Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 354 What is expected, there must be something

Chapter 354 What is expected, there must be something

"Emmm..." Zhao Xue felt a little surprised, it seemed that it went too smoothly, and she thought to herself: "Could this guy be cheating on me?"

Seeing Zhao Xue squinting her pretty eyes and staring at him, Liu Ye suddenly recalled it and said:
"Since Liu Xun took over Yuan Shu's army, he has become more and more arrogant, more defiant, and more greedy.

As I expected, the girl should come to see me this time. Apart from attracting me, she also wants me to remind Liu Xun to be careful of Jiangdong Sun Ce, right? "

"This is what the master said about predicting things like a god!" Zhao Xue felt deeply, this Liu Ye is really extraordinary!
In fact, Liu Ye's ability is far more than what Zhao Xue sees now.

Liu Ye has a sharp eye, and he can see through the general trend of the world and the ups and downs among various forces; as small as the personality and conduct of the people around him.

And the most amazing thing is that Liu Ye has made many prophecies in his life, and what he said must be right!
For example, in history, after Guan Yu was captured and killed by Soochow, Cao Pi once asked the courtier Liu Bei if he would avenge Guan Yu.

Many ministers said that Liu Bei would definitely not send troops, but only Liu Ye said that Liu Bei would definitely send troops to avenge Guan Yu.

Sure enough, the facts proved that what Liu Ye said was correct, Liu Bei raised his army and almost used the power of the whole country to crusade against Sun Wu!
After Liu Bei sent troops, Sun Quan panicked, and even put down his posture and asked Cao Wei for help.

However, Liu Ye said that Sun Quan was not sincere, and that he should take advantage of the emptiness to lead troops to attack Soochow to avoid future troubles, but Cao Pi refused to listen.As expected by Liu Ye, Sun Quan finally repeated.

There are many more examples that I will not list one by one.
All these show that Liu Ye's grasp of the situation and his insight into people's hearts are extremely precise. It is well deserved to say that he predicts things like a god.

Zhao Xue sorted out the information in her head, and picked out some that were not too core to disclose to Liu Ye.

Before that, she asked Liu Ye: "Since you also expected Sun Ce's actions, do you know that Sun Ce will raise an army to seize Lujiang?"

Hearing this, Liu Ye frowned, and replied, "Liu Xun has an army of [-] troops, and the Yangtze River is dangerous. Sun Ce may not be able to win if he wants to attack."

Zhao Xue nodded, and suddenly asked, "If you were Sun Ce, how would you deal with Liu Xun?"

"If you can't attack by force, you can only take it out of your wits. Liu Xun is becoming more and more arrogant, and he regards money as his life, and he is greedy for enjoyment. If I were Sun Ce, I would pretend to flatter and form a friendship with Liu Xun and secretly wait for the opportunity. As long as the opportunity comes You can take him down in one fell swoop!"

As for how to take it, Liu Ye hasn't thought of a good method yet, but as long as the opportunity arises, he is fully sure that he can overthrow Liu Xun.

This is also the reason why Liu Ye would rather hand over Zheng Bao's trilogy than merge with Liu Xun. Liu Xun is really too hip.

Zhao Xue had a hint of admiration for Liu Ye in her heart, "He can analyze to such a degree without enough information, his resourcefulness is not inferior to that of Guo Jijiu, only slightly inferior to Mr.

"I might as well reveal a key piece of information to you." Zhao Xue tried to use the information to lure Liu Ye to infer more things, which could just solve her doubts and even make up for her plan in Jiangdong.

"Miss. Um. I don't know the name of the girl. I can't always be called the girl."

"You can call me Qiang Yu, this is my code name in the organization."

"Qiangyu. Qiangyu?" Liu Ye thought of many things in an instant, and blurted out, "Your code name is named after Heavenly Stems?"

"Is there a problem?" Zhao Xue asked without any ups and downs.

