Chapter 310 A few happy, a few sad
After Cao Cao drank a pot of tiger bone wine, his face turned red and his courage finally grew.

Under the teasing gazes of Lu Yan and Guo Jia, Cao Cao walked out of the General Hussar's Mansion with a three-step pause, and finally mustered up his courage to knock on the gate of Cai Yan's house next door.

"Who is it!"

Opening the gate, the servant at the gate saw that standing at the gate was the current Taiwei, no, it was the current Prime Minister Cao Cao!
He was so frightened that he scrambled into the inner courtyard and went to report to Cai Yan.

Fortunately, the result was not bad, Cai Yan did not let Cao Cao be shut down.

Perhaps the man who was so arrogant back then has already left an indelible mark on her heart
The first year of Jian'an, September.

The emperor was grateful to Cao Cao for sending troops to recover Xuzhou, smashing the false emperor Yuan Shu, and reorganizing the Tianwei of the Han Dynasty!Cao Cao is hereby granted the title of Prime Minister and County Marquis, with [-] hectares of land and [-] households!
All the ministers in the court had no objection (even if they did, they dared not say it), and then an edict was announced to the world, which made Cao Cao famous all over the world, and immediately attracted a lot of discussion from all over the world.

Jizhou, Yecheng, in the prefectural animal husbandry.

In the spacious, bright and magnificent hall, Yuan Shao's civil and martial arts are divided into two rows, standing opposite each other.

Yuan Shao, who was seated high on the throne, was still holding in his hand an edict sent by the emperor to the world. Yuan Shao had carefully read it twice before.

Compared with the early years when he received the emperor's appointment of Cao Cao as the general, Yuan Shao at this moment behaved more calmly and calmly,

"Everyone, Cao Cao captured Xuzhou and defeated Yuan Shu.
The Son of Heaven also made Cao Cao the prime minister, heh heh. Then Cao Aman, unexpectedly climbed onto my head so quickly. "

Yuan Shao seemed to laugh at himself, but also seemed to suppress his anger.

There was silence in the hall, and after a while, Tian Feng stood up first and said to Yuan Shao, "My lord, Cao Cao gave up the position of general in the past to stabilize us temporarily and ensure that we will not be attacked from both sides. That's all.

Now, he has captured Xuzhou, defeated Yuan Shu, and he is invincible in the southeast!We also have to guard against Cao Cao! "

As soon as Tian Feng finished speaking, Ju Shou stood up and said, "Master, Cao Cao annexed Xuzhou and took over the rich land of Huainan. Cao Cao will definitely pose a huge threat to us when it is digested in a day!"

Xu You also stood up, and then said: "Yuan Hao, what Gong Yu said is true! I see that Cao Cao's evil intentions have been revealed, and he, Cao A, is just the next Dong Zhuo!"

"My lord, we should speed up our attack on You Bing State!"


As Tian Feng started, more and more people joined the ranks of consolation, persuasion and advice.

Cao Cao, the little brother in the past, now unknowingly has the strength to challenge his big brother.

Listening to the various comforts and suggestions from the counselors and generals below, Yuan Shao couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

"That being the case, order Qu Yi to step up the attack on Yi Jing Tower." Halfway through the speech, Yuan Shao suddenly slapped the table and shouted: "No! This general will personally lead the army to attack Yi Jing Tower, in order to save Eliminate Gongsun Zan as soon as possible and seize Youzhou!"

"My lord is wise!"

"My lord is wise!"

Xu You convincingly said "The lord is wise", and in a daze, he saw the wise and mighty lord, and he came back again!
After everyone quieted down, Yuan Shaochen suddenly sighed and said: "Cao A is a treacherous thief who concealed the truth! I hate that I didn't adopt the words of the public. If I sent troops to control the emperor at that time, how could I be in trouble today?" Ah? Alas!"

Yuan Shao's sigh and emotion made the faces of Guo Tu and Feng Ji, who tried their best to sing the opposite tune at the beginning, look ashen.

