Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 304 Shouchun City Breaks, Xia Houlan Slays Ji Ling

Chapter 304 Shouchun City Breaks, Xia Houlan Slays Ji Ling
The news that Lei Bo opened the west city gate and let Cao Jun enter Shouchun City was like a bolt from the blue to Ji Ling.

He is full of hatred in his heart now, he only hates himself for not dealing with Lei Bo immediately after discovering Lei Bo's abnormality!

"Damn Lei Bo, don't let me catch you, otherwise it will be easy to dismember your body!"

While Ji Ling was cursing Lei Bo, the rumble of horseshoes in the distance was getting closer and closer, and Cao Jun's cavalry should have all entered the city by now.

Being left behind by Yuan Shu to guard the isolated city, the morale and morale of the soldiers in the city were relatively low.

Two days ago, many wounded soldiers were lost due to the fight with the coalition forces, and there was no medicinal material in the city to treat the wounded soldiers, so Ji Ling could only let the wounded soldiers fend for themselves. This practice undoubtedly lowered the morale of the soldiers by another [-]%.

Lei Bo even had a big fight with Ji Ling because of this matter, but Ji Ling really couldn't help it.

It's just that Ji Ling never expected that Lei Bo would be so decisive, he opened the city gate directly and let Cao Jun enter the city.

It's just that Ji Ling was a little puzzled, "If there was no collusion in advance, even if Lei Bo opened the gate, Cao Jun would not be able to enter the city so quickly. Then, how did Lei Bo collude with Cao Cao?"

Even Cheng Yu, Xun You and others who have personally experienced it are puzzled, let alone Ji Ling.

After the cavalry entered the city, half of the troops were left behind, led by Cao Chun and Cao Ang, to help Lei Bo defend the city gate.

The remaining half, two thousand Qingqi led by Zhao Yun, Xia Houlan, and Le Jin, went straight to the City Lord's Mansion in Shouchun City.

The fight with Cao Jun some time ago left a big shadow in Ji Ling's heart, and the gate of the city was opened by his own family, and the last gasp in the chest of the soldiers in the city must have been vented.

The situation changed suddenly, Ji Ling didn't dare to think too much, and shouted loudly: "Come on! Follow me to fight!"

As he walked out, he ordered: "Don't bother Cao's cavalry, follow me to block the west gate!"

Ji Ling knew that Cao Cao's cavalry was not many, and Cao Jun's cavalry entered the city first, just to delay the time for the infantry behind.

As long as they can block the west city gate in time, Cao Jun's large troops will not be able to enter the city. When the reinforcements from Han Siam and Qiao Rui arrive, they may be able to drive Cao Jun's vanguard troops out of the city gate.

It seems that it can still be rescued.

However, just when Ji Ling led hundreds of guards out of the city lord's mansion, the two thousand cavalry led by Zhao Yun, Xia Houlan and Le Jin had already arrived like divine soldiers!

Looking at the general under the torch in front of him, Xia Houlan suddenly felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and roared: "The thief general! Take a shot at me!"

Both Zhao Yun and Le Jin knew the sad history of Xia Houlan being robbed before,
At this moment, they tacitly cleared the surrounding enemy troops for Xia Houlan, so that Xia Houlan had enough space and time to kill the enemy's general.

Ji Ling was leading the guards out of the City Lord's Mansion.

During this journey, his face was sometimes confused and worried, but most of the time, it was a kind of determination.

Yuan Shu has the kindness to know Ji Ling, and has always valued him in every possible way, and even gave him the supreme honor of a general.

Before leaving, Yuan Shu took Ji Ling's hand and handed Shouchun City into his hands.

Originally thought that with the indestructible Shouchun City and the [-] troops in the city, it would be enough to drag the coalition army to retreat by itself.

Unexpectedly, Lei Bo secretly surrendered to Cao Cao and opened the west gate.

It has been less than ten days since Yuan Shu left Shouchun City. After losing Shouchun so quickly, what face does Ji Ling have to face Yuan Shu?

