Chapter 325 Mr. is very talkative (thanks to [Mercury's Masked Superman] for the reward)

The younger generation of the Zhuge family are all rare talents in this world. Zhuge Xuan looked at the future pillars in the hall, nodded in relief, and said in his heart: "This is the future of my Zhuge family! Period!"

Zhuge Xuan, who was in a slightly better mood, wanted to find a convenient promotion channel for his children, so after a little deliberation, he asked Zhuge Jin and the others: "Jingzhou Mu Liu Jingsheng is my friend, if you go The development of Jingzhou will definitely have a good future. It's just that Jingzhou is far away, so who of you would like to go to Jingzhou?"

After waiting for a while, no one spoke.

Although Jingzhou is rich and peaceful, but the journey is far away, and if you want to rise to power, the indigenous forces there are not so easy to get rid of.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Zhuge Jin had no choice but to answer as the boss: "Let's go, Liu Jingzhou's feat of single-handedly deciding Jingzhou. Too sorry?"

Zhuge Lan was very satisfied with Zhuge Jin's attitude. After all, Liu Biao did a great job back then, and as Liu Biao's friend, Zhuge Xuan has always been honored.

However, Zhuge Liang looked at Zhuge Jin with sympathetic eyes, and said in his heart: "This is a wronged brother."

Zhuge Jin saw Zhuge Liang's gaze from the corner of his eyes, and now he could only secretly give a helpless wry smile.

Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang often talked about people in the world together, and they knew in their hearts that although Liu Biao gained a firm foothold with the help of the Jingzhou gentry, he was also bound by the Jingzhou gentry.

It is indeed very amazing to decide Jingzhou alone, but now Liu Biao is no longer the hero with both resourcefulness and courage. He is now old and does not have the aggressiveness of the past.

But Zhuge Jin knew that Liu Biao was the force that Zhuge Xuan hoped most for his nephew to support. After all, they had been friends for many years. Not only did his family get a lot of care from Liu Biao, but his young and talented people could also help Liu Biao a lot.

Looking at the elder brother's back, Zhuge Liang sighed softly, and said in his heart: "Liu Biao is just a master of success, and following him will not have a very good future. However, elder brother should not be a pedantic person. If Liu Biao can help, he may stay; But if Liu Biao is not worthy of help, Big Brother will definitely not wrong him."

In fact, Zhuge Jin had already left a way out for himself in his words. He did not say that he would definitely join Liu Biao after going to Jingzhou.

Anyway, when the time comes, go to Jingzhou for a tour first. If Liu Biao is not satisfied, he can change it again!
Zhuge Xuan looked at Zhuge Liang. After the boss Zhuge Jin finished speaking, it was Zhuge Liang's turn to be the second child.

In fact, Zhuge Liang had already thought about the path he was going to take next, but he still thought about his words a little bit before he said: "My nephew wants to go to the Imperial Academy in Xudu. The newly opened mathematics and engineering courses of the Imperial Academy, My nephew is very interested."

"Kong Ming, you have the best aptitude among our brothers, and it is also a good choice to go to Taiyuan Academy for further study." Zhuge Jin agreed with Zhuge Liang's choice very much. After all, Zhuge Liang is only 15 years old, and he is still young, so he will study for a few more years. There is no harm in annual books.

"That's right. Although the Han Court is in decline, the great Han's influence is still there. It's also a good choice to walk around at the foot of the Son of Heaven." Zhuge Xuan finally nodded in agreement, and finally looked at the other two brothers and said: "Jun'er, Dan'er, your big brother and second brother are about to spread their wings and fly, and you yourself need to work harder."

Zhuge Jun and Zhuge Dan bowed their hands in a respectful manner and said, "Yes!"

At this moment, a servant from outside suddenly came to report, "Patriarch, there is someone outside to pay a visit, saying that he came here under the order of the current hussar general!"

"When the court hussars general?"

"General Hussars, Lu Yan and Lu Changsheng!!!" Zhuge Xuan couldn't help but tremble when he heard this!
This Lu Yan is a ruthless man who is known as the nemesis of the family, the enemy of the powerful, and the pioneer of the class revolution!
Take a look at those aristocratic families in Yanzhou, which one will not be subdued by Lu Yan's policies?
"Uncle, don't worry, it won't be too late to meet Lu Huqi's envoy first." Still Zhuge Liang held his breath.

