Chapter 359 Jiangdong with internal and external troubles (thanks to [Mercury's Masked Superman] for the reward)

In the battle of Wancheng, Sun Ce lost a general, and more than [-] people were killed or surrendered.

After Zhao Xue led the army to defeat the Duanhou army led by Zhou Tai, he chased and killed Sun Ce for more than [-] miles, and beheaded nearly [-] people again before stopping.

If it weren't for worrying that there might be an ambush ahead, Zhao Xue might have chased Sun Ce for another thirty miles. Because she knew that Sun Ce would be beaten worse by herself in Lujiang, and those in the hinterland of Jiangdong were waiting for an opportunity to oppose the Sun Ce's forces. , the higher the chance of success.

Sun Ce felt so aggrieved that he was chased away by a group of female generals.

But the other party acted very cautiously and cunningly, and would come up to take a bite from time to time, but he would never engage in direct confrontation with Sun Ce's army.This made Sun Ce's several ambush attempts to show his weakness to the enemy all ended in failure, and he had no choice but to flee all the way.

After so many repetitions, Sun Ce was actually bitten off by the opponent for more than [-] people. In addition to the soldiers who escaped, physical strength, and injuries on the road, when Sun Ce arrived in Pengze, there were only [-] remnants left under his command. .

Han Dang was shocked when he saw Sun Ce's distressed appearance, and asked, "My lord, what's wrong with you?"

Sun Ce smiled wryly and said, "General Han, we were ambushed by Liu Xun, and we were defeated in Wan City. It's not too late, and follow me back to Jiangdong as soon as possible!"

"I was ambushed by Liu Xun!!!" Han Dang looked in shock at the disfigured remnant army behind Sun Ce, and Zhou Tai, who was wearing several arrows. He said to himself: "Since Liu Xun set up an ambush in Wancheng, we may not be safe in Pengze either!"

"That's right!" Sun Ce took a sip of the water handed over by his personal guard, and continued, "Liu Xun is afraid that someone might help him, so I will leave as soon as possible to avoid falling into their tricks again!"

"Here! I'm going to inform Junli right away, and I'm going back to Jiangdong immediately!"

In addition, Zhao Xue led his army to chase Sun Ce for thirty miles, beheaded more than [-] people again, and finally led his army back to Wancheng.

Liu Ye was worried about Zhao Xue's safety, so he led a group of soldiers to wait outside the city.

Although Gan Ning was injured in his left arm, he insisted on waiting with Liu Ye outside the city.

When it was already dark, Zhao Xue finally returned to Wancheng wearing a blood-stained armor robe.

"Ah! General Qiangyu, if you don't come back, I will lead the army to look for you!" Liu Ye was overjoyed when he saw Zhao Xue's figure, and trotted a few steps to meet him.

Gan Ning looked intently, but saw that the general called Qiang Yu turned out to be a female general, and suddenly asked the soldiers beside Liu Ye in surprise, "Why is there a female leader here?"

The soldier who was asked, with a look of 'you are making such a fuss' in his eyes, replied: "General Qiang Yu has excellent martial arts skills and is good at commanding the army. Is there any problem for her to command?"

Gan Ning remained silent, and turned his head to look at Liu Ye and the female general who were walking towards this side.

The enemy's blood had already soaked the armor robe on her body into dark red, and her cold and beautiful pretty face became extraordinarily eye-catching due to a little bright red, revealing a hint of coquettishness in the coldness.

"My God!" Gan Ning felt unable to move his eyes away after seeing Zhao Xue, "Is there such a heroic and extremely beautiful woman in this world?!"

Zhao Xue felt Gan Ning's gaze. She remembered that her husband had sent someone to look for this person, so she smiled and nodded towards Gan Ning with a hint of kindness.

"She smiled at me?!" This smile made Gan Ning feel that the whole world seemed to be bright and vivid. He only had one thought in his mind at the moment, and that was: "This female general, I want !!!”

Seeing Gan Ning's expression, Liu Ye guessed what Gan Ning was thinking.

