Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 211 There is something tricky in Beiwei Camp!

Chapter 211 There is something tricky in Beiwei Camp!
Lu Yan looked Ma Jun up and down, and then recalled that Ma Jun seemed to have a stuttering problem.

But stuttering shouldn't be a big problem for Ma Jun, especially for a talent like him who concentrates on inventing.

In history, Ma Jun was a genius in equipment. He was one of the famous inventors not only in the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, but also in the whole history.

When Ma Jun was young, his family was poor, and he had a stuttering problem, so he was not good at talking.

But he himself is proficient in ingenuity, especially in the invention of equipment, and has an unparalleled talent.

While recalling the information about Ma Jun, Lu Yan unfolded the blueprint.

I saw that the drawings were full of scattered parts.

Although it is very complicated, according to the pattern and description on the drawing, Lu Yan can roughly see that this is his improved satin weaving machine.

Lu Yan vaguely remembered that after Ma Jun improved the satin weaving machine, not only was it smaller than the original one, but its work efficiency was also increased by four or five times.

Not only the satin weaving machine, Ma Jun also developed a keel waterwheel for agricultural irrigation; he invented a rotary stone throwing machine, which can continuously launch stones as far as hundreds of steps.

Such a great talent in equipment has come to Chenliu County by himself!

In fact, after the reputation of Chenliu Workshop spread, quite a few craftsmen all over the country were eager to make a move.

Ma Jun himself is from a poor family, so it is reasonable for him to come to Chenliu to apply for the job.

"A historical celebrity in the field of equipment is here. It would be great if there is another talent in forging." I have to say that Lu Yan is still quite greedy, especially when it comes to talents.

Lu Yan was concentrating on the blueprint, and Ma Jun was also looking at Lu Yan curiously.

Lu Yan's clothes were simple and he was dressed as a scribe, but his illustrious military exploits had spread all over the world as Cao Cao welcomed the emperor.

Not only the frontal battle with the Xiliang army, but also his past battles against Lu Bu in Yanzhou, and Yingchuan's battle against Yuan Shu were also dug out.

After a series of excavations and analyzes by everyone, people were shocked to find out, "This Lu Yan is not only good at managing people's livelihood, but also maintains a record of complete victory in the military!"

"This is the Hussar General!
Such a big man, to be able to examine my invention so carefully is probably the blessing I cultivated in my previous life!" Ma Jun said with emotion in his heart.

Lu Yan studied it for a few minutes, and after confirming that he couldn't understand it, he returned the drawing to Ma Jun and said, "That's right, your improved satin weaving machine must be able to greatly increase the speed of weaving silk! "

When it comes to silk fabrics, the first thing most people think of is "silk silk and satin".

Since Aya ranks first, it naturally has its unique value.Silk can be divided into "plain silk" and "flower silk", and "flower silk" is more exquisite than "plain silk". "Shiming" contains "the text of the silk is like the theory of ice", mainly It refers to "Hua Ling".

After hearing Lu Yan's words, Ma Jun couldn't help but his eyes lit up suddenly!
He changed the traditional old-fashioned silk machine that used to be fifty, sixty or even more than a hundred, into twelve. This kind of improvement is not something that everyone can understand.

Moreover, his improvement can not only simplify the production process of damask, but also increase the production speed by four to five times. In the past, it usually took several months to complete a piece of damask. After the improvement, it only takes less than one month or even more than ten days. and it will be done.

At the same time, his improvement also makes the weaving jacquard patterns more unique and more operable.

Lu Yan thought, "Once this weaving machine is improved, I will have another good source of income, and it will be a high-end luxury with huge profits!"

Lu Yan likes this kind of luxury very much, not only makes a lot of money, but also cheats a big dog by the way
Thinking of this, Lu Yan immediately felt physically and mentally at ease, even better than leaving get off work early!
Another one is that Ma Jun has also made great contributions to military manufacturing. With him here, the combat power of the army will be greatly improved.

Repeating trebuchets, continuous crossbows, etc., are all big killers!

Lu Yan looked at Ma Jun, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he asked aloud: "Master Deheng, it is my blessing that you can come here.

But now that the emperor has just moved the capital to Xuchang, there are still many things that have not been straightened out in the court.

Today's workshop has not yet had a formal official position, so I need to be patient and wait for your arrangements, okay? "

Not only Ma Jun, but even Geng Liang were stunned, "My good fellow, it took me several years to get a chance to become an official. You have been favored by General Hussars since you came here. Did you f*ck when you went out?" Stepped on several puddles of shit!"

Ma Jun didn't expect that he and Lu Yan would be valued so much by the other party when they first met, and that Lu Yan, with such a high status, would talk to him in a consulting tone. Bole!
Although he prefers to concentrate on inventing and creating, it is undoubtedly a great thing for him to have the opportunity to be an official.

Today's class, apart from the royal aristocracy, is the scholar, farmer, businessman and commerce.

And work, which is only ranked above business, will even be regarded as a cheap industry.

Lu Yan looked like a serious scholar at first glance. It can be said that it is very rare for him to attach so much importance to the status of a craftsman.

Ma Jun was stunned by Lu Yan for a long time, and it was Geng Liang who poked him in the waist behind him to bring Ma Jun back to his senses.

Impressed by Lu Yan's magnanimity and attention, Ma Jun immediately raised his hands high above his head, bowed to Lu Yan to the end, and said loudly: "Jun is willing to serve as General Huss, Huss, Hussars, and do the work of dogs and horses! "

piaopiaopiaopiao your sister!Lu Yan instantly hated this homonym!
However, demeanor still needs to be controlled. Lu Yan helped Ma Jun again, and said to Geng Liang: "Let Ma Jun be in charge of the invention and manufacture of equipment. Believe me, he is a rare genius in this regard."

"Yes! The subordinates are all under the command of the Hussar General!" Geng Liang had no objection to Lu Yan's words. In fact, after the workshop's stalls were expanded, Geng Liang felt a little powerless in managing them.

Now that he has someone to share, he is still relieved.

After bidding farewell to Ma Jun and Geng Liang, Lu Yan was ready to return to Chenliucheng.

Today I have harvested another talent, and he is also an inventor of equipment. Lu Yan thought happily: "Although I am busy today, the harvest is quite good. Why don't you reward yourself for leaving get off work early and go back to drink some wine and read a little book? "

You may have!
Without hesitation, Lu Yan rode on the white dragon horse and ran towards his house leisurely.





However, when Lu Yan passed by the Beiwei army camp one mile away, he suddenly reined in the horse and stopped.

He turned sideways and listened carefully to the sound of drills and shouts of killing in the distance.

After a while, Lu Yan said in astonishment: "Did I hear correctly?"

"Why do I feel like I heard a woman's voice in the camp just now?!"

(End of this chapter)

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