"No, no. I just think it's very exciting!" After Liu Ye laughed, he asked about the business, "What is the key information you just mentioned?"

Zhao Xue opened her lips slightly, and said softly, "Shangliao!"

When Liu Ye suddenly heard the word "Shangliao", he was stunned as if he had been cast under a spell.

After about ten breaths, Liu Ye seemed to have finally connected his deduction with the information revealed by Zhao Xue.


Liu Ye slapped the table in front of him fiercely, and whispered, "It turned out to be Shang Lian, it should be Shang Lian!!"

"Tell me, what did you think of?" Zhang Xue asked with an imperceptible smile on the corner of her mouth.

Liu Ye's eyes lit up, and he said with a little fanaticism: "I just mentioned that Sun Ce is likely to pretend to ally with Liu Xun to paralyze Liu Xun. As long as the time comes, he can take Liu Xun down in one fell swoop! And Shang Liao is what Sun Ce is waiting for!" time!"

Zhao Xue's face remained unchanged, as if she had already understood it.

In fact, she and Ding San Ding Si and the others thought a lot about it, but they just didn't know what the effect of the eyeliner talking about was.

Liu Ye's analysis at this moment can just explain this confusion to her.

I only heard Liu Ye continue to say: "The area around Shangliao is rich in products, and there are countless grains hoarded in Shangliao City. In fact, Liu Xun has long been salivating at Shangliao, but because there is Xiahou in the north and Sun Ce in the east, he has never dared Just take action.

If Sun Ce gave Liu Xun a generous gift and showed weakness to him and asked for an alliance, Liu Xun would most likely put down his guard and really form an alliance with Sun Ce to fight against Cao.

If Sun Ce took the opportunity to ask Liu Xun to send troops to the camp, maybe Liu Xun would indeed send troops to the camp, which would give Sun Ce an opportunity. "

After Zhao Xue listened to Liu Ye's analysis, she suddenly realized: "It turns out that Sun Ce and Zhou Yu played with such a ghostly idea!"

Now the scattered information in Zhao Xue's hands is finally connected together!
"This Liu Ye is really powerful. If he hadn't agreed to join us in advance, I would have killed him now!"

Of course such a powerful person can only be friends, Zhao Xue's reaction is actually nothing more than normal
Liu Ye didn't see the flash of murderous intent in Zhao Xue's eyes. He was excited and excited because he had anticipated Sun Ce's actions in advance.

However, after a while, Liu Ye suddenly sighed, and sat down in his seat.

Seeing this, Zhao Xue asked suspiciously, "What? What did you think of?"

After hearing Zhao Xue's question, Liu Ye replied with a wry smile, "I originally planned to hit Sun Ce hard. But now I'm just an idler. If you want soldiers, you don't have soldiers, if you want generals, you don't."

"Why don't you remind Liu Xun?"

"If he can listen to me, I will give up my official position and stay at home?"

You can't handle Liu Xun even after you've been in a relationship for a long time?

But Zhao Xue still gained something, at least through Liu Ye's analysis, he figured out the secret plan of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu.

Zhao Xue was not too disappointed, but instead asked: "If Liu Xun can't be persuaded to give up attacking Shangliao, can you win the control of Lujiang's defense force?"

Hearing what Zhao Xue said, Liu Ye seemed to have other arrangements?

"I, Liu Ye, still have some reputation. It shouldn't be difficult to win it."

"If Sun Ce comes to attack, are you sure you can contain him for one to two months?"

Liu Ye is so shrewd. When Zhao Xue said this, he immediately understood, so he asked tentatively: "Miss Qiangyu, do you have any arrangements in Jiangdong?"

"Want to hear it?" Zhao Xue asked suddenly.

"Yes!" Liu Ye replied without hesitation.

"If you listen, you will have no way back!"

Hearing this, Liu Ye grinned and said, "I, Liu Ye, really went all the way to the dark!"

(End of this chapter)

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