Chapter 358
"Jinfan Gan Xingba is here, and Sun Ben will be captured before he has nothing to do, when will he be!"

Slightly arrogant and insulting words, extremely gorgeous and flamboyant clothes!

The person who came was none other than Gan Ning, the notorious Jinfan bandit in central Shu and the Yangtze River area a few years ago!

Gan Ning's grandfather, Gan Mao, was the Prime Minister of Qin during the Warring States Period.

He himself was powerful when he was young, but he was idle and not doing his job properly. He often hangs out with playboys and commits crimes everywhere.But this also shows Gan Ning's excellent commanding ability from the side.

Because they like to make a big show every time they rob people, and because their followers are all dressed in brocade, and they like to use brocade to tie the boat at the place where they hijack, so some people call them "Jinfan Thieves".

However, when Gan Ning was 20 years old and weak, he suddenly came to his senses, stopped this kind of childish behavior, and began to study hard, devoted his ambition to the officialdom, and successfully became an official in the land of Bashu.

When Lu Yan sent people to look for Gan Ning, Gan Ning was in the midst of being a hero, and he felt that if he wanted to invite him to join, he would have to invite him in person.

A few years later, when he came to his senses, Cao Cao had already established himself, and he had countless powerful generals under his command.

Later, he worked as a county magistrate in central Shu for a period of time. When Liu Yan died of illness, his son Liu Zhang was in charge of Yizhou.

Deeply aware of Liu Zhang's weakness, Gan Ning felt that Liu Zhang could not achieve great things, so he left Yizhou for Jingzhou, intending to seek refuge with the famous Liu Biao.

Liu Biao accepted Gan Ning on the surface, but in his heart he despised Gan Ning because of his past, so Liu Biao finally sent Gan Ning to Huang Zu's command and served as a captain of Changshui.

Although Gan Ning was unwilling, he still obeyed Liu Biao's appointment and came to Jiangxia Huangzu's office as a school captain.

Less than half a year after Gan Ning came to Huang Zu's place, Huang Zu received a letter of help from Liu Ye in Lujiang.

Huang Zu had a feud with Jiangdong Sun Ce who killed his father. If Sun Ce took Lujiang, he would never have a peaceful life in the future. Naturally, he couldn't just sit back and watch Lujiang be taken by Sun Ce.

Originally Huang Zu wanted to send his son Huang She to lead the army to Lujiang, but he thought that Sun Ce was brave and had many capable men under him, and he was worried that his son would be in danger.

After thinking about it, Huang Zu thought of Gan Ning, who had just joined him, so he gave him [-] soldiers and horses, together with Gan Ning's original several hundred Jinfan Army, and ordered them to go to Lujiang to rescue Liu Xun.

When Gan Ning and others arrived at Lujiang, it happened to be two days before Sun Ce launched his attack.

Liu Ye had a great reputation in the local area, coupled with his status as a descendant of the royal family, Gan Ning was willing to serve Liu Ye at his disposal.

Under Wancheng, Sun Ce was holding Ling Cao's body, his eyes were red.

Jiangdong soldiers huddled together in panic.

Zhou Tai came to Sun Ce and said, "My lord, the enemy army is strong, I can't wait for long!"

"Understood." After Sun Ce responded, he tied Ling Cao's body to Ling Cao's horse, and said to the guards beside him, "Look at Colonel Ling's body, I will take you out!"

Although I don't know why the enemy expected that he would raid Wancheng in advance and set up an ambush, but now is obviously not the time to think about it.

They have no supplies, no supplements, and now it is impossible to seize Lujiang again.

Sun Ce quickly saw his form. Only when he broke out of the siege and returned to join Han Dang and others who stayed behind in Pengze, would they have a chance to detour back to Jiangdong.

As for how many soldiers will be saved in the end, Sun Ce dare not estimate for the time being.
Sun Ce saw that Gan Ning's army was not large, so he intended to divide some of his troops to intercept Zhao Xue's pursuit; he himself led the superior force to defeat Gan Ning first.

Without saying a word, Zhou Tai led [-] soldiers to block outside the gate of the city.

