Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 363 Assassination, Sun Ce's death!

Chapter 363 Assassination, Sun Ce's death!
Jiangdong, Wu County.

After Sun Ce returned, he heard that Jiangdong was in chaos, and after Zhou Yu set up a fire attack to smash the rebels, the depression in his heart finally dissipated.

Based on Zhou Yu's analysis, this group of people must have colluded. This time, being able to call out the hidden forces is also a good thing for Jiangdong in a sense.

Sun Ce, who was in a relieved mood, gradually returned to his former style.

Although winter is approaching, some small animals or wild boars still come out to move around.

In addition to the rare good weather these two days, Sun Ce prepared to go hunting and exercise his muscles and bones.

Ever since Xu Gong was killed by Sun Ce, Xu Gong's three retainers have been hiding in secret, looking for an opportunity to assassinate.

However, Sun Ce himself is highly skilled in martial arts, and he is often accompanied by personal guards, so they have never been able to find a chance.

Afterwards, Zhao Xue found them and kept secretly providing them with Sun Ce's whereabouts, but there was no opening around Sun Ce, and they had no way to start.

There is only one chance, so they are extra cautious and careful.

But they are never discouraged, they believe that Sun Ce will always have a hundred secrets and one neglect.

Now, Sun Ce has returned from Lujiang, and the three of them finally got their chance!
Zhao Xue, Ding Si, and a coquettishly dressed guy found them and brought news that Sun Ce would go out of the city on Qingqi to hunt in the mountains.

During the period, Gan Ning, who was dressed in fine clothes and had a bell on his waist, aroused the dissatisfaction of the disciples because of the sound of the bell as he walked.

They are assassinating, not showing off. When your bell rings, don't you expose your existence?

Gan Ning wanted to ignore the disciples' opinions, but out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Zhao Xue who was pale.

Gan Ning made up his mind to change himself, so he took off the bell around his waist and stuffed it into his bosom, finally letting the doorman feel relieved.

Zhao Xue and others have already discovered that Sun Ce has a hobby of going out and hunting, so they have been looking for places suitable for hunting recently.

Sun Ce thought that the internal hidden dangers had been completely eliminated, so he took it lightly. Today he went hunting, and he left the county with only twenty entourages.

Knowing that Sun Ce had left the city, Zhao Xue, Ding Si, and Gan Ning, together with the three retainers, took the lead in ambush in the mountains according to the points they had set in advance.

Sure enough, Sun Ce did not disappoint Zhao Xue and others.

After they lay in ambush for a long time, Sun Ce showed up with his followers!
There was a light rain in the mountains and forests last night. Although it was almost noon at this moment, the air was still bitingly cold.

However, the sun still came out today, and the sunlight slowly pushed away the mist in the mountains and forests, gradually dispelling the icy atmosphere in the mountains.

"Da da! Da da!"

A sound of hoofbeats came from a distance.

The three disciples, who already felt that their blood was about to condense due to the freezing, suddenly felt their hearts beating wildly!
That figure turned the blood on their bodies from cold to boiling, and made their left hand holding the knife and right hand holding the crossbow burst with veins due to excessive force!
Zhao Xue slowly raised her hand, Ding Si and Xu Gong's disciples slowly raised their crossbows!
Gan Ning drew his bow and set an arrow, and at some point, that bell was hung on his waist again!

"Let go!" A cold and tender voice came,



Three crossbow arrows and a spiked arrow galloped towards Sun Ce who was riding in the front!

Without looking at the result, Zhao Xue, Ding Si, and Men Ke frantically picked up their weapons and rushed towards Sun Ce!

Only Gan Ning still calmly drew his bow and set his arrow. With one arrow, one of Sun Ce's followers fell down!

The wind blew their faces, the branches tore their clothes
Zhao Xue and Ding Si stared closely at Sun Ce who was not far away, Ding San's hearty and slightly honest smile appeared in their minds; Xu Gong and the others also remembered the lord Xu Gong's kindness to them in the past like a mountain.
Although Sun Ce didn't have too many precautions, the followers around him were always paying attention to the surrounding environment.

