Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 352 Zhao Xueyue's Night "Interview" with Liu Ye

Chapter 352 Zhao Xueyue's Night "Interview" with Liu Ye

After Sun Ce took part in the crusade against Yuan Shu, the imperial court awarded Sun Ce the General of Rebellion and made him Marquis of Wu in recognition of his achievements.

After being recognized by the Han court, Sun Ce finally settled in Jiangdong.

In addition, Sun Ce put down his dignity and often visited in person to seek talented people, so children from aristocratic families gradually came to help him.

After nearly a year of painstaking development, Sun Ce's power has gradually become stronger.

Recently, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu came to Wancheng, and Duke Qiao (surnamed Qiao, later shortened to Qiao) and his two beautiful daughters are now living in a remote bamboo house in the eastern suburbs of Wancheng.

Sun Ce is "beautiful" and Zhou Yu is "good-looking". Both of them are first-class handsome guys, and they are also young and promising young men.

The two came here with the fame of defeating Yuan Shu in order to marry Qiao Xuan's two daughters, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

After successfully embracing the beauty, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were in high spirits. At this moment, news came from the Central Plains that Cao Cao had obtained the sacred potato. Sun Ce immediately discussed with Zhou Yu, intending to send troops to seize Lujiang County.

Lujiang County has the danger of the Yangtze River in the south and the Huai River in the north, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Moreover, Liu Xun, the prince who occupies Lujiang, has received many soldiers under Yuan Shu's command, so he is powerful and ambitious.

Xiahoudun, who was guarding Huainan, sent people to test several times, but they were all defeated by Liu Xun's generals relying on the geographical advantage, so that Xiahoudun could only deal with internal affairs in peace.

However, it is more difficult for Jiangdong Sun Ce to attack Lujiang than Xiahoudun. Therefore, a strong attack is not the solution, and only outsmarting is the ultimate way out.

Wu Jun, in the General's Mansion.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu sat facing each other, accompanied by Xiao Qiao, pouring tea and wine, such a picture of a hero and beauty.

"Gong Jin, have you thought of a plan to capture Lujiang?" Sun Ce asked without hesitation.

Zhou Yu picked up the "valuable" glass teacup and took a sip of the latest tea from Chen Liuchuan. He first sighed at Lu Yan's whimsical idea, and then replied to Sun Ce's question: "I got some money yesterday. But the idea is not mature yet.”

Sun Ce's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "Speak out and listen!"

Zhou Yu watched Xiao Qiao fill his teacup with tea, thanked him tenderly, and then replied: "Liu Xun has two weaknesses, that is, he is arrogant and greedy for money, and he is extremely greedy for money!"

"Yeah." Sun Ce nodded, and after thinking for a while, asked, "And then?"

"Hasn't Liu Xun always coveted Shang Liao?

We can then show him weakness, saying that Shangliao often sends troops to harass us, and we are too weak to go on an expedition.
At the same time, give him another generous gift, asking him to send troops to surrender Shangliao. "Speaking of this, Zhou Yu showed a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "As long as Liu Xun leaves Lujiang, then Lujiang will be in our bag and on our plate!" "

"Good!" After listening to Zhou Yu's strategy, Sun Ce couldn't help clapping his hands and praised: "It's a good trick of 'showing the enemy's weakness and diverting the tiger away from the mountain'!"

The area around Shangliao is very prosperous, and the food in the city is piled up like a mountain.

In fact, Liu Xun has long wanted to seize Shangliao Shangliao, but because he was concerned about Sun Ce behind him, he kept holding back and dared not act.

If Sun Ce behaved weak and incompetent and saved Liu Xun from worrying about the future, maybe he would really send troops to the front, eat the fat that he had been coveting for a long time, and look down on the whole Yuzhang County.

Zhou Yu was handsome and resourceful, and Xiao Qiao couldn't help showing admiration in his eyes at this moment.

Da Qiao is also very satisfied with Sun Ce, his eyes are full of admiration, after all, he is really fierce who is known as the Little Overlord of Jiangdong.

