Chapter 353 Liu Ye's Choice

"Are Prime Minister Cao's envoys so unique?"

Liu Ye said this half-jokingly, which made Zhao Xue agree with his courage a little bit.

Zhao Xue didn't answer Liu Ye's words, but said straightforwardly: "I'm here to discuss something important."

"Hehe." Liu Ye couldn't help smiling, and said, "Since there is something important to discuss, it's better for Ye to advise the girl to close the door of the study first."

Liu Ye is a scholar, although he can also do some swordsmanship for self-defense, but facing a quasi-first-class master like Zhao Xue, what he knows is nothing more than three-legged cat kung fu.

I'm not afraid that Liu Ye will do something,
Zhao Xue turned around and swung the long sword in her hand. The half door of the study that she had opened earlier was closed in response.

The moment Zhao Xue turned to close the door, Liu Ye stood up abruptly, trying to walk towards and take down the long sword hanging beside the bookshelf.

But after being stared at by Zhao Xue's murderous eyes, Liu Ye obediently sat back in his seat, and even said calmly: "I just want to try it, it seems that it is really not good. Thongha

Zhao Xue stared at Liu Ye coldly, and said, "If I want to kill you, your body will probably be cold by now."

"Yes, I'm messing with Meng Lang." Liu Ye replied generously, as if admitting a small mistake.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Zhao Xue did not continue to speak, Liu Ye took the initiative to ask: "In my opinion, the girl is probably not the envoy of Prime Minister Cao, right?"

Zhao Xue remained silent, so Liu Ye continued: "Young girl is highly skilled in martial arts, with a murderous aura, and is more like an assassin or killer than a messenger.

Feel free to take a guess.
Every time Prime Minister Cao acts, he can always anticipate the enemy's opportunities, so he should have a very powerful intelligence organization under his command.

Generally, the people who are responsible for these organizational skills and intelligence collection have good skills. Presumably, the girl should be the best in Prime Minister Cao's organization, right? "

"Sometimes if you know too much, you will die faster!" Zhao Xue replied in a cold tone.

Liu Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and thought to himself: "It's fine if you speak, but I'm afraid you'll kill me without saying a word."

But Zhao Xue continued, "But you're only half right."

"Eh?" Liu Ye was taken aback when he heard the words, and when he guessed wrong?
Liu Ye came here as soon as he was interested, pointed to the cushions and tables not far away and said, "I know what the girl is here for, if you don't mind, please sit down and talk."

Zhao Xue was not polite either, she really had nothing to be afraid of facing a literati.

"Please tell me, girl, where did you guess wrong?"

"I am indeed a member of a special organization, but I am not under the command of Prime Minister Cao, but under the current hussar general Lu Yan."

"Isn't Lu Hussar also under Prime Minister Cao's command? Why?" Liu Ye suddenly had a thought when he said this, "Could it be?"

"Sir and Prime Minister Cao are best friends. They are friends, they are cooperation, not a master-slave relationship." Although he hesitated, Zhao Xue still revealed the relationship between Lu Yan and Cao Cao.

The main reason is that Lu Yan once said that Liu Ye's heart is for Cao Ying, and she is very sure that she can win Liu Ye over, so she doesn't have too many reservations about him.

After hearing Zhao Xue mention the relationship between Lu Yan and Cao Cao, Liu Ye couldn't help being a little surprised, "As far as I know, when Prime Minister Cao started his army from Chenliu, Lu Hussars have been following around. If they are not master-slave, then Lu Hu Why did the hussars help Prime Minister Cao with all their strength? You know, with the strength of Lu hussars, even if they are self-reliant."

It's not easy to continue talking later, it will appear that Liu Ye is trying to sow discord.

“Actually, we have asked similar questions before.”

"How would Lu Huqi answer?" Liu Ye felt his gossip soul burning.

"The master said that the person who can calm the world the fastest, Cao Cheng should be the number one; and the one who has the courage and ability to break the monopoly of the family, I am afraid that there is only Cao Cheng in the world."

Liu Ye was stunned. He was optimistic about Cao Cao, because Cao Cao welcomed the emperor and grasped the final initiative.

And what about Lu Yan?When he got together with Cao Cao, that was when Cao Cao had just raised his army!At the beginning of the army, Lu Yan had already seen Cao Cao's extraordinaryness. Compared with himself, Liu Ye shook his head and sighed: "I am not as good as Lu Huqi, I am far away."

Zhao Xue saw that Liu Ye was a little disappointed, so she comforted her, "You don't have to be disappointed, there is no one in this world who can compare with Mr.

"." Liu Ye laughed dumbfounded, and said in his heart, "Your consolation is kind of interesting."

After the two talked, the atmosphere was finally not as tense as before.

Zhao Xue returned to the topic and told Liu Ye her ultimate goal: "I am here to invite you to join us." At the end, Zhao Xue added: "Mr. camp"

"It's hit again! This Lu Yan shouldn't be too scary!" Liu Ye sighed inwardly.

However, he was really optimistic about Cao Cao very early on, and joining Cao Ying was something he had always wanted to do but was unable to do for the time being.

"I'm flattered by Lu Huqi's praise!" After pondering for a moment, Liu Ye suddenly teased and asked, "I'm just a little confused. I don't know whether I should join Lu Huqi or Prime Minister Cao?"

Zhao Xue didn't mean to be joking at all, and asked instead: "Do you want to make contributions and leave a name in history, or do you want to do a practical work for the common people?"

This question made Liu Ye somewhat at a loss as to how to answer it.

If it is said that he is wholeheartedly for the people, then it must be false. In history, Liu Ye died because he went crazy because he could not be reused. It can be seen that he still wanted to be in a high position and achieve a career in his heart.

But if you say that you just want to make contributions and make a name in history, it seems too utilitarian.
Seeing Liu Ye's silence for a long time, Zhao Xue thought that he might not have understood what she meant, so she explained: "Mr.

"It's no wonder that Lu Yan and Cao Cao have come to this day through cooperation." Liu Ye was stunned, and said in his heart: "It turns out that Lu Yan didn't like fame and fortune. There is no conflict of interest between him and Cao Cao. No wonder the two of them can cooperate so closely!"

"Lu Hussar is dedicated to the people, and Liu really admires it." Liu Ye stood up, bowed his hands in the direction of Xu Chang, and continued: "So, Ye chose to join Prime Minister Cao!"

"That's it." Zhao Xue was taken aback when she heard the words, and said, "That's fine."

She thought that Liu Ye was going to choose Lu Yan, but in the end she made a 180-degree turn.

But this Liu Ye is frank, and he doesn't have the stink of hiding and putting on airs like most literati.

"Then I will be recommended by Miss Lao!"

(End of this chapter)

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