Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 212 Miss, you probably forgot that you are a prisoner, right?

Chapter 212 Miss, you probably forgot that you are a prisoner, right?

"Why do I feel like I heard a woman's voice in the camp just now?!" Lu Yan stayed where he was, looking at the camp of the Beiwei army.



Another burst of uniform voices came, and the voices of those soldiers training were indeed mixed with female voices!

"Ziyi has always been strict and self-disciplined, why would he let a woman appear in the military camp?" Lu Yan's face was a little ugly, "The military law is like a mountain, how can it be such a joke?"

Thinking that he couldn't sit still anymore, Lu Yan lightly kicked the horse's belly, causing Bailong to run towards the Beiwei military camp.

"I want to see what the hell you, Tai Shi Ci, are doing!"

A thought of accountability appeared in Lu Yan's mind, but when he came to the gate, his attitude changed 180 degrees!
"Fuck! Run!" Before Lu Yan entered the gate of the barracks, he had already seen the ten female guards who were training alongside the Beiwei army formation with his super vision.

"It's Lu Lingqi and her guards!"

And Lu Lingqi, holding her small Fang Tian Huaji, was slapping anyone who dared to challenge her to the ground one by one until the other party gave up or couldn't get up.

When Lu Yan saw that it was Miss Lu, he turned around and ran away without saying a word.

But he ran too fast just now, and the sound of hooves was too loud, and when he turned around, Lu Lingqi had already seen him.

"Lu Yan! Bailong! Stop!" Lu Lingqi yelled, and Bailongma actually stopped obediently.

Lu Yan kept kicking the horse's belly, but no matter how much he urged, the white dragon horse would not run away.

"Hey! Why are you so disobedient?" Lu Yan said angrily.

Lu Lingqi held Fang Tian's painting halberd in her hand, turned around and rode on her bay red horse that she got from somewhere, and came to Lu Yan's side, "That's right, it's not in vain that Miss Ben will bring you delicious food every now and then, and even give you a bath Tickle."

"Humph. Xilulu." The white dragon horse seemed to be saying thank you, and then he went to the bay red horse on his own.
Lu Yan was stunned and asked, "Miss, what did you do to my horse?"

Lu Lingqi's tone was filled with dissatisfaction, and she said: "You are so brave to say it. You don't care about such a handsome horse like Bailong."

"I feed it well and sleep well."

"Horses are noble and loyal companions, especially war horses, which are our most trustworthy companions on the battlefield.

The more you get close to it, the more contact with it, let it develop a tacit understanding with you, so that you can achieve the unity of man and horse.”

"Just like your father and Chitu?"

"That's right. When my dad first got Chitu, he wanted to sleep with it!"


"Although your white dragon is not as good as the red rabbit, it is still a rare horse. I didn't expect that you don't usually go to see it. How can you cultivate a tacit understanding like this?"

Lu Yan sized up Lu Lingqi with strange eyes, and asked, "So you went to visit it when I didn't?"

Lu Lingqi let out a little lack of confidence, and replied: "I'm just taking care of my Chiyan, and it's pitiful to see Bailong alone."

"No wonder!" Lu Yan slapped Bailong on the head, interrupting the movement of it leaning over to lick the horse's face, "I just said that this Bailong seems to be very familiar with your horse. look."

"Don't hit it like this, it will get angry! Bailong has a bad temper." Lu Lingqi advised with lingering fear.

It seems that when she first came into contact with Bailong, she seemed to suffer a little.

bad temper?Lu Yan lowered his head and asked Bai Longma, "Will you be angry with me?"

"Puff!" Bai Longma snorted several times, his head shaking like a rattle, Lu Lingqi was dumbfounded.

But she quickly thought of the crux of the problem, "Oh, by the way, I forgot that you and my father are masters in the same realm."

Lu Yan didn't bother about the horse anymore. Now that he had already struck up a conversation, he asked straightforwardly, "Why are you in the Beiwei army camp?"

Tai Shici also happened to be running over at this moment. Hearing Lu Yan's words, he quickly apologized and replied first: "Mr. Hui, the eldest lady brought her guards to participate in the training together!"

"Huh?" Lu Yan looked at Lu Lingqi and asked, "What are you doing?"

"The Beiwei Army is a rare and powerful army in the world, and I found that their training methods are somewhat unique, so I specially came to train and study with them." Lu Lingqi said seriously, but she didn't want to think about it. This is spying on other people's military secrets. ! !

Lu Yan felt a little dumbfounded, and thought: "Miss, you don't treat yourself as an outsider at all!"

But seeing Lu Lingqi taking it for granted, Lu Yan couldn't bear to punish her, so he could only sigh and said: "Miss, the Beiwei army is the best in our army, whether it is training methods or ordnance. secrets."

After Lu Yan said this, Lu Lingqi realized her recklessness, and asked timidly: "You will punish me, right?"

"Forget it, I think it's your first offense, let me let you go this time first." Lu Yan replied with a wave of his hand.

Lu Lingqi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but Tai Shici suddenly made a small report: "Sir, but this is the fifth time that Miss has come!"

With her eyes narrowed slightly and her brows upside down, Lu Lingqi asked in a cold tone: "Taishi Ziyi, do you want to single out again?"

"Karma" Tai Shici's words were immediately stuck in Lu Lingqi's throat.

Lu Yan had the urge to hide his face and run away. He really couldn't do anything about Lu Bu's daughter.

True punishment?If Lu Bu knew about it, he wouldn't have to pick up the guy and kill him!
But if she let her go, Chen Liujun might be in trouble by her.
Lu Yan thought, "I have to let her know the rules!"

So, Lu Yan said to Lu Lingqi: "Miss, what you train are guards, not fighters for the battlefield, and you can't enter the military barracks casually."

"I see, I'll let you know in advance next time." Lu Lingqi replied absent-mindedly.

Lu Yan was almost choked by Lu Lingqi's words, and then he said directly: "Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? Did I let you know what I mean?"

Lu Lingqi was silent for a while, and then said with red eyes and a little aggrieved: "I just want to practice more, maybe I can help you on the battlefield in the future, why are you attacking me?"

Lu Yan, Tai Shici: "?"

Go to the battlefield and help us?
Has this girl forgotten that she is a prisoner?
Seeing Lu Yan and Tai Shici looking at her strangely, Lu Lingqi wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said loudly:

"I have traveled to too many places with my father, and I have seen too many families broken up.

It was only after I came to Chenliu County under the rule of Cao Yanzhou that I realized that ordinary people can also live peacefully and happily with their families.

They are very friendly and greet me with a smile every time they see me.

Er Gou also often shares sugar cubes with me and eats me. I just."

Speaking of this, Lu Lingqi choked up a little.

Lu Yan and Tai Shici remained silent.

They could see that Lu Lingqi's heart was really pure and kind.

She just cherishes and wants to protect this hard-won peace. It has nothing to do with camps or interests.

 A hole was dug here, and some pens were buried. Don't worry, everyone, look back.

(End of this chapter)

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