I will talk to the captain again.

Ask him to help call several villagers to build a house.

In fact, we can build two more houses at home, should we build another one?After all, people often come to live in the house, and it is always difficult to live.

Zhao Jingyi was struggling.

System: "The host can build a few more rooms. In the future, Mr. Su and the others will definitely come and live here for a few days."

Zhao Jing thought so too. Uncle will definitely stay at home for a few days when he comes over, and then his cousin will also live there. As for cousins, nephews and nieces, they may be thrown to the guest house in the town.

It's just that building a house requires a lot of money. She just gave Zheng Cheng almost all of the money to buy a house, and she can't get out so much money for the time being.

She can only wait for Jiang Juner to go back, she is preparing.

The system said reassuringly, "It doesn't take much for the host to build an earthen house."

Zhao Jing nodded. She knew it, but she just felt that the house would be demolished after a few years, which was a bit of a waste.

While Zhao Jingyi was in deep thought, the two came to the hostess' house.

At this moment, Mrs. Jiang is preparing to cook dinner, and Zhao Leyan and Zhao Huaining are trying to help choose vegetables in the yard.

The door was open, and upon hearing the sound, Zhao Leyan and Zhao Huaining looked up.

Seeing Zhao Jingyi, Zhao Leyan put down the food in her hand and walked over: "Grandma and aunt."

Zhao Jing bent down and touched Zhao Leyan's head with a smile, and asked softly, "Le Bao, where's your grandma?"

Zhao Leyan pointed to the kitchen and said, "It's in the kitchen."

Zhao Jing nodded and walked in with Nan Yunyu.

Zhao Leyan looked at Nan Yunyu curiously, her eyes were a little surprised, this girl looks really good-looking, and she has a good temperament.

Nan Yunyu felt Zhao Leyan's gaze and smiled at her.

Zhao Leyan secretly saw that he was caught, and her face was a little embarrassed.

Mrs. Jiang walked out when she heard the movement. Seeing that Zhao Jingyi was a little surprised, she asked with a smile, "Grandma, why are you here?"

Zhao Jingyi took out a cloth bag of kiwi fruit from the basket and handed it to Mrs. Jiang, saying, "I picked some fruits in the mountains, and they taste pretty good, so I'll bring you some."

Mrs. Jiang said helplessly: "You can keep it for yourself, why did you send it home?"

Zhao Jing said with a smile, "There are many at home."

Old Madam Jiang wanted to say something, but Zhao Jingyi continued, "I'm giving it to the children, so don't refuse."

Mrs. Jiang couldn't say no to her, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Zhao Jing squatted down and waved to Zhao Huaining who was beside her: "Le Bao, Ah Ning, come here."

He took out two kiwis from the bag and said, "This is picked from the mountains. It's called a kiwi. It's sweet and sour. You two should try it, but you can't eat too much, you know?"

Zhao Leyan looked at the wild kiwi in Zhao Jing's hand, feeling a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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