Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 349 On the Eve of the Great War, Chen Liu Expands His Army

Chapter 349 On the Eve of the Great War, Chen Liu Expands His Army

[The second year of Jian'an, mid-June]

[The Yidai Zhao incident has passed smoothly, and public opinion is continuing to ferment. 】

【Yuan Shao has already firmly established himself in this pot. If the other princes want to join forces with Yuan Shao, they may have to weigh in advance whether their reputation can withstand the loss. 】

【However, what should be guarded against must be guarded against】

【Feng Xiao, that guy secretly sent Zhao Xue to Jiangdong to do something. He thought I didn't know, but in fact, I had already figured him out. 】

[Jingzhou has people from Yingzi B Battalion in charge. I think Liu Biao won’t have the energy to go north as long as he works hard on the big families in those places.]

[Qingzhou Lü Bu should be an ally, right? The only thing left is Zhang Yang, who is vacillating in Hanoi County. 】

Lu Yan recalled the history, Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi County, seemed to be killed by his subordinates.

After killing Zhang Yang, they wanted to seek refuge with Yuan Shao, but Boss Cao sent Shi Huan and others first, and finally succeeded in taking Hanoi into his pocket.But this can be regarded as the fuse of the Battle of Guandu, so if Hanoi County is not forced, it is better not to do it as much as possible.

[Some family ministers who secretly interacted with Yuan Shao have restrained themselves a lot now, and internal hidden dangers are gradually being eliminated. 】

[One mountain cannot contain two tigers, the battle between Cao and Yuan will inevitably break out.Boss Cao is also about to face one of the most important turning points in his destiny. 】

[If Liu Biao and Sun Ce don't come to make trouble, Lao Cao can at least draw out about 20 troops, but I don't know how much strength Yuan Shao is hiding now, can he take out [-], or [-] troops? 】

Writing this, Lu Yan couldn't help but feel a burst of pressure, Yuan Shao's strength is really too strong.

In the historical battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao even defeated Chen Liu.

You know, all of Lu Yan's efforts are in Chenliu County, but he can't stand the toss of those soldiers!

[Reincarnation is really a skill.Think about us, think about Boss Cao's life and death several times before finally earning the territory of two and a half states.But after Yuan Shao made a little effort to kill Gongsun Zan, he almost owned four states, and Jizhou and Youzhou were also very rich]

[The people of Jizhou are rich in Yin, their soldiers and food are abundant, and the strength of the aristocratic family has also been fully utilized in Yuan Shao's hands. This battle is a bit difficult! 】

It's hard to return to hard, what should come will still come, and what should be fought still has to be fought.

If Yuan Shao wanted to go south, Cao Cao was a hurdle he couldn't get around.

What's more, Cao Cao buckled a huge dish on Yuan Shao's head, and the two of them can be said to have completely torn their faces.

Lu Yan closed the diary, sighed and said, "For so many years, I keep writing in the diary every day, but I still can't see when I'm tall."

Don't look at it as just writing a diary, but it is actually very difficult to persist every day for several years.

The most difficult thing is that there is still no end in sight, just as the road ahead has no end in sight, and the pressure in my heart will increase with time.

"That's all. Get used to it. As long as you survive the Battle of Guandu, with the support of Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, and Jia Xu, Boss Cao will never make the mistake of the Battle of Chibi again. I only need to farm and start production in the future. It’s fine, I have time to write a diary.”

【Ding! 】

The voice of the system sounded in Lu Yan's mind,

[Diary synchronization complete! 】

[Diary content evaluation: Class A, the level of rewards won’t change. 】

[Rewards are being generated, please wait]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining "Status Anxiety"*1]

[Status Anxiety: The author dissects the roots of identity anxiety, and explores ways to relieve and release anxiety from various perspectives such as philosophy, art, politics, and religion. 】

"Don't talk about philosophy with me, okay!!" Lu Yan looked at the "Status Anxiety" given by the system speechlessly, and the corner of his mouth twitched and said to himself: "The things this system gives are really getting more and more outrageous "

But Lu Yan is really anxious recently.

The main reason is that Yuan Shao went south, and Dong Jun and Chen Liu were the first to bear the brunt!
My base camp, the base area I established by myself, is now about to face the most terrifying force of the big man, whoever it is will probably not be able to sleep well at night.

The sun was high, and Lu Yan finally stretched and got off the bed.

He rubbed his dry eyes and said to himself:
"The weather is good today! It's time to see how Han Sheng's recruit training is going."

Chen Liu is very likely to become a battlefield, because the defense force must be replenished in advance.

Although Dongjun also faces Yuan Shao directly, it has Yu Jin and Chen Deng, and 2 soldiers; Juancheng in the rear also has [-] troops, guarded by Cheng Yu and Xu Huang.

Although Chen Liu has generals such as Lu Yan, Zhao Yun, Xia Houlan, Tai Shici, Dian Wei, Huang Zhong, etc., the regular army has less than [-] soldiers.It's outrageous. Mom opens the door to Outrageous. Outrageous is home!
The reason for this embarrassing situation was that they were allies with Yuan Shao in the past, and Chenliu County was equivalent to the rear area.

But now that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are tearing their faces apart, Chenliu County has changed from the hinterland to the front line.

Although Cao Ren in Yangdi, Cao Hong in Xuchang, and Li Tong in Wancheng add up to 3 people, they can't divide their troops. After all, there are threats from Jingzhou Liu Biao and Runan Yellow Turban in the south.

Therefore, in order to deal with the threat from the north, Lu Yan had to start training recruits by himself again, but this was not the first time he had done this, and he was familiar with it.

When it comes to military expansion, the happiest SARS is none other than Wei.

This guy got the title of Iron Buddha from the Battle of Xuzhou,
After Naihe came back, Lu Yan never assigned soldiers to him, so for a long time he was just a bare commander, he didn't even have his own barracks, and he was always eating, drinking, and sleeping in the Beiwei army camp.

The first thing Lu Yan did to expand the army was to recruit tall and burly men from all the troops under Cao Cao's rule to enrich Dian Wei's command, and finally added 1000 men to him, under the banner of "Iron Buddha Tu".

But Dianwei's Iron Buddha is not heavy armored cavalry, but heavy armored infantry.

It's not that Lu Yan doesn't want to get heavy armored cavalry, it's mainly because there are no suitable war horses
Because the Beiwei army holds a knife in one hand and a shield in the other, it feels a little out of reach when dealing with cavalry.

Tiefutu gave up the defense in his hands and held a long knife, which could pose a good threat to the cavalry, and his ability to break the formation was even stronger than that of the Beiwei army.

Special arms often require the combination of additional arms to highlight their power.

Therefore, Tiefutu, Beiwei Army, and the light cavalry led by Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan often performed joint military exercises together.

In the Three Kingdoms, there are many generals who are good at training elite soldiers, that is, special arms.

Like Gao Shun's camp, Cao Chun's tiger and leopard cavalry, Gongsun Zan's white horse righteous follower, Qu Yi's first ascended dead soldier, Zhang He's euphorbia soldier, Chen Dao's white carpenter soldier, etc., there are countless, but generals who are good at large-scale training But there are only a handful of them.

Cao Cao's subordinates are best at large-scale military training, and none is better than Yu Jin.

But now he is already a general in charge, and he can no longer be transferred at will like before.

Those familiar generals have now become independent figures, Lu Yan has no choice but to ask Huang Zhong to train the recruits first.

The recruit camp is not far from the military training camp.

But the scale is larger than all military camps or training camps, because there are a total of 3 recruits inside!

(End of this chapter)

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