Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 362 You Kill My Brother, I'll Kill Your Siblings!

Chapter 362 You Kill My Brother, I'll Kill Your Siblings!
Ding San tried to buy time for Ding Si and others with his life, but Zhou Yu had already arranged for Huang Gai to raid Kuaiji
Ding Si was almost running a race against Huang Gai's army, and finally returned to Qiantang County, the seat of Kuaiji County, half an hour earlier than Huang Gai.

When he returned to Shanyin and entered the county town, when he came to the house where the Lu family lived, he found that it was already empty.

Ding Si was not angry, and began to look around for something.

Sure enough, not long after, Ding Si found a note under the kettle.

The note said: "Starting from today's hour, I will wait for you at the retreat place for four hours. Two horses are reserved for you in the backyard!"

Ding Si felt relieved, and said to himself: "The little slicker has already calculated that we will fail, and even the horses are ready."

Unfortunately, Lu Xun prepared two horses, but only Ding Si came back
Looking at the sky, Ding Si reckoned that it was around noon, and there were still two or three hours before the agreed retreat point.

Now that the Lu family had already evacuated ahead of time, Ding Si didn't want to take care of the others.

If those idiots hadn't been deceived by lard, how could they have ended up in this field?
When Ding Si came to the backyard of Lu's house, he saw two horses tied up in the yard.

Untying the reins of the horses and riding one of them, Ding Si quickly headed towards the place of retreat.

Lu Yan and Guo Jia visited Cao Cao late at night, and the three of them discussed until dawn, and then found two rooms in the prime minister's residence to rest.

Lu Yan didn't write a diary during the day yesterday. Seeing that the morning was coming, he had no choice but to borrow a urine escape to complete the diary.

This also reminded Lu Yan that he must be more active in the future, otherwise the years of hard work in cultivating immortals would be ruined by his negligence, and he would cry to death.

Until noon, Cao Cao, who was mobilized in the middle of the night, endured his headache and called Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Xun You, Jia Xu, and Cheng Yu to discuss how to deal with Yuan Shao.As for Guo Jia and Lu Yan, they should still be asleep at the moment.

Sun Ce was defeated, and nearly half of the elite lost. In addition, the rebellion broke out in Jiangdong, and Sun Ce was obviously unable to go west or north.

Those aristocratic families with the most say in Jingzhou, especially the Cai family, have almost been bribed by the shadow guards.

Just wait for Cao Cao to send a person who is good at combining vertical skills, with their help, Liu Biao's idea of ​​sending troops to the north can be suppressed.

These are all golden opportunities that the shadow guards bought with their blood and lives!

In addition to being shocked and moved, the five strategists used all their brainpower, and finally decided on a plan to divide the troops into three groups and prepare before the war.

All the way east to Lu Bu, seeking to reach a formal alliance with Lu Bu to fight against Yuan Shao.With Lu Yan's relationship, Lu Bu thought he would sell Boss Cao's face.

On the other side, there was Yingwei Wuziying secretly protecting Zhong Yao, and ordered him to go to Chang'an, unite with the princes in Guanzhong, and guard against Yuan Shao going all the way west and annexing Hedong County.

The last way is the Yingwei Jiazi Battalion acting alone. They will go north alone, go deep into Hanoi County, use all means to disrupt Hanoi, and create a good opportunity for Cao Cao to enter and annex Hanoi County!
After the three-way strategy was formulated, Xun Yu and others discovered that two of the three-way plans actually used the secret agency created by Lu Yan and Guo Jia.

Until now, they finally discovered that a special institution like the Shadow can do far more things than they imagined!

"Changsheng and Fengxiao are really very prescient," Xun Yu said with emotion.

Jia Xu, one of the Moyu trio, said for the first time, "These two are really not friends enough. They don't share with me when they have such a powerful subordinate. What's more, they have guns to carry together, and kilns. Uh, I made a slip of the tongue"

"Hahaha!" Xi Zhicai laughed and said, "Don't think about it, they both hide me, I'm afraid only the lord can touch the shadow?"

Everyone else laughed, but only Cao Cao showed a slight sadness on his face for a moment.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Xi Zhicai asked with concern after seeing the flickering expression on Cao Cao's face.

Seeing that the five people were all staring at him, Cao Cao replied with a wry smile: "Most of the shadow guard's affairs are now controlled by Feng Xiao, but it's not because he is greedy for power."

"Then he is?" Xun You asked everyone's thoughts.

"When Feng Xiao was drunk, he once said to me: 'Old Cao, you, Changsheng and Zhicai have more important things to do. As for the dirty and shameful things behind the scenes, I will fight against them alone. Just do it'"

After Cao Cao's words fell, the hall was suddenly silent.

That prodigal son who is usually bohemian, hides such a soft and warm heart behind his back
Xi Zhicai let out a breath slowly, parted his lips slightly, and said in a voice that no one heard: "Stupid."

Uncle and nephew Xun Yu and Xun You bowed their hands in Chen Liu's direction and said, "I admire you!"

Cheng Yu scratched his head, and said, "I won't make small reports on Fengxiao in the future."

As for Jia Xu, his eyes flashed, and he said with a hint of teasing in his tone: "One is studying hard behind his back, and the other is doing dirty work behind his back. After a long time, I, Jia, am the only one who really fishes every day?"

The first year of Jian'an, October.

After Ding Si successfully reunited with Lu Xun, he entered Lujiang County with them by water.

When Zhao Xue saw Ding Si and Lu Xun, she knew that Jiang Dong's internal plan had failed, but she did not blame Ding Si.

After listening to Ding Si's detailed explanation, Zhao Xue remained silent.

Liu Ye and Lu Xun beside them sighed lightly at the same time.

Hearing that Lu Xun was also sighing, Liu Ye couldn't help turning his head to look at the half-grown boy, curious about his origin.

After Ding Si finished explaining everything, he suddenly knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists towards Zhao Xue and said, "Captain, the mission has failed, and I don't have the face to go back to see Jijiu and Mr. And the third brother's revenge will not be reported for a day. I can't live in peace... Please allow me to return to Jiangdong, and I will wait for the opportunity to avenge my third brother!"

Lu Xun and Liu Ye tightly closed their lips, not daring to speak.

Zhao Xue stared at Ding Si, and suddenly said: "Contact Xu Gongmen, let's go back to Jiangdong and wait for Sun Ce's appearance!"

When Ding Si heard that Zhao Xue was going back, he was in a hurry, and quickly dissuaded him: "Captain, you can't."

"This is an order!"

After Zhao Xue dropped a sentence, she walked straight out of the Sheriff's Mansion. Liu Ye and Lu Xun followed Zhao Xue out quietly like two children who had done something wrong, leaving only Ding Si kneeling in the hall , Regret unceasingly.

"Clap clap clap!"

Ding Si gave himself a few big scratches, and said to himself:
"I shouldn't have told the captain. I should have returned by myself when I sent Xiao Luzi to Lujiang."

Just three days after Zhou Yu regained Kuaiji County, Sun Ce finally led the disabled soldiers back.

Although only more than [-] of the [-] troops brought out returned, Zhou Yu was extremely happy that Sun Ce was alive.

Only less than half a month after being safe, Zhou Yu suddenly received a letter from someone who didn't know.

Opening the envelope, I saw two lines of large characters written on the soft and white letter paper,

"You kill my brother, I will cut off your siblings!"

"When Mr. Tomorrow invades Jiangdong, it will be the day when your Zhou Yu's head will fall!"

(End of this chapter)

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