Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 311 Rebuilding the Taixue and opening an official college

Chapter 311 Rebuilding the Taixue and opening an official college

In the early Western Han Dynasty, the study of Huang Lao was prevalent, and there were no official places to teach academics, only private schools opened by private individuals.It wasn't until Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty deposed the Confucianism of the Hundred Schools and adopted Dong Zhongshu's suggestion that he began to establish Taixue in Chang'an, which is an officially established school.

At first, there was only a doctor of the Five Classics in Taixue, and [-] disciples of the doctor.From Emperor Wu to Xinmang, the number of subjects and the number of students in Taixue gradually increased, and gradually opened "Book of Changes", "Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "Book of Rites", "Gongyang Zhuan", "Guliang Biography", "Zuo Zhuan" and "Zhou Zhuan". Official, Erya and other courses.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, Dong Zhongshu said in the virtuous countermeasures: "Tai scholars are the key to the wise men and the origin of enlightenment."

During the reign of Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhu Fu wrote a letter to Dr. Guangxuan, saying: "A husband and scholar, the palace of etiquette, and the place of enlightenment."

The famous scholar Cai Yong at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, that is, Cai Yan’s father, pointed out more clearly: "Tai Xue is regarded as the place where doctoral students teach their careers."

The above all show that the rise and fall of Taixue is directly related to the success or failure of national education.

Moreover, Taixue not only teaches theoretical knowledge, but also consciously increases the social practice links of students.

In the Eastern Han and Western Jin Dynasties, when the emperor held township society ceremonies, the students of rites, that is, all the ether students, took the form of single-subject completion. After the completion of each classic, a Ph.D. presided over the defense.Strictly follow the requirements of each scripture family law, and pay attention to the succession of masters.The defense consists of fifty debate questions, the one with more explanations is the first one, and the one who cites civilization is the high one.If you don't follow your predecessors, those who fight with righteousness will be considered wrong.This is somewhat restrictive for individual students, but as far as the overall academic education is concerned, it is a guarantee for advocating debate among different schools of thought and improving the academic status of different schools of thought.

So why do Chinese people attach so much importance to education that education is so involuntary?The seeds may have been planted more than 1000 years ago
At that time, Taixue students supported Chen Fan, Li Ying and others against eunuchs in power, and were labeled as "partisans". Thousands of Taixue students were arrested, imprisoned, or even executed, and Taixue began to gradually decline.

Later, Luoyang was burned to ashes by Dong Zhuo, and Chang'an was also poisoned by Dong Zhuo, Li Jue, Guo Si and others. The ministers of the emperor themselves were in danger, and the Taixue naturally had no way to maintain it. It was closed early until it disappeared completely.

Now that the Great Han court was reborn in Xuchang, what was there before, it must be there now, so the Taiyuan Academy began to be rebuilt under Lao Cao's efforts.

Since the in-depth conversation with Cai Yan that day, Cao Cao's whole person seemed to have rejuvenated, becoming vigorous and energetic, full of energy!

After returning to Xuchang, the first thing Cao Cao did was to pay close attention to the matter of culture and education. Presumably, during the conversation with Cai Yan, the other party mentioned some matters in this regard.

This is what Cao Cao will do in the future, but now it is a little earlier.

The reopening of Taixue is obviously a good thing to revive the emperor's prestige and enhance the status of the Han court in the hearts of scholars, but in fact it is also the first step of Cao Cao and Lu Yan's conspiracy to disintegrate the family's knowledge monopoly.

At first, there were two sources of Tai students: one was directly selected by Tai Chang as "those over eighteen years old and well-groomed"; "Those who have heard", the target is the children of the people.

It was not until the end of the Western Han Dynasty that the children of bureaucrats and aristocrats were required to enter the Taixue to teach.

However, these people have been pampered since childhood, and they have become officials through the "shadow" channel bestowed by privileges, and most of them lack enthusiasm for enrolling in school.

And folk children who enter Taixue can not only be exempted from corvee and tax, but also can use it as a step in promotion, so they are very motivated to learn.However, although the former Taixue did not charge tuition fees, they still had to take care of their own living expenses. Some students from poor families had to rely on labor to make a living to maintain their studies.

Cao Cao replaced the old selection and local election methods with examinations, which greatly increased fairness.

However, he can only carry out and organize examinations under his own rule, that is, pass examinations in Yanzhou, Yingchuan and Xuzhou to select students to enter Taixue.

Not only the way of admission has undergone major changes, but also the content of Taixue professors. In addition to still teaching classics such as "Book of Changes" and "Book of Songs", more courses such as military affairs and internal affairs will also be carried out.

Education should start from childhood. Although there have been private schools for a long time, private schools are not very good in terms of scale and stability.

Therefore, when the Taixue was rebuilt, official academies would be opened at the same time in various places under Cao Cao's rule.Starting from childhood, it is necessary to seek courses corresponding to each stage, so that children, teenagers, and youths have books to read and paths to find.

Due to the emergence of new paper and the cheap bookstores opened by the Chamber of Commerce, various books have already begun to appear in large numbers among the people.

It is not easy for ordinary people to have the opportunity to read and write, and they naturally cherish it extremely.

Three to five years after the establishment of the Academy and Taixue, Cao Cao will start the imperial examination according to the plan.Once the imperial examination system is formally implemented, the hundreds of years of examination and examination system that has been implemented since Emperor Wendi will usher in its end.There will also be a breach in the monopoly of the gentry and the localities, and the pattern that the humble literati represented by Xi Zhicai most want to see will really appear in front of them!

As mentioned earlier, Taixue recruits common people's children. Although tuition fees are exempted, they don't care about their lives.

The newly opened Taixue or local colleges will take the initiative to provide them with job opportunities, and will also set up a library to provide free books to borrow, so that they can fulfill their dream of studying through part-time work and part-study.

The establishment and reform of Taixue and local colleges will definitely encounter great resistance.

But now that Cao Cao has become the prime minister ahead of schedule, he can now arbitrarily reopen Taixue and open local colleges.

It is a good thing to educate the common people, and the great Confucians both in the court and in the opposition are very supportive.

However, because of the teaching of military, mathematics, and engineering, it caused their dissatisfaction.

Even the ministers who personally lifted Cao Cao to the position of prime minister in the court, many people objected in private.

After all, in the eyes of these Confucian scholars, Taixue should be a place that purely teaches Confucian classics.

How is it proper for you to teach military affairs, arithmetic and even engineering?It's simply insulting!
In the face of fierce opposition from the ministers in the DPRK and China, Cao Cao took out the authority of the prime minister and began to act arbitrarily.No matter how your ministers wailed, Cao Cao still went his own way.

Finally, under Cao Cao's insistence, the emperor and all the officials had nothing to do with him. In the end, after trying their best to increase the proportion of Confucianism teaching, they agreed to reopen this somewhat nondescript Taixue.

Chenliu Workshop, under the operation of Cao Cao, became an affiliated institution of Taixue, and finally ushered in the long-awaited "regularization". In the future, it will also be a place for mathematics and engineering students to practice and even start a formal working career.

(End of this chapter)

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