Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 303 It's Over!Cao Cao is coming!

Chapter 303 It's Over!Cao Cao is coming!
This is not a jumping master, nor is it squatting with radish. The way Lu Yan and the shadow guard pass messages is actually Morse code plus Chinese pinyin!

Morse code consists of two basic signals and different intervals, namely a short point signal and a long signal that lasts for a certain period of time.

That is, when Cheng Yu squatted down and stood up quickly, the fire light flashed briefly, and when he paused after squatting, the fire light kept showing for a long time.

The basic signals and intervals together form 26 letters and numbers from 0 to 9.

These 26 letters correspond to the pinyin letters of Chinese characters. Finally, according to the rules formulated in the Morse code manual, they can be coded according to the position of each pinyin.

Chinese pinyin is only taught in the shadow guards, and only the shadow guards who specialize in code translation can learn it.

In the end, each of them will hold a Morse code manual in their hands. All these secrets are even better than life.

As long as the shadow guard responsible for the code translation is not caught, even if the enemy knows the meaning of the fire light, even if they get the Morse code manual, it will be useless, because they don't understand Chinese pinyin, everything is useless!
The operation went well tonight.

After Cheng Yu collapsed to the ground tiredly, Lu Yan clapped his hands and said, "You're done! We can go back!"

"Aha! Ah. Ha." Panting heavily, Cheng Yu stammered and asked, "Is this the end?"

Xun You and Jia Xu were still staring at Cheng Yu tired like a dog, but suddenly they heard Lu Yan say it was done?

"That's how the news got out???"

Xun You and Jia Xu looked at Lu Yan in disbelief, as if they had heard the most incredible miracle in the world.

"Yes, it has been passed on." Lu Yan replied with an inscrutable smile.

"But. We didn't see anyone come to get the news!" Xun You said here, and suddenly remembered Cheng Yu's dance like a god just now
Just at this moment, a gust of night wind blew by, and Xun You couldn't help but feel chills running down his back, "Could it be that you, Lu Huanqi, drove ghosts and gods to pick up the letter?"

"Zibuyu is strange and chaotic." Lu Yan said with a righteous face.

"Then what's going on???" Jia Xu felt like he was being driven crazy by Lu Yan, "Lu Huqi, can you just tell us how you did it?"

"Want to know?" Lu Yan asked with a faint smile.

"Think!" The three asked in unison.

After waiting for a long time, Lu Yan finally said: "Secret!"

"Ah!!!" Cheng Yu, Xun You, and Jia Xu felt like they were going crazy!

But Lu Yan had already extinguished the fire, and walked towards the camp alone.

After a long while, there was a burst of exasperated shouts from behind Lu Yan: "Lu Yan! If the old man can't beat you, you will never be able to eat and walk around today!!!"

"Keep your voice down! Don't let the enemy hear you!" Xun You hurriedly pulled Cheng Yu back.

Seeing Cheng Yu clutching his chest angrily, Xun You quickly comforted him: "What's the rush! If Lu Yan didn't tell us, Chen Liu still has a Guo Jia!!!"

Hearing this, Cheng Yu suddenly said: "Ah! That's right! Feng Xiao is also the leader of the shadow guards, he must know the secrets inside! Let's find Guo Jia first after we go back, and we must find out how Lu Yan sent the news tonight. Pass it on!"

"It's fine after I go back, but tonight. What should I do?" Jia Xu rubbed her temples and said with a wry smile, "I feel like I want to sleep well these days, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"Ah!!! Damn Lu Changsheng!" Cheng Yu gritted his teeth and said, "I don't want it, I don't think it's strange if I don't want it!"

Listening to the wailing behind him, Lu Yan smiled again, and said to himself, "Oh! I'm destined to have no sleep tonight."

The next day, when Lei Bo and others were plotting in a remote house, the shadow guard hidden in the bookstore opened by the United Chamber of Commerce in Shouchun City sent the deciphered letter to Lei Bo.

The next step is to wait for Lei Bo to discuss the final details with the head of the Shadow Guard.

The details of the negotiation will not be repeated.

Also at midnight, a sky lantern flew out of Shouchun City.

After the sky lantern flew some distance outside the city, Zhao Yun, who had been waiting for a long time, shot down the sky lantern with an arrow.

After finding the letter tied on the sky lantern, Zhao Yun rode back to the camp and handed the letter to Lu Yan.

The general content of the letter is: At midnight tomorrow, Lei Bo will make people raise fire as a sign, and then personally lead his confidantes to open the west city gate.

But they only have a stick of incense time at most, and Ji Ling who got the news will definitely lead the army to arrive.

In the past two days, Ji Ling's monitoring of Lei Bo has become tighter and tighter. They have one and only one chance, and hope that Cao Cao will not disappoint their trust.

When Lu Yan placed the letter in front of Boss Cao and the three advisers with thick dark circles, the entire Chinese army tent was eerily quiet.

"Could Mr. Lu really be able to control ghosts and gods?" Cao Cao was shocked when he saw Lei Bo's reply on the table.But it was only at the beginning that Cao Cao felt relieved and said: "Mr. Lu is a cultivator after all, and some methods of driving ghosts and gods are actually not so unacceptable. I should take the initiative to increase my relationship with him."

After a long time, Cao Cao broke the silence, "Mr. Lu, how did you do it?"

Lu Yan chuckled, glanced at Cheng Yu and the others, but did not answer.

Under the angry eyes of Cheng Yu, Xun You and Jia Xu, Cao Cao said helplessly: "Since we have made a plan, let's act according to the plan tonight!"

"Here!" Lu Yan cupped his fists and Shi Shiran walked out of the Chinese army tent, leaving behind Cheng Yu and others to tell Cao Cao that Lu Yan was taking revenge on them.
Just after midnight, the West City Gate really lit up with a fire.

Soon after the fire was lit,

There was a tooth-piercing sound of grinding beside the west city gate!
Immediately, the suspension bridge outside the city gate was also let down by the confidant soldiers brought by Lei Bo. The indestructible and indestructible Shouchun City, at this moment, is like a defenseless woman, opening her arms to welcome Lao Cao's attack!
Seeing this, Cao Cao immediately ordered before the suspension bridge was completely lowered: "Zhao Yun, Cao Chun, the cavalry enter the city first, and we must intercept Yuan's army and build an army formation!!"

"A commander in command!"

Not far from the west city gate, the cavalry, who had been waiting quietly in the dark for a long time, took action.

"Boom!!" The sound of horseshoes exploded!

The cavalry began to charge, and when Zhao Yun and Cao Chun led the cavalry to the suspension bridge, the suspension bridge just landed completely.

Behind the cavalry was the most powerful Beiwei army led by Tai Shici and Dianwei; behind and flanked by the Beiwei army were the Tiger Guards led by Xu Chu and the Yingchuan infantry led by Zhang Liao and Cao Ren.

Ji Ling was awakened by a muffled thunderous sound. At this time, a messenger came to report: "Report! General! The west gate. The west gate was opened by General Lei Bo!!!"

"What, Lei Boxi City Gate!" Ji Ling picked up the messenger's collar and shouted angrily, "Say it again!!!"

"General Lei Bo opened the west gate to welcome Cao Cao's army into the city! The villain's words are true, so please respond in time!"

At this moment, Ji Ling felt dizzy and buzzing in his brain. He didn't hear a word of what the orderly said later.

When Ji Ling came back to his senses, he felt powerless and his heart was full of despair, "It's over. Cao Cao is coming in!"

(End of this chapter)

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