Chapter 210 Great Inventor, Ma Jun!
Twenty Wen, one catty.
Guo Jia and Cao Cao were startled by the price Lu Yan said.

Although Guo Jia knew that bamboo paper was cheap, he didn't know it could be so cheap!
You must know that although Cai Hou Zhi already existed in this era,
However, Caihou paper has a matte surface, poor toughness, and a lot of fibers, and the ink is easy to scatter after ink is applied. Few people use it to write books and draw pictures.

But even the Caihou paper whose cost has been greatly reduced is actually not cheap, especially those with good quality and appearance, and ordinary wealthy people may not even be willing to use them.

Cao Cao's hands trembled a little, but it wasn't because Guo Jia sprayed him all over his face. He tremblingly asked Lu Yan, "Mr. Lu, your bamboo paper is so cheap?"

Lu Yan nodded perfunctorily.

He was still frowning, because the more he read the paper, the more dissatisfied he became.

After getting used to the white and smooth paper of the later generations, no matter who looks at the uneven, yellowish paper, they will not be satisfied. Using it to wipe pigu may feel like scratching the flesh.
"If it is further improved, the cost may be higher, but I estimate that it will not exceed [-] Wen per catty at most."

Lu Yan still gave a judgment, no matter what, he must control the price to the point that the common people accept.

"My God, let me take it easy." Boss Cao patted his forehead and turned around several times before asking:
"If this paper really comes out, I'm afraid the world's scholars will be boiling. This is a big matter, we need to be careful!"

Lu Yan looked at Cao Cao and said in a solemn tone: "Mr. Cao, no matter how we negotiate, the paper must be affordable for the common people. This is my request and my bottom line!"

Cao Cao stared deeply at Lu Yan, then grinned and said with a big smile: "I understand, this is you. No, it is our trump card against the family. I will not limit the price, but the new paper comes out. You must be careful!"

At this time, Guo Jia finally wiped off the wine and saliva on Cao Cao's face, but the traces on the skirt, chest and shoulders could not be helped.

After hearing Cao Cao's words, Guo Jia suddenly said quietly: "My lord, don't we still have an emperor!"

"The Son of Heaven? That's right! I still have the Son of Heaven!!!" Cao Cao was enlightened, then pointed at Guo Jia and Lu Yan, and suddenly said: "You two are very scheming! I'm afraid you have already thought of using the Son of Heaven as a shield!"

"Yes, but you have to mention this matter to the emperor." Lu Yan said with a smile, which was harmless to humans and animals.

The expression on Cao Cao's face remained unchanged, but he thought inwardly: "You son of a bitch, you told me to take the blame on Lao Cao again. But this blame, I am willing to take the blame!"

"Forget it, I will find a chance to present new paper to the emperor."

Lu Yan put the piece of paper back into his sleeve and said, "Don't worry, I will ask the craftsmen for improvement when I go back.

After higher quality paper comes out, you can present it to the emperor. "

"Okay, if you think it's okay, just send someone to let me know."


After reaching an agreement, Lu Yan left the General's Mansion alone.

As for Guo Jia, Boss Cao wanted to leave him to discuss some matters, but Lu Yan estimated that the two of them probably went drinking and listening to music.

After returning to Chenliu County without stopping, Lu Yan went directly to the workshop.

He has some ideas to explain to the craftsmen,

But now that the workshop has a certain foundation, Lu Yan only needs to raise an idea, and someone will naturally research in that direction.

"High-quality paper means higher prices, and ordinary people may not need such good paper."

"We should divide the production into several grades, so as to meet the needs of people from different classes!"

"It's whiter, softer, and more elastic. As expected of a general of hussars, the requirement is fineness!"

In the workshop, more than a dozen craftsmen responsible for the research and development of new paper are discussing together, and everyone is brainstorming with each other.

Lao Geng, who was in charge of managing the entire workshop, was by Lu Yan's side, patrolling the situation inside the workshop with him.

"Old Geng, you have managed the huge workshop in an orderly manner. I will tell Cao Gong later that it is time to give you a formal official status."

Old Geng's name is Geng Liang, and his family has been ordinary craftsmen for generations.

He never dreamed that he would be able to be an official one day. After hearing Lu Yan's words, he was pleasantly surprised: "I want to honor my ancestors."

"Thank you prefect for your support, your kindness will never be forgotten!" Geng Liang bowed deeply to Lu Yan, his tone choked with sobs.

Lu Yan helped Lao Geng up and said, "There is no need to do this, you deserve it."

"Oh, by the way, the recruitment of talents cannot stop at all times. Now that His Majesty has moved the capital to Xuchang, we may need a lot of manpower in the future!"

"Yes, the little ones are constantly recruiting people, but those who are just pretending to be the number, the little ones don't!"

"You're right, you'd rather be short than excessive! In our team of artisans, there can't be people who are fooling around!"

"Obey!" Old Geng replied righteously, already quite an official demeanor.

Lao Geng accompanied Lu Yan out of the workshop.

Just as Lu Yan was about to leave, suddenly an unattractive young man with a thin body came to Geng Liang holding a blueprint, "Geng.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he wants Geng Liang to look at the blueprint in his hand.

Geng Liang didn't wait for the young man to finish speaking, so he refused directly: "How many times have I told you that if you want to apply, you have to go through the formal recruitment process, but you can't even speak clearly."

"Coco." The young man seemed to be stuttering, and he couldn't even utter a complete sentence in this anxiety.

Lu Yan was a little curious about the blueprint in the young man's hand, so he raised his hand to stop Geng Liang from chasing it away.

He stretched out his hand to the young man and asked, "May I have a look at your drawings?"

The young man had only paid attention to Geng Liang just now, but when Lu Yan made a sound, he realized that the man in front of him had an extraordinary temperament, and he seemed to be an unusual person.

Seeing that the young man was in a daze, Geng Liang said softly, "I haven't seen General Hussars yet!"


This shock was no small matter, and he was so anxious that he was about to kneel down to Lu Yan!
Lu Yan's reaction was so quick. Seeing that the young man wanted to kneel down, he immediately stretched out his hand to hold the young man's arm, and said, "Man has gold under his knees, so don't just kneel down."

"Thank you. Yes. Piao. Piao." The young man's forehead was already sweating profusely
Seeing that he was still a little nervous, Lu Yan comforted him softly: "Don't worry, take your time, stuttering is not a big problem."

The young man was taken aback when he heard the words, and his eyes flashed with the touch of being respected and encouraged.

After taking a deep breath and trying to calm down, he said, "I've seen General Hussars before I got off my horse!"

Lu Yan nodded and continued to ask: "Ma Jun, can you let me see your drawings?"

"Of course! It's an honor!" Ma Jun immediately handed the blueprint in his arms to Lu Yan.

After Lu Yan took the drawing, he was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in surprise, "You said your name is Ma Jun?"

Ma Jun didn't understand what Lu Yan's reaction meant, but he still replied respectfully: "Yes."

"Is there a sign?" Lu Yan wanted to confirm whether the Ma Jun in front of him was the one he imagined.

"There are words! The next word is Deheng."

Ma Jun Ma Deheng, it really is you!

During the Three Kingdoms period, a great inventor who did not lose to Zhuge Liang!

(End of this chapter)

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