Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 348 On heroes, also on the world

Chapter 348 On heroes, also on the world
"Big man... so small???"

On this map, it is no longer the thirteen states of the Eastern Han Dynasty that Liu Bei was familiar with.

It is a world map with many unheard of regions, or countries, marked one by one!

Liu Bei was shocked in his heart, and his eyes revealed surprise and doubt.

He raised his head, looked at Lu Yan, and asked, "This is the world that Lu Hussar said? But how did Lu Hussar know that there is a sky beyond the sky?"

Lu Yan picked up the teacup, poured a glass of water for himself and Liu Bei, and replied: "How do you know? You don't need to know. You just need to know. This map is true!"

"Really. Is it true?" Liu Bei asked.

Lu Yan was so sure, Liu Bei also believed most of it in his heart.

At this moment, Liu Bei also seemed to feel that a door leading to the new world opened before his eyes.

Lu Yan pointed to the map marked with the word "Han" and said: "The territory of the Han Dynasty is really too small compared to the world."

"Indeed." Liu Bei's expression was serious, the shock in his heart could not dissipate for a long time.

Lu Yan thought for a while and continued: "From our own perspective, the big man is the world. But in fact, the world can be very big!"

"The big man is the world, but how big can the world be?"

After all, there is some idealism in it, and it is indeed not easy to understand.

Lu Yan saw that Liu Bei was a little dizzy, so he decided not to make it so complicated, "There are too many ways to understand the concept of Tianxia, ​​let's keep it simple, and there is no need to rise to the height of philosophy."

"What is philosophy??" Liu Bei was even more confused.

What is philosophy?The question itself is very philosophical
Lu Yan didn't know how to explain it to him, but in the end he just said: "You can simply understand it as thinking about everything in the world."

"Oh." Liu Bei felt that Lu Yan's words were very profound, so he nodded hurriedly.

The topic got a little off track. After sorting out his thoughts, Lu Yan continued: "In Lu's view, the territory can be regarded as the shape of the world."

When Liu Bei heard about it, combined with Lu Yan's usual behavior and what he did under Cao Cao's rule, his heart moved, and he replied: "The common people are the soul of the world?"

Lu Yan nodded, and replied: "That's right, those who have a form and no soul are just walking dead, and those who have a soul and no form will become lonely ghosts."

Seeing that Liu Bei was having a hard time understanding, Lu Yan directly stated his intentions.

"What Lu wants to show Brother Xuande is actually very simple." Lu Yan pointed to the map again, and said: "The common people of the Han Dynasty, whether they are from aristocratic families, poor families or ordinary people, are all compatriots and clansmen with a strip of water. Our eyes should not Just put it on the one-third of an acre of land at home, but should open up the horizons, and even open up the pattern!"

Lu Yan's words made Liu Bei have some guesses in his heart, but he didn't say what he thought, but continued to pretend to be ignorant and asked: "Dare to ask Lu Hussar, how can we open up our vision and pattern?"

What Liu Bei said was on point.

Lu Yan chuckled, and said: "A family, of course, must be united internally and unanimously external!"

Excuse me for a long time, did you mean to drop it?
A wry smile appeared on the corner of Liu Bei's mouth, and he said, "Lu Hussar, you really think highly of Liu Bei."

"Brother Xuande, you misunderstood."


"I'm not talking about condescending you, but I hope you can set your sights on a higher and farther place."

Liu Bei was silent for a moment, and finally revealed his heart: "To tell you the truth, Lu Hussar, Bei's wish in this life is to help the Han family."

Lu Yan shook his head and asked, "Brother Xuande, do you want to help the emperor unify the world, or become the master of the world yourself?"

Liu Bei's expression became extremely serious, and he said: "The world can learn from it, Liu Bei has no second thoughts!"

"The world is not the world of one family, and the big man is not the big man of the Liu family." Lu Yan pointed to the map and asked: "The great ancestor Liu Bang also took the world from the Qin Emperor."

"But the Emperor Qin was tyrannical, and the people of the world have suffered from Qin for a long time!"

"However, the eunuchs of the big Han are involved in politics, the relatives are monopolizing power, and the aristocratic family is attached to the big man to suck blood and get fat. That's why the Yellow Turban Uprising happened later!"

Lu Yan's words pointed to the point, and Liu Bei was silent again.

Lu Yan hit the iron while it was hot: "The big man is in the precarious situation because of the collapse of the system and out of control of the class. Even if you, Liu Bei, have three heads and six arms, you can't go against the sky."

"Be prepared, there is still a passion!"

"Damn! If the oil and salt don't get in, it's better to let you die under the arrow!" It was too difficult to convince a man with a firm mind, and Lu Yan suddenly felt a little irritable.

"Steady! Stabilize!" Lu Yan took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and then sighed, and said: "In any case, the common people are innocent.

I, Lu Yan, ask myself that without such grand ambitions as yours, Liu Bei, I just want to do my best to let the common people of the Han Dynasty have food, clothing, and live a decent and dignified life! "

Seeing that Liu Bei was still expressionless, Lu Yan also gave up his plan to persuade Liu Bei, "The character of a hero is as firm as a rock." Lu Yan secretly sighed in his heart: "It's just a pity for such a character."

Putting away the map, Lu Yan got up to say goodbye, and turned to leave.

When Lu Yan opened the door and was about to leave, Liu Bei's hoarse voice suddenly came from behind: "Dare to ask Prime Minister Cao Lu Huan to do what you said?"

Lu Yan did not answer directly, but said: "Mr. Cao and you are heroes of the world."

"Dr. Cao?" Liu Bei was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in surprise, "What is your relationship with Prime Minister Cao?"

"Mr. Cao and I have always been in a cooperative relationship."

"Cooperation?" Liu Bei seemed to have a little understanding of what Lu Yan said before, "I'm not here to persuade you to surrender." "Lu Hussar means that I hope I can cooperate with Prime Minister Cao like you?"

"That's exactly what it means." Lu Yan stood at the door for a moment, and seeing that Liu Bei had no follow-up reply, he lifted his foot and walked out.

The words have come to this point, if Liu Bei is willing to cooperate, then there will always be a place for him in the world.

If he still clings to Liu's surname and Liu Han, then the only thing waiting for him is Gu Laoducheng.

After Lu Yan left, Liu Bei was still sitting at the table, staring at the table.It seems that the shocking "map of the world" is still in front of my eyes.

Liu Bei sat like this for more than two hours.

It wasn't until the sky was completely dark that he came back to his senses and muttered to himself: "The world. Han room"

Liu Bei is Cao Cao's lifelong enemy.

Although there was suspicion of exaggerating Liu Bei's influence in the Battle of Chibi,
However, it is undeniable that Liu Bei started from scratch and established the Shu Han, which divided the world into three parts.

The internal friction in the three-point world is astonishing, and the population of the Han Dynasty has dropped sharply, so there are various helpless measures for the Hu people to move inward to enrich the population.

The excessive number of Hu people and the instability of the regime structure of the Jin Dynasty led to the later Wuhu Luanhua, which opened the darkest era in the history of the Han people.
"I, Liu Bei, aim to help the Han Dynasty, and take 'benevolence' as my foothold. Now it seems that I am walking on a narrow road."

"The great man is the great man of the world, but the world is not limited to the world of the great man."

(End of this chapter)

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