At the moment when the bowstring sounded, they surrounded Sun Ce and shouted: "There are assassins, protect the forehead."

A round of salvo only killed two attendants, the mace arrow from Gan Ning and the crossbow arrow from the second child of Xu Gong's disciple.

However, they didn't think that the bow and crossbow could kill Sun Ce, and close combat was the final choice.

Fortunately, they still had Gan Ning, a master archer, as cover.

For every sound of the bow in Gan Ning's hand, every sound of the bell, one of his followers must fall to the ground!

Close, closer!

Zhao Xue and the others were less than fifty steps away from Sun Ce!

Xu Gong's disciples felt that their blood was burning, they were born to die, and to avenge the Lord, why should they be afraid of death?
When they rushed to Sun Ce's side, only fourteen of Sun Ce's original twenty followers remained.

Zhao Xue was the most skilled in martial arts, and he easily slit a person's throat with a sword in his hand.

Ding Si followed, he also had the strength of a second-rate warrior, and he was able to handle mere guards with ease.

But the disciples of Xu Gong were much worse. They were only third-rate fighters, and they could barely deal with one or two followers, but when three or four of them rushed forward, someone was injured immediately.

After a face-to-face meeting, Sun Ce's entourage was quickly killed and injured.

The eldest of Xu Gong's disciples was covered with stab wounds everywhere, but not fatal; the second child had his left hand cut off, but still walked towards Sun Ce with a knife in one hand; The breath of life is gradually passing away.
Gan Ning shot all the arrows, and at this moment, also holding a big knife, charged towards Sun Ce!

Faced with the surprise attack, Sun Ce was happy and unafraid. He even raised his bow and arrow and shot at Zhao Xue with a grinning grin.

Zhao Xue dodged and dodged the arrow, and Sun Ce immediately drew his bow and arrow, and shot at Ding Si behind Zhao Xue!

"Pfft!" Ding Si only saw Zhao Xue's figure disappear in a flash, and then felt a pain in his chest, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Fourth!" Zhao Xue's eyes were about to burst, her pretty face was occupied by evil spirit!
"Die!" At the moment Zhao Xue turned her head, Xu Gong's disciples had already rushed to Sun Ce's side, but Sun Ce possessed the strength of a super-class warrior. When the two disciples met each other, they were directly skewered with candied haws!
However, when Sun Ce contemptuously wanted to shake off the body on the spear, the youngest disciple, who thought he was dead, suddenly raised his hand and shot an arrow at Sun Ce's face with the hand crossbow that was still prepared!
Because the distance was too close, Sun Ce had no way to avoid it. The crossbow arrows shot from his hand crossbow actually entered from his left cheek and passed out from his right cheek again!
In pain, Sun Ce let out a tiger-like roar, urged his horse forward, raised his spear and smashed it directly at the head of the third disciple!
Seeing that the spear was about to fall on his head, a smile appeared on the corner of the third child's mouth, "It's worth it."

"Boom!" The third child's head disappeared, and the crossbow arrow that shot through Sun Ce's face fell into the leaves at the side.

On the tip of the arrow, there is still a palpitating blue light shining.
Sun Ce was seriously injured and dared not fight any more, so he turned around and urged his horse to return the same way.

Zhao Xue was so heartbroken that she raised her sword and was about to chase after Sun Ce, but Gan Ning who was behind her suddenly rushed up and slapped Zhao Xue on the back of the neck, knocking her unconscious.

"Sun Ce has already been hit by a poisoned arrow and will definitely die. I can't just watch you take risks again. I'm sorry."

After Gan Ning said something to the unconscious Zhao Xue, he picked her up and walked towards the mountain path.

At the last moment when Ding Si closed his eyes, he saw the poisoned arrow in Sun Ce's face, and also saw Gan Ning taking Zhao Xue away.
He recalled the third brother's smile, recalled the days when they both secretly loved Captain Zhao Xue, and murmured:
"Gan Ning, the dog day, dares to take advantage of my captain. I won't let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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