Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 326 Lao Liu, Lao Cao invites you to drink tea in Xuchang

Chapter 326 Lao Liu, Lao Cao invites you to drink tea in Xuchang

Besides, after Liu Bei and Sun Ce conquered Runan, they failed to find Yuan Shu, and the cooked duck flew away.
Seeing that Cao Cao "let" them to pick up the credit but didn't get it, Sun Ce and Liu Bei really didn't have the face to ask the emperor for credit.

After venting their anger at the soldiers under Yuan Shu's command, the two sides had to lead their troops back to their hometowns.

Fortunately for Sun Ce, he still has a fairly stable foundation in Jiangdong. Although he did not achieve the final goal, at least he gained a lot of fame in the process of crusade against Yuan Shu.

But when Liu Bei returned to Guangling County with regret, a horse-riding soldier came galloping and brought Liu Bei a huge bad news!
The messenger rode his horse and came to Liu Bei, weeping, and reported: "My lord, something is wrong! My lord!"

Liu Bei stopped his horse, looked at the messenger in astonishment, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Xuchang. Someone from Xuchang said that it is Xuzhou Muchezhou, who wants to take back the control of Guangling County! Our hometown is going to be gone! Huh, huh." The messenger started to cry when he said that he was sad.

After going out for a while, the house is almost gone?
Hearing this, Liu Bei felt unsteady and almost fell off his horse. Guan Yu, who was beside him, quickly reached out to support Liu Bei.

Zhang Fei exploded directly on the spot, like a thunderclap on the ground, and shouted: "Damn Cao Cao! We spent countless soldiers and money to help him fight Yuan Shu, and he stabbed us in the back? My old Zhang will go find him now." Seek justice!"

After Guan Yu straightened Liu Bei with his left hand, he held the Azure Dragon Saber tightly with his right hand, and said to Liu Bei, "Brother, Guangling County is our last foundation, we must not let Cao Cao take it back!"

Liu Bei has quickly stabilized his figure and mood. He knows that he must not lose his footing in the face of such a major event.

Liu Bei thought for a moment, and felt that Cao Cao couldn't do such an immoral thing, so he asked the messenger, "What else did the messenger from Xuchang say?"

The messenger wiped away his tears, recalled it carefully, and then replied: "By the way, the messenger said that he will be waiting for you to return, my lord, and that he will have good news for you."

"Huh? Good news?" Zhang Fei was a little confused at the moment, and said to himself, "Then is this bad news or good news?"

The messenger shook his head and said: "I don't know, he said that he will only tell the news when the lord returns."

Zhang Fei stepped forward and couldn't help but slapped the messenger on the back of the head, complaining, "Damn you, why did you only talk in half? I was so scared that my heart jumped!"

The strength of Zhang Fei's slap was no small matter, he almost sent the soldiers to slap their eyes with stares, and almost slapped the horse directly.

Guan Yu glared at the reckless Zhang Fei, stretched out his hand again to straighten the messenger, and said to Liu Bei, "I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in Cao Cao's gourd, I think it's better for us to go back as soon as possible to find out more! "

Liu Bei also felt that he couldn't delay any longer, so he said to Guan Yu, "Okay, second brother, send an order to go down and march quickly, and you must return to Guangling within three days!"

Guan Yu nodded, reined in his horse, turned around, and shouted: "Soldiers obey orders, march quickly, aiming at Guangling!"

Besides, the envoy from Xudu has been waiting for almost half a month.

During this period of time, accompanied by Sun Qian, Mi Zhu and Jian Yong, he played around, watched songs and dances, and lived a leisurely life.

Today, Sun Qian and others once again invited the envoy to the meeting hall to watch the singing and dancing, but the envoy's face was solemn from beginning to end, as if his mind was not on the beautiful wine and beauties in front of him.

After so many days, the emissary still maintains the attitude from the beginning, no matter how "please" or "corrupt" Sun Qian and the others, the emissary just doesn't say a word.

The atmosphere in the hall was a little weird, but Sun Qian and the others couldn't change it.

They tried to ask many times before, but the envoy always only said that Guangling County will be taken over by Xu Zhoumu. As for the reason and the good things mentioned later, he kept his mouth shut and didn't mention a word.

