Chapter 501
Most people don't know about this stuff, how could grandma and aunt know?
It was also the first time for Zhao Huaining to see him, so he looked curious.

Zhao Huaining stretched out his hand to touch it, but found a layer of hair, and subconsciously withdrew his hand: "Auntie, this fruit has grown hair."

Zhao Jingyi smiled and said, "This fruit is like this, but the inside is sweet and sour."

Zhao Huaining was a little curious, but also a little scared. He looked at Zhao Jingyi with round eyes, swallowed his saliva and asked, "Is it delicious?"

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "Would you like to try?"

Zhao Huaining glanced at Zhao Jingyi, then at his sister and grandma.

Zhao Jingyi took one, broke it, and handed it to him: "Sweet."

Zhao Huaining was curious but not too daring.

At this moment, Zhao Leyan came back to her senses, leaned over and said, "I'll eat."

Zhao Jing nodded with a smile, squeezed out the pulp inside, and let Zhao Leyan eat it.

Zhao Huaining stared at his younger sister closely, and licked his lips: "Sister, is it sweet?"

Zhao Leyan nodded: "Sweet."

Zhao Huaining grinned, and the eager Zhao Jing held the kiwi fruit on the other side.

Zhao Jing handed the rest to the two of them.

Then said: "Take out a basket and put it in, remember not to eat too much."

She took quite a lot. After all, a big basket was full of fruits. This family has a little, and the family has a lot left.

Zhao Leyan took a small half and walked to the kitchen.

Zhao Jingyi waited outside, waiting for Zhao Leyan to take out the basket and pour out all the fruits in the cloth bag.

"You guys are eating, I still have to go to the captain's house, so I won't stay any longer."

Mrs. Jiang asked to stay and said, "Grandma is coming to eat at home tonight?"

Zhao Jingyi waved her hand and said, "No, next time, you'll be busy first, and we'll leave first."

After speaking, he took Nan Yunyu out.

After that, I went to Zhao Jiandong's house, and then went to the captain's house.

After delivering all the things, Zhao Jingyi and Nan Yunyu returned home.

Jiang Jun'er told Zhao Jingyi that the two young men who delivered the things yesterday put the things in the well and put them in a well.

Zhao Jingyi took out the meat and bones from the well.

At the door of the kitchen, there was water soaking the pork offal that Zhao Jingyi wanted.

As soon as Nan Yunyu approached, she immediately covered her nose.

"It stinks."

Zhao Jing said with a smile, "This thing smells bad, it's delicious when it's cooked."

Nan Yunyu didn't quite believe it, so she walked away holding her nose.

Zhao Jingyi took out a basin from the house and poured the pig offal in the bucket into it.

Clean it up with water, and when it's dirty, take out some flour, and salt.

Clean it twice with flour first and then twice with salt.

Then sweep away the dirty things on the ground.

After finishing, Zhao Jingyi started cooking.

In fact, there are quite a lot of dishes at home. Nan Yunyu can't finish the dishes bought by others, and puts all the dishes that can be kept in the cellar.


Nan Yunyu looked at the time, they were almost there, so she told Zhao Jingyi and Jiang Jun'er and walked out.

When it was time to eat, Zhao Jing's family was very lively.

Meat is eaten today, and every household in the village smells like meat.

Not much, but enough.

Three days later, Jiang Jun'er and Nan Yunyu left.

Zhao Jingyi's life has returned to the status quo.

Time flies, nearly a month has passed.

The originally hot weather gradually cooled down. After all the food was dried, it rained heavily for three or four consecutive days, and the temperature slowly dropped.

Just a few days into December, the sky began to snow, and the weather was getting colder every day.

The food has already been distributed, and Zhao Jing's family's house has changed from a three-bedroom house to a six-bedroom house.

From the original small family, it has become a big family.

After Nan Yunyu and the others left, the house was built in about ten days, and the kang was also built.

Originally they wanted Zhao Jingyi to live in the newly built house, but Zhao Jingyi refused.

The room she lives in now was built by her grandfather, and the earth kang was built by her grandfather and her father.

So the three of them lived in the new house, which was vacant, the room of Zhao Jingyi's parents.

Originally they were allowed to share one room, but Su Jingxiu and Su Jingyan were used to living together, so they did not separate.

As soon as winter comes, people become lazy and don't want to move.

Fortunately, in the first two days of snowfall, Ji Mingxuan and the three of them found a lot of hay and bamboo, and tied the hay to the bamboo poles as a dry grass wall for wind protection.

It is very thick and strong, so the wind cannot blow in, and it also has the function of keeping warm.

Zhao Jingyi was particularly afraid of the cold, so she built a hay wall around her room to keep her warm inside and not afraid of the cold when she went out.

A few of them are at home warming the fire and eating sweet potatoes.

Ji Mingxuan carefully peeled off the dark sweet potato for Zhao Jing before handing it to her. He glanced at the time on his wrist watch, it was past eleven o'clock.

Ask gently: "It's noon now, are you hungry, is there anything you want to eat?"

Zhao Jing took a bite of the roasted sweet potato, thought for a while and said, "I want noodles with scallion oil."

Ji Mingxuan nodded, patted the ashes on his hands and said, "I'll do it."

The others are already used to it, they will eat whatever Zhao Jing eats.

Su Jingyang also got himself a roasted sweet potato, then stood up and said, "I'll help."

After saying that, he went out with Ji Mingxuan.

As soon as the door was opened, the cold wind blew in, and Zhao Jing shrank her neck subconsciously. This year was colder than previous years.

Fortunately, the door closed quickly.

As soon as they went out, they vaguely heard someone knocking on the door.

Su Jingyan raised her head and said, "It seems that someone is calling to open the door."

Su Jingshen stood up and wrapped himself in his military overcoat and said, "I'll go and have a look."

Zhao Jingyi and the others nodded: "Okay."

Outside the gate, Nan Yunyu was standing outside the door, her whole body was tightly wrapped, with two large packages and three boxes at her feet.

The system fell into a deep sleep three days ago, and it needs to be upgraded. This time the upgrade will take longer than before.

So Zhao Jingyi didn't know that Nan Yunyu was outside the door.

Su Jingshen opened the door and saw a tightly wrapped person, but he really couldn't recognize who it was.

"you are?"

Nan Yunyu also knew how tightly wrapped she was, so it's not surprising that Su Jingshen couldn't recognize her: "It's me, Nan Yunyu, quickly help me get the things in."

Su Jingshen looked at the things around her, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he went out to help her take the two big packages in.

Nan Yunyu walked in with the box by herself.

Zhao Jingyi and Su Jingyan are still wondering who is coming.

Hearing the sound of stepping on the snow, the three looked towards the door.

When the door opened, a large package came in first, and then Su Jingshen came in again, holding a large package in the other hand.

The three looked at each other suspiciously.

Zhao Jing asked, "Who's here?"

Su Jingshen patted the snow on his body and said, "Miss Nan."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Nan Yunyu walking in with a box.

Coming back again, Nan Yunyu was obviously very happy: "Sister Yiyi, I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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