Chapter 350 Potato Harvest
In September of the first year of Jian'an, Lu Yan suddenly sent a slightly strange invitation to Cao Cao and others.

The strange thing about the invitation lies in its content. There is only one inexplicable sentence in it, "The time to witness the miracle has arrived."

The potatoes planted in early May are already ready for harvest.

After digging a small plot of land with three old farmers, Lu Yan roughly estimated the potato yield of the entire acre of field.

The land is fertile, and the yield of potatoes under careful care has reached [-] catties per mu, which has greatly exceeded the original estimate of [-] catties per mu.

And when they first started planting potatoes, the old farmers deliberately planted some extra seeds in the nearby Susukida.No matter what, when it came time to harvest, it still reached half the yield of potatoes in a well-tended field.

The yield per mu is extremely high, and it is very easy to feed. Except for the consumption of fertility, there are almost no disadvantages!
The day before the harvest, old farmer A, B, and C knelt by the field and wept.

They have lived to this age and have seen too many life and death. Many of them were starved to death because they had no food to eat.

The potatoes that Lu Yan handed over to them are not only easy to feed and have high yields, they can also be used as a staple food to fill the stomach and provide enough nutrition.If potatoes had been around a few years earlier, they probably wouldn't have had to leave their homes, and many wouldn't have lost their homes
If Lu Yan hadn't often bragged about the mountains with them, they would even suspect that Lu Yan was the god in the sky who didn't see the suffering of the human world, and came down to the mortal world to teach the gods.

Good things should naturally be shared with everyone, not to mention that this will be food that will benefit all the people of Dahan.

Tudou, Lu Yan never told anyone, including Boss Cao, and close friends like Zhao Yun and Guo Jia.

Lu Yan has a lot of mysterious things in the workshop, so other people never paid attention to Lu Yan's actions at all.

Today I suddenly received an invitation from Lu Yan, saying that they were invited to the workshop to witness a miracle, but it aroused the strong curiosity of Guo Jia, Cao Cao and others.

The time has just arrived,

Outside the workshop, there were already many people standing on the side of the two field ridges where potatoes were planted surrounded by high wooden walls.

Old peasants A, B and C were standing in the field, feeling their thighs trembling, and they wanted to shrink to the ground.

Look at the field ridge, Prime Minister Cao Cao, General Hussars Lu Yan, Tai Chang Yang Biao. All of them are big bosses!
Cao Cao looked at the crop seedlings that had never been seen before in the field, and asked suspiciously: "Mr. Lu, you called us here just to see this?"

"Exactly!" Lu Yan nodded slightly, with a contented expression.

Yang Biao was also very puzzled, and then felt a little dissatisfied, saying: "I still have a lot of work to do, and I have two very important classes in the afternoon. If you can't give me a satisfactory answer, Changsheng, I will turn around and give up." Arrange two classes for you in Confucianism and classics!"

"Ah!" Lu Yan finally failed, and said with a bitter face, "You know that Confucianism is the worst thing I'm good at, so you should let me go!"

"Hmph! I don't know how to do it!" Yang Biao's words somewhat resented iron's inability to make steel.

Who would have thought that a person who is called the pinnacle of civil and military skills by the world would know nothing about Confucianism?Absurd, absurd!

It's not that Confucianism is not worth learning, it's just that as a time traveler, Lu Yan learns most of the practical subjects.Although Chinese will be involved, but the overall proportion is not a lot.

Not many people came, except Cao Cao, Yang Biao, Xun Yu, Cheng Yu, Mao Jie, Yi Ji, and Han Hao who specially sent invitations to Lu Yan; only Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai, Zhao Yun, Xia Houlan, Tai Shici, Huang Zhong, and Dian Wei, who had the best relationship with Lu Yan, came over.

"Changsheng, what are you growing in this field? Why have I never seen it before?"

Mao Jie always regarded Lu Yan as his son and nephew, but since Lu Yan became a Hussar General, he never called Lu Yan "boy" again.

"Xiao Xiangong, let me be a fool first!" However, Lu Yan's title has not changed, and he really misses the happy and harmonious atmosphere when Cao Cao first started his army.But he understands that things are different now.

Cao Cao couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, "When will it start?"

Lu Yan looked behind him and saw that everyone had arrived, so he said, "You can start now!"

After speaking, Lu Yan jumped off the ridge without hesitation and walked towards the field.

It wasn't until then that everyone noticed that Lu Yan was wearing coarse linen clothes today, which was not too different from the clothes of the three old farmers who had been waiting in the field.

Zhao Yun, Xia Houlan, Tai Shici, Huang Zhong, and Dian Wei also wore the same clothes. Seeing that Lu Yan was going down to the field, they also jumped down.

Looking at the battle of Lu Yan and others, Yi Ji couldn't help but said to himself: "Just these little seedlings, do we need a group of peerless generals to harvest them?"

"That's right! This group of people dispatched together, even Yuan Shao would have to take a deep breath if he saw it," Han Hao echoed.

Spread out the small folding stool they brought and sat beside the field ridge, Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai ate peanuts and sipped health-preserving wine while watching Lu Yan and others working in the field.Cao Cao glanced at the exquisite life of Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai, and a hint of envy flashed in his eyes.
Fortunately, Lu Yan and others didn't make Cao Cao wait too long.

"Aha!" Lu Yan threw a bunch of potatoes from the field familiarly, and laughed loudly: "My little cuties are finally released!"

Under the guidance of the old farmer, Zhao Yun and others also successfully dug out the potatoes from the soil.

However, Zhao Yun was holding a bunch of heavy potatoes in his hand, and while he was looking at Xia Houlan, Huang Zhong, and Tai Shici, his eyes were full of bewilderment.

Dian Wei put the potatoes in front of his eyes and asked, "What is this? It looks delicious!"

"The foodie's sense of smell is really sharp!" Lu Yan thought, his eyes twitching when he heard this.

Cao Cao and the others watched Lu Yan and the others throw the things out of the soil and put them into the baskets they had already prepared.

The objects thrown into the soil were as big as fists and as small as soybeans; they were reluctant to miss a single bit, pulled out all the potatoes, and turned the field twice until they confirmed that nothing was missed, and then they stopped. .

Looking at the potatoes in front of him, Cao Cao asked in a daze, "Mr. Lu, what is this thing?"

Seeing everyone looking at him eagerly, Lu Yan felt that his vanity was greatly satisfied, "It's called potatoes, it's a crop, it's food!"

"Potatoes? Never heard of them!"


"Lu Huanqi, you said this is grain? Then how many stones does it have?!" It was Han Hao who asked the point.

Lu Yan replied flatly: "About 20 catties, that's just over [-] stones."

"Mother! The yield per mu is more than 20 stones, that's all???" Dian Wei felt as if he had become stupid.

No, not only Dian Wei, but also Cao Cao, Xun Yu, Mao Jie and others were all stupid, their mouths grew wide, and they didn't know what to say.

Holding a fist-sized potato in their hands, Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan were staring blankly at Lu Yan's profile, as if they had returned to the night when they swore allegiance to Lu Yan under the moon.

"Sir, you are an immortal walking in the world." Xia Houlan murmured to herself.

Zhao Yun nodded slightly, and echoed: "Yes, if it weren't for the gods, how could they bring such a god?"

(End of this chapter)

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