Taking a sneak peek at Zhao Xue who passed by Gan Ning, Liu Ye thought to himself: "Gan Ning has both wisdom and courage, but he cannot be reused under Huang Zu's subordinates. Although Prime Minister Cao has countless strong generals, such a talent with the potential of a famous general , Presumably the Prime Minister will not refuse, right?"

Look, before meeting Boss Cao, Liu Ye has always been thinking of the boss. He is a master among the workers, and he is more dedicated than the three bastards who want to skip work every day and fool around.

Zhao Xue had been extremely excited physically and nervously because of her visit to the battlefield before, but she didn't feel anything; now that she returned to the city and relaxed her mind, she suddenly felt a burst of deep exhaustion.

After a few simple explanations, Zhao Xue entrusted all the aftermath matters to Liu Ye, and she didn't want to participate in the following celebration banquet, so she went back to the hiding place to rest on her own.

Ever since Gan Ning met Zhao Xue, his mind has been completely occupied by that heroic and gorgeous figure. Even at the celebration banquet, Gan Ning still looked out of his mind.

Liu Ye came to Gan Ning with a wine bowl in his hand, and greeted him cordially, "General Gan, how is your injury?"

Gan Ning's mind travels beyond the sky.
"General Gan? General Gan!"

"Huh? Oh!" Liu Ye called Gan Ning several times in a row, and Gan Ning came back to his senses and asked, "Why did Liu Biejia call me?"

Liu Ye smiled and asked mysteriously: "General Gan, are you interested in the identity of General Qiangyu?"

Gan Ning heard this and thought to himself, "I'm not interested in her identity, I'm interested in her person."

Naturally, it was impossible for him to say what he was thinking, but he replied: "I'm really curious."

"Just curious? Look at the way your soul has been hooked away. Tsk tsk!"

Naturally, it was impossible for Liu Ye to say what was in his heart. He said to Gan Ning, "General Qiang Yu's status is a bit special. If you want to know more about it, you must ensure that you will not reveal anything to the outside world!"

A gleam flashed in Gan Ning's eyes, and he suddenly felt that the water inside seemed a bit deep.
But Gan Ning is the overlord of the water, so he really wants to take a dip in this muddy water!

"I, Gan Xingba, hereby swear that if there is even the slightest leak of the conversation with Bie Jia, I will be pierced by thousands of arrows and die!"

"Cheerful!" Liu Ye sighed in admiration, and said, "General Gan, let's talk in the back room!"

Half a month after Sun Ce led the army to set off, Kuaiji County, located in the hinterland of Jiangdong, was full of rebels overnight!
After several secret discussions, Dingshan Dingsi and a dozen or so leaders of the opposing forces finally chose to raise troops in Kuaiji County.

After hearing the latest news from Ding Si, Lu Xun finally agreed to Zhao Xue's plan.

A few days before the incident, he transferred all the last children in the family to Kuaiji County because of going out to play and relax.

There were two main reasons for the uprising in Kuaiji County:

One, because the former prefect of Kuaiji County was Wang Lang.

Before Wang Lang was exiled by Sun Ce, he was quite popular here. The opposition forces could use the slogan of revenge for Wang Lang, and the people would accept it more easily.

Secondly, Sun Jing, the current prefect of Kuaiji, does not have many defenders under his command, so it is easier to succeed if an incident is launched here.

Moreover, Kuaiji is close to Wujun. After the opposition forces occupied Kuaiji, their next goal was to attack Sun Ce's hometown, Wujun.

As long as Wu County is defeated, the Sun family in Jiangdong will be seriously injured!
The opposition forces have been planning secretly for a long time, and on the night of the incident, they actually pulled together a huge team of nearly 3 people.

Sun Jing, the prefect of Kuaiji, had only a few thousand defenders, and the enemy was so powerful that he had to abandon the city. He brought the news to Wujun overnight, and brought the news to Zhou Yu, the soul who stayed behind in Jiangdong.

(End of this chapter)

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