Turning on his horse and raising his Overlord Spear, Sun Ce roared: "All soldiers, follow me to break out of the encirclement!"

"Kill it out!"

"Kill it out!"

Although Jiangdong's children fought bravely, and the strength of the two sides was not much different.

However, Sun Ce and others were working on an expedition, but Liu Ye was waiting for work at leisure; in addition, the Jiangdong Army was ambushed again, and the general was shot and killed first by the enemy, and the morale was greatly damaged. This side has the upper hand.

It's just a pity that there are no cavalry on Liu Ye's side, otherwise they would have collapsed on the spot just now when the Jiangdong army was in chaos.

At this moment, when Zhao Xue led the soldiers to rush to the gate of the city, Zhou Tai had already led the formation and blocked the gate of the city.

The size of the city gate is limited, and the number of people in contact with Zhou Tai's soldiers is limited. No matter how many people are behind Zhao Xue, they can only stare blankly, and they can't break through the defense of Zhou Tai and others for a while.

Seeing this, Zhao Xue ordered some archers to go up to the city wall and shoot arrows at the soldiers behind Zhou Tai's formation, and then slowly opened up the situation.

But Zhou Tai didn't need to block Zhao Xue for too long. In less than a quarter of an hour, Sun Ce had already fought against Gan Ning!
Gan Ning's martial arts skills were not inferior to Sun Ce's, and the two of them killed Yu Liangcai together, and they killed each other immediately.

After fighting Gan Ning for about ten rounds, Sun Ce said in surprise, "Since when did the Jingzhou Army have such a fierce guy? They can fight me [-]-[-]!"

The blood red in Sun Ce's eyes slowly faded away. He saw the fearful and desperate soldiers around him; he also saw the Wancheng defenders who were about to break through Zhou Tai's interception.

Sighing, Sun Ce thought to himself, "I was careless. We have been invincible all these years under Gongjin's plan. Now that we are ambushed by the enemy, everyone's mentality will soon collapse."

If [-]% of the combat power is not [-]%, the hope of victory in this battle has been lost, and Ling Cao's revenge may be impossible to avenge.

Sun Ce knew that he could no longer entangle with Gan Ning, and had to lead the soldiers to rush out. If they dragged on for a while, the morale of the army that had finally gathered might collapse.

Sun Ce had a plan in mind, and deliberately sold an opening to lure Gan Ning to attack.

Gan Ning didn't know what it was, and thought it was Sun Ce's exhaustion, so he raised his knife and slashed without hesitation!



Sun Ce's body fell short, Gan Ning cut Sun Ce's left shoulder with a knife, and Sun Ce's left shoulder was bleeding profusely!
However, Sun Ce also took the opportunity to stab Gan Ning in the chest. If Gan Ning hadn't reacted quickly and swung to the right, the shot would have pierced his heart directly!

One was scratched on the left shoulder, the other was stabbed in the left rib, and was picked off the horse by Sun Ce with great explosive force.

Fortunately, after landing, Gan Ning quickly distanced himself from Sun Ce and returned to the protection of the Jinfan Army.

Seeing this, Sun Ce secretly thought it was a pity, and then ignored the injury on his shoulder, and shouted: "The enemy general is dead, brothers follow me to break out of the siege!"

The Jingzhou army couldn't see Gan Ning's figure, believed Sun Ce's words, and panicked.

Sun Ce's bravery greatly increased the morale of Jiangdong soldiers.

Finally, when Zhao Xue was able to break through Zhou Tai's interception, the Jiangdong Army tore through the Jingzhou Army's interception, and Sun Ce broke out of the encirclement with the remaining soldiers who were less than [-].

Seeing that the situation was not right, Zhou Tai rode to catch up with Sun Ce's troops before the broken defenders were about to collapse.

So far, when Sun Ce came, there were more than 7000 Jiangdong soldiers. After escaping from birth, there were only less than 1 soldiers left.

More importantly, Sun Ce also lost a general Ling Cao, which made Sun Ce taste the defeat of losing troops and losing generals for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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