The reason why they opposed the strategy of Jushou, Tian Feng and others was not because of the problem of the strategy itself, but because of the dispute between the factions.

There are many factions under Yuan Shao's command, each attacking and hindering each other for their own interests, and internal friction is quite serious.

And Yuan Shao himself has a big problem, that is, his vision is a little short-sighted, he is greedy for small gains and suffers big losses; he is vacillating, has many ideas and few needs, and is always unable to make the most correct choice, and often regrets it afterwards.

This led to intensified partisanship among his subordinates, even to the point of open confrontation.
However, it is undeniable that
No matter how many shortcomings Yuan Shao had, they couldn't cover them up. Today, Yuan Shao is still the strongest prince in the entire Han Dynasty, not one of them!

Linzi, Qingzhou prefecture.

Chen Gong has been paying close attention to Cao Jun's movements. After learning that Cao Cao has broken Shouchun and captured Xuzhou and Huainan, he hastily found Lu Bu who was teaching his daughter martial arts.

Ever since Lu Lingqi came back, Lu Bu had rarely seen her smile.This is very different from Lu Lingqi's lively and cheerful personality who always put a smile on her face.

Lu Bu thought that Lu Lingqi was wronged because she had been captured for a long time, so during this period of time he always took more time out of his busy schedule to be with Lu Lingqi.Of course, Lu Bu just spared the daytime to give to Lu Lingqi
"Fengxian! There is important news from the south!" Chen Gong shouted loudly from a long distance away.

There is no way, the two father and daughter each held Fang Tian's painting halberd and beat the sky until the sky was dark, Chen Gong dared not go there!

Lu Bu heard the sound and stopped the fight with Lu Lingqi.

Lu Lingqi knew that Chen Gong's visit to Lu Bu must be on business, so she carried the small Fang Tianhuaji and walked straight to the gate.

"Young lady has improved in martial arts, congratulations!" Seeing Lu Lingqi approaching, Chen Gong quickly cupped his hands in compliment.

However, Lu Lingqi just nodded at Chen Gong, and then left straight away.

Lu Bu helplessly looked at Lu Lingqi's slightly gloomy back, and said to Chen Gong: "Don't blame me, sir, Lingqi thinks she was wronged in Chenliu, and she has been in a bad mood. When I meet Lu Yan, I must go Get justice with him!"

When Chen Gong heard the words, an inexplicable smile appeared on his face and said: "Feng Xian, I think the thoughts of my daughter's family may not be as simple as you think."

"how do I say this?"

"For the specific reason, I suggest you ask your two wives. They have shared weal and woe with the eldest lady in Chenliu, and they will know some of the reasons why she is unhappy."

Lu Bu felt that what Chen Gong said made sense, so he nodded and replied, "I understand. I'll ask Diao Chan to understand later."

How about another game of poker?
emmm, let's talk about the serious business first.

Lu Lingqi was depressed, and came to the stable where the bay red horse was kept alone, and began to feed it and clean the horse.

While bathing the horse, Lu Lingqi recalled the scene when she was playing tricks on Lu Yan, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

At that time, in order to be able to enter the army, she followed Guo Jia's suggestion to serve Lu Yan's Bailongma every day in order to win Lu Yan's favor, so that serving Bailongma was more attentive than serving her parents. Thinking about it now, At the beginning, I was really pitiful and ridiculous.

"Oh! Miss, you can't wash this horse three times a day!" The old official in charge of the stables shouted in distress when he saw that Lu Lingqi had come to bathe the bay red horse again.

Lu Lingqi's memory was interrupted by the old official, and the smile on her face suddenly turned to frost.

The old official suddenly felt a chill hit him, and he couldn't help shivering, and retreated timidly.

Lu Lingqi turned her head and patted the horse's back, which was about to be washed off by herself. All the emotions in her heart finally turned into a soft sigh
(End of this chapter)

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