Chapter 502

With a smile on her face, Zhao Jing walked over to help.

Su Jingyan walked over and closed the door.

Su Jingshen left space for the girls, opened the door and went out to help in the kitchen.

After Zhao Jing helped her put the box down, she patted the snow on her body and said, "Come here and warm up by the fire."

Nan Yunyu looked at the changed Zhao Jing's family, and said, "I've been away for almost a month, and this family has changed so much that I can hardly recognize it."

Zhao Jing said with a smile: "It's not that there are too many people coming to the house, and it's always hard to move in. I just thought that the vacant space in the house can just make up three rooms, so I settled it."

Nan Yunyu nodded: "Yes, if this place is bigger, we can build two more rooms."

Zhao Jingyi agrees, there are few rooms in the house, and it is always difficult to open them. No, she specially explained the kangs in Ji Mingxuan's rooms and made them into big kangs, so that if someone comes later, they can sleep well .

Otherwise, it will be troublesome if there are too many people living there.

The four of them were chatting by the fire.

The three of Ji Mingxuan were busy making food in the kitchen.

Because of Nan Yunyu's arrival, Ji Mingxuan added another portion of noodles.

Su Jingshen looked at Ji Mingxuan and asked, "How is my brother's business going?"

Ji Mingxuan shook his head and said, "I have explained it, but I haven't received any news yet."

Su Jingshen said slowly: "Little cousin really wants my uncle to come to Zhaojia Village to spend the New Year with her."

Ji Mingxuan: "..."

He knows, there is no need to remind him, okay?

"There should be news in two days, and it will take time on the way."

Su Jingshen gave an 'um', the person in their hands couldn't move, otherwise they wouldn't bother Ji Mingxuan.

Su Jingyang is used to it.

Looking at his third brother, he asked with a puzzled expression: "Third brother, we don't know until now, what are you doing here, is it possible that you just came here to play?"

Su Jingshen kept it a secret, except for himself, no one knew what he was doing here. When it wasn't snowing, he followed them to work, and he followed them back after get off work.

Sometimes it's tiring, but sometimes it's boring.

But no matter how Su Jingyang followed him, no matter how much he investigated, he couldn't find out.

Su Jingshen glanced at him with disdain, and said, "Of course I have something to do when I come here. You just have to go to work and do your own thing, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

Su Jingyang: "..." Well, I know he is curious, but I just don't say it, this brother is really annoying.

The captain's family.

Wang Guihua's family was eating lunch. Looking at the snow outside the window, they didn't feel the slightest bit, and said: "The snow is getting bigger and bigger. We need to organize the villagers to shovel the snow, otherwise something will happen before the New Year."

The captain also thought of it, said? "After dinner, the boss and the second child went out with me to ask the villagers to shovel the snow."

Brothers Zhao Huaiguo and Zhao Huaijun nodded.

Zhao Xiaozhen swallowed the food in her mouth and said: "Father, I want to go to my grandparents' house to play, I will go with you in a while."

Before waiting, the captain spoke, and Wang Guihua said it angrily.

"In this cold weather, don't run around, you will feel uncomfortable when you get sick later, not to mention it's winter, don't bother your aunt if you have nothing to do, your aunt is afraid of the cold, and when it's cold, her body Weaker and weaker, don't pass the cold outside to her."

The team leader nodded and said in agreement: "Your mother is right. It's cold. When the weather is over and the snow is light, you can go again. Don't disturb your grandparents right now."

Zhao Xiaozhen curled her lips and nodded unhappily.

The heart that wants to play is finally defeated by worry.

(End of this chapter)

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