Just when Sun Qian and the others were secretly anxious, someone from outside came to report, "Report! Don't drive, Chang Shi! The lord has returned with his army, and he will be here soon!"

"Great! The lord is finally back!" Sun Qian, Mi Zhu and Jian Yong finally breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

Jian Yong waved to the singers and said, "You all go down!"

When the singer left, Liu Bei led Guan Yu and Zhang Fei into the meeting hall.

Xu Du, who was seated first under the main seat, came to see Liu Bei's return, stood up calmly, bowed his hands to Liu Bei and said, "My next prime minister, Guoyuan, has seen Liu Yuzhou!"

Seeing this, Liu Bei subconsciously bowed his hands back and said, "Liu Bei, see you?"

But halfway through the conversation, Liu Bei suddenly realized that something was wrong with the other party's address to him!

"Brother, my eldest brother is Xuzhou Mu. Why are you called Cheng Yuzhou Mu? You have to remember it, and don't call it wrong next time!" Zhang Fei kindly reminded.

Guan Yu felt that the other party must have called the wrong person accidentally or on purpose, so he quickly grabbed Zhang Fei, clasped his fists in salute, and said: "My third brother is ignorant, so I hope the angels can't be blamed."

Zhang Fei kindly reminded the other party, but he was dragged by the second brother to pay for it. At this moment, his mind was full of question marks, and he muttered: "Second brother, what am I doing?"

Seeing that Zhang Fei still wanted to refute, Liu Bei gave Zhang Fei a sideways look.

Seeing the somewhat scary eyes of his elder brother, Zhang Fei stood behind him resentfully, and stopped talking.

Guoyuan didn't care about Zhang Fei's rudeness. He continued to say to Liu Bei: "The imperial court has appointed a new Xuzhou Mu. In order to unify the management, the imperial court hopes to take back Guangling County and hand it over to Xuzhou Mu Chezhou."

Hearing this, the complexions of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei all changed.

But this time Guoyuan didn't give the three brothers Liu Bei a chance to speak. He continued: "General Liu has made great contributions to the crusade against Yuan Shu. The prime minister is grateful for General Liu's great help, so he went to the emperor and declared that you are the left general and lead Yuzhou. Shepherd."

The faces of the three brothers Liu Bei changed again, but this time they were beaming with joy.

When Zhang Fei heard it, it was really a good thing!Immediately he laughed, and said to Guan Yu: "This Cao Cao is really a righteous man."

When Liu Bei heard this, the big stone in his heart was slightly relieved.

Xuzhou was lost by Liu Bei himself. After Cao Bao captured most of Xuzhou, Liu Bei, the Xuzhou shepherd, has actually existed in name only.

If Cao Cao wanted to forcibly take back Guangling, Liu Bei really had no way or no reason to stop it. After all, the court was extraordinarily merciful for not holding Liu Bei accountable.

What Liu Bei didn't expect was that he didn't get Yuan Shu's head, but Cao Cao still presented him to the emperor, canonized him as General Zuo and led Yuzhou Mu.

With such kindness, it is hard not to make Liu Bei feel good about Cao Cao.

Guan Yu's face also showed a gleam of joy. Seeing that Liu Bei was still in a daze, he couldn't help poking Liu Bei's waist lightly with his fingers, and whispered, "Brother, thank you!"

Liu Bei was poked by Guan Yu, and only after hearing his words did he react, and hurriedly bowed his hands and bowed in salute: "Liu Bei, thank you! Your Majesty, the Prime Minister's grace!"

Guoyuan nodded to Liu Bei, and said, "Since that's the case, Liu Yuzhou should pack his luggage as soon as possible, and follow me to Xuchang to pay respects to the emperor, and then he will officially take office."

"Go to Xuchang?" Liu Bei's doubts flashed across his mind.

However, because Yingchuan County is under the rule of Yuzhou, and now the center of Yuzhou is Xuchang, it is reasonable to go to Xuchang first, so Liu Bei quickly ignored this doubt, and replied:

"Liu Bei, take orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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