After Sun Ce and Zhou Yu made up their plan to seize Lujiang, Zhao Xue, the captain of the Shadow Guard Dingzi Battalion, came to Luyang City alone.

She came here to meet a person, Liu Ye who was mentioned by Lu Yan inadvertently, known as the "talent of the world"!

Liu Ye, courtesy name Ziyang, was born in Chengde, Huainan. He was a descendant of Fuling King Liu Yan, the son of Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu, and a descendant of the orthodox Han Dynasty.

Liu Ye has been very courageous since he was a child. He obeyed his mother's dying words, and at the age of 13, beheaded the servant who was trusted by his father.

Later, when he was 20 years old, there were many tyrants in Yangzhou supporting their own troops, most of them were cunning and cruel, and they were fish and meat.

At that time, there was a powerful man named Zheng Bao, who wanted to rob people and cross the Yangtze River to the Jiangnan area.Because he took a fancy to Liu Ye's reputation, he wanted to force him to advocate this strategy and persuade the people to cross the river.

But Liu Ye set up an ambush and cut off Zheng Bao's head with a saber at the banquet, and then went to Zheng Bao's camp alone to report the misfortunes and disadvantages to some leaders.In the end, Liu Ye succeeded in persuading Zheng Bao's subordinates, and everyone surrendered and elected Liu Ye as the new leader.

But Liu Ye saw the decline of the Han Dynasty, and he was a royal family who didn't want to fight against the Han Dynasty, so he handed over those parts to Liu Xun, the prefect of Lujiang.

From all these, it can be seen that Liu Ye is a very important person in Lujiang.

Liu Ye was appraised by Xu Shao as a "talent of the world", and what impressed Zhao Xue most about him was Lu Yan's words: "Liu Ye of Yangzhou knows things like a god, he has insight into the world situation, and his heart is for Cao camp."

Although it was a random sentence that Lu Yan said in the chat with Guo Jia at the time, it was remembered by Zhao Xue who was with them at that time.

You must know that the people who can be favored by Lu Yan are all famous talents in the world, such as Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, Dian Wei, Tai Shici, Huang Zhong.

What Zhao Xue didn't expect was that she happened to use this piece of information when she came to Jiangdong to act this time.

Zhao Xue and his party secretly contacted many aristocratic families who opposed Sun Ce, bandits, and even assassins such as Xu Gongmenke in Jiangdong.

But they have been lacking a good opportunity to do it, so they have been dormant in secret.

A few days ago, Zhao Xue learned from a bribed servant of the Sun family that Sun Ce and Zhou Yu intended to seize Lujiang County, and she was keenly aware that this was a good opportunity.

Therefore, Zhao Xue left Ding San, Ding Si and others to stay in Jiangdong, secretly leading the opposition forces; she herself went to Lujiang alone, intending to disclose the news to Liu Ye, so that he could remind Liu Xun and contain Sun Ce.

As long as Liu Xun can fight Sun Ce, then Jiangdong will be empty in the rear, and the long-dormant opposition forces will have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

It was a cloudless night, with a bright moon hanging high.

The evening breeze is mixed with a trace of coolness, blowing away the lingering heat in the summer night.

Liu Ye was reading at night while holding a candle in the study, but suddenly felt a gust of cool wind blowing in.

Before Liu Ye raised his head, a clear and sharp female voice came: "Zhao Xue, Prime Minister Cao's envoy, is here to visit Liu Ye and Liu Ziyang!"

Liu Ye murdered at the age of 13 and cut off the head at the age of 20. It can be said that he is very courageous.

At this moment, someone broke into his home suddenly, and his life was in danger at any moment, yet he was able to keep his mind still.

Slowly put down the "Dream of Red Mansions" produced by Chenliu Workshop,
Liu Ye looked calmly at Zhao Xue, who had a cold demeanor, and asked, "Are all Prime Minister Cao's envoys so independent?"

(End of this chapter)

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