Zhuge Xuan's face returned to normal, he nodded and said to the servant: "Bring him in. No! Let's go meet him together."

After Zhuge Xuan finished speaking, he took the lead to walk out of the lobby.Now that the entire territory of Xuzhou has fallen into the hands of Cao Cao, he has to lower his figure under the fence.

Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang and others followed closely behind, and followed Zhuge Xuan to the gate.

I saw a young woman dressed as a warrior standing outside the gate with her head held high.

Behind the woman stood two followers dressed as peasants, but judging from their standing posture and the occasional exposure of nakedness, they were by no means as simple as ordinary warriors or peasants.

Seeing all the Zhugexuan's family rushing out, the woman was a little surprised at first, but then she admired more, "The Zhuge Xuan's family are people who know the current affairs. In troubled times, only families that can bend and stretch can survive for a long time. .”

Zhuge Xuan didn't feel slighted because the other party was a woman, he bowed his hands and said: "I'm Zhuge Xuan, I've met the envoy."

Zhao Xue clasped her fists back and saluted, and said: "We are under the command of Hussar General Lu Yan, the third team of Yingzi Dingying. I am the captain, my surname is Zhao Mingxue, and these two are my team members, Ding San and Ding Si. "

Zhao Xue, from Zhaojia Village, Zhending, Changshan.

Over the years, many people from Zhaojia Village have come to Chenliu to join Lu Yan and Zhao Yun one after another, but Lu Yan accepts everything without saying a word.

The point is that there are many talents in Zhaojia Village, and all these talents over the years are worthy of use.Moreover, this Zhao Xue was taught by Zhao Yun back then, and her martial arts skills are even close to that of first-class fighters.


"Heroic and valiant! Who says women are inferior to men!"

Zhuge Mengxue and Zhuge Ruoxue saw the heroic Zhao Xue, and after hearing her self-introduction, their eyes lit up immediately, and their hearts were full of admiration and yearning.

"Yingziying?" Zhuge Liang had heard of the fearsome Beiwei army, the elegant white horse Yi Cong, and the domineering tiger and leopard cavalry.
But what happened to this shadow camp?Not only have I never heard of it, it sounds like it is not a regular army.

Zhao Xue saw a young man with star-like eyes looking at her curiously, but she didn't pay much attention to it, but directly explained her reason for coming, "I came here this time to give you a word for my husband."

When Zhuge Xuan heard that he had come here specially to bring words for Lu Yan, he immediately tensed up, and then respectfully cupped his hands again and said: "Please speak, my envoy!"

"Lu Mou hopes that the Zhuge clan can send outstanding children to take the imperial examination."

"?" Zhuge Xuan was a little stunned, "What does this mean?"

Zhuge Liang suddenly asked at this moment: "Dare to ask the envoy, did Lu Hussar also say this to other gentry?"

Zhao Xue replied with certainty: "No, sir only asked us to speak for the Chen family and you Zhuge Jin."

Zhuge Xuan couldn't help feeling deeply puzzled when he heard the words, and secretly said in his heart,

"The Chen family received special care because of Chen Deng's great service in defending Pengcheng, and later the whole family joined Cao Cao. My Zhuge family didn't do anything, so why was it taken care of by Lu Yan alone?"

Seeing Zhuge Xuan's doubts, Zhao Xue said: "If you want to know why, you can go to Chenliu and see Mr., and you will understand?"

"Going to see Lu Yan?" Zhuge Xuan's face changed slightly.

Seeing that Zhuge Xuan showed a slightly timid expression, Zhao Xue immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. is a very peaceful and easy-going person."

Zhuge Liang couldn't help laughing, and blurted out: "It's easy to get along with? So Lu Hus rode three times against Zhang Xun outside Yangzhai City; outside Luoyang City, one enemy and a thousand cavalry; under Pengcheng, defeated Yuan Shu's four-way army?"


(End of this chapter)

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