Thinking of this, Ji Ling subconsciously quickened his pace, and he turned his head from time to time to urge the guards behind him to run faster.

However, not long after running out of the city lord's mansion, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes in front of him, and a young general shouted: "The thief will go away!!!"

Ji Ling's face changed, he didn't expect the enemy army to be so bold as to rush straight into the city lord's mansion!

Don't you guys know that there are at least [-] to [-] soldiers in the city?Do you understand the truth that you can't go deep alone! ! !
Ji Ling's war horse was still in the stable, but the enemy army was already rushing to his face. Ji Ling could only lift the three-pointed knife and barely blocked the blow first.

Xia Houlan missed a hit, turned around and rushed towards Ji Ling again.

Just one round time,

The guards around Ji Ling had already been divided and wiped out by Zhao Yun and Le Jin, and the rest was Xia Houlan and Ji Ling's performance time.

Ji Ling's mind was shaking at this moment, and without a horse, under Xia Houlan's iron white gun, he only persisted for five rounds before being stabbed into the chest by Xia Houlan from the front!
"Pfft!!!" There was a sound of a sharp object entering his body, and Ji Ling's eyes widened, staring at Xia Houlan in disbelief.

Xia Houlan drew out her spear, and without giving Ji Ling a chance to speak, she stabbed Ji Ling's throat again, completely killing him!

Not knowing that she had killed the biggest fish in Shouchun City, Xia Houlan took off Ji Ling's head and hung it under the horse's neck, and said to Zhao Yun and Le Jin with a smile: "Zilong, Wenqian, thank you very much! I It’s finally opened, so I didn’t come back empty-handed again!”

Le Jin replied somewhat sourly: "Congratulations Ziheng, you have taken the greatest credit."

"Eh?" Xia Houlan was taken aback when she heard the words, and asked, "How do you say that?"

Zhao Yun pointed Ji Ling's head with the tip of his spear, and said, "This is Ji Ling, you just took the head of Yuan Shu's puppet general!"

Xia Houlan was taken aback immediately, and then excitedly said: "Fuck! Then I'm going to get rich this time?"

Besides, shouts of killing suddenly erupted in Shouchun City, and Qiao Rui and Han Xian stationed at the south and east gates suddenly had a bad premonition in their hearts.

After ordering the soldiers and horses, Han Siam and Qiao Rui met in the city.

At this moment, a soldier of his own family suddenly stumbled towards them.

Qiao Rui grabbed a soldier covered in blood and asked sharply, "What's going on in front?"

When the soldier saw that it was General Qiao Rui, his nose burst into tears and he said with panic all over his face: "General Lei Bo opened the west gate to lead Cao's army into the city! I was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. Ximen... ...Simon has been lost!"

Although there was a strong sense of foreboding just now, after getting the definite answer, Han Xian and Qiao Rui still felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Ximen is lost. Damn Lei Bo, I chopped him up before!" Han Siam murmured.

Qiao Rui pulled the soldier in his hand closer and asked again: "Have you notified the general?"

The soldiers nodded desperately and said: "The general has been notified. But the general's reinforcements have not arrived yet, but we have all been dispersed by the enemy cavalry."

After Qiao Rui put aside the trembling soldiers and looked at Han Xian, Gu Du fell into silence.

The other soldiers behind them also heard what the soldier said, and then there was an uproar.

Lei Bo rebelled, the west city gate was lost, and the whereabouts of the general Ji Ling was unknown, so what should they do?
Just when Qiao Rui and Han Xian were struggling with their thoughts, in the depths of the night, bursts of cheers suddenly erupted from the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, and the enemy general shouted to persuade him to surrender: "Ji Ling is dead, if you don't surrender, When will you wait!!!”

Qiao Rui's eyes widened, his canthus tearing apart, "The general is dead!!"

Han Siam turned pale and muttered to himself, "Shouchun, I can't keep it anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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