Chapter 364 Entrusting Jiangdong
When Zhao Xue woke up, she found that she had returned to the small house where Lujiang was hiding.

Looking at the roof, she has completely calmed down now.

"Crack!" The door opened, and Gan Ning walked in with a bowl of steaming chicken soup.

Zhao Xue was still lying on the bed, and said in a cold voice: "Go out."

"I'll put down the soup and leave. You haven't eaten since morning, so hurry up and drink it while it's hot." Gan Ning persuaded him gently, he didn't know that he had such a gentle side.

"The soup has been put down, you can go out."

Gan Ning hesitated for a moment, but still said, "Ding San Ding Si's death."

"We are soldiers of the dead, and death is always by our side. I will not do wrong things on impulse."

But you have already acted impulsively, and even killed the protagonist.
Naturally, Gan Ning would not take off Zhao Xue's scar, he nodded and replied: "It's good that you understand, then I'll go to Liu Ziyang first.

Oh, by the way, come when you calm down, we need to discuss how Liu Xun should deal with himself when he comes back. "

Hearing this, a trace of guilt suddenly flashed in Zhao Xue's heart. It's somewhat embarrassing to ask two people who have just joined to take care of "family affairs" for her.
Thinking of this, Zhao Xue said in a slow tone, "I see, after half an hour, I will go to the county guard's mansion to look for you."

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Jiangdong, Wujun, the old house of the Sun family.

When Sun Ce was carried back by his followers covered in blood, Mrs. Wu almost fainted on the spot.

She quickly sent people to carry Sun Ce into the house to rest, and at the same time sent people to find a famous doctor to treat Sun Ce's injuries.

Looking at Sun Ce's incomparably handsome face in the past, with two hideous and black holes, Mrs. Wu burst into tears.

Not long after, Sun Ce finally came to his senses. He sighed deeply and said, "I don't feel the face anymore. The arrow may be very poisonous. I will die soon!"

"Don't talk yet, the doctors will cure you." Mrs. Wu was still comforting, but Sun Ce knew his own situation.

"Mother, please go and deliver the order for me, order Zhang Zhao and other ministers to come in and see me, and tell Brother Quan to wait in the outer room first."

Mrs. Wu knew that Sun Ce was going to confess his funeral, so she endured almost great grief, and with the help of her servants, she reluctantly walked out.

Not long after, ministers headed by Zhang Zhao entered Sun Ce's bedroom.

And Sun Ce's younger brother, Sun Quan, was waiting in the outer room with a confused face and a little panic.

Sun Ce said to Zhang Zhao and others: "When I am here, with our current troops, we can keep Jiangdong stable. After I leave, there will inevitably be chaos inside Jiangdong, so we need to be cautious.
If you want to make great achievements in the future, you must first quell the civil strife, win over the family, and surrender the Shanyue sect
My son is too young to bear the heavy responsibility, so I intend to hand over the Jiangdong Foundation to Brother Quan.

You guys must help him well, just like helping me.”

"Here!" Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong and others bowed to the end, this bow will be a farewell forever.

"Go, call Sun Quan in for me."


After Zhang Zhao and others left, Sun Quan walked in with unusually heavy steps.

He sat by the bed, looked at Sun Ce's cheeks that were wrapped in gauze, which seemed to be oozing blood, and suddenly tears fell to the ground like broken pearls.

"Brother! How did this happen, how did this happen?" Sun Quan's voice trembled, and he was a little incoherent.

Sun Ce reluctantly raised his hand, Sun Quan quickly reached out and took Sun Ce's hand.

Only then did Sun Ce show a slight smile and said, "Your brother, I was careless, and fell into an ambush by an assassin. What a pity, I haven't avenged our father yet, and I haven't really participated in this chaotic world."

After rambling on, Sun Ce talked a lot, until he felt that his sanity was not clear enough, he regained his energy and said: "The seal ribbon is by my pillow, take it away after you go out, and Jiangdong Foundation will hand it over to you in the future. is you!"

"But brother, I..." Sun Quan was a little anxious, he was not yet ready to take on the big responsibility.

"You are not as good as me when it comes to galloping on the battlefield and winning a decisive victory between two battles; but when it comes to appointing talents and planning strategies, I am not as good as your younger brother. I hope you will think that it is difficult for your father and brother to start a business, and be good at yourself!"

Sun Quan had already cried into tears, choked up and said, "But I'm too young, they."

"You must always remember that you are the master, and they are the ministers!" Sun Ce's agitation touched the wound, and he was in agony.

Sun Quan quickly agreed: "I understand, I will remember brother's teachings!"

"En." Sun Ce finally calmed down, and continued: "Besides, there are two more people who can definitely help you.
Remember, if you are undecided about internal affairs, ask Zhang Zhao; if you are undecided about foreign affairs, ask Zhou Yu."

"Yes, brother, I wrote it down!"

"Take the seal and go out. Call your sister-in-law in by the way."

After Sun Quan heard this, he took Yinshou from Sun Ce's pillow, and suddenly burst into tears again. The man who had been protecting him from the wind and rain fell down.

After hearing Sun Quan's cry, Da Qiao couldn't bear it anymore and broke in from the outer room.

Sun Quan knew that Sun Ce still had something to say to Da Qiao, so he endured his grief and walked out of the back room.

Mrs. Wu, Zhang Zhao and other important officials who were guarding outside saw Sun Ce holding the seal ribbon in his hand, and immediately understood Sun Ce's intentions.

When Da Qiao came in, Sun Ce sighed and said, "This is fate."

"Husband, you can recover from your injuries at ease, and you will definitely recover." Da Qiao comforted her while wiping her tears.

Sun Ce smiled wryly and said, "I know my own situation. However, I have one more thing to confess to you."

"Speak, my concubine, listen."

"Shao'er is too young to take on the big responsibility, Jiangdong Foundation, I have entrusted it to Brother Quan"

Da Qiao felt sad in her heart, but she also understood the severity, "The concubine follows her husband's wishes."

"I'm sorry for you"

"Husband, woo woo woo."

Sun Ce suddenly felt dizzy, and his eyes went black.

Knowing that his time was approaching, he immediately burst into tears: "I hate that Gongjin is not here, so I can't order him face to face! I hate that God didn't give me more time, so I can't avenge my father!"

After yelling a few times, Sun Ce died out of breath, and his eyes slowly closed.

"Husband!! Husband!!!" Da Qiao hoarsely called out to Sun Ce.

Mrs. Wu in the outer room suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Sun Ce tightly held the seal ribbon in his hand, closed his eyes tightly, and kept himself from crying.

At the same time, he swore in his heart over and over again: "Father, brother, I will definitely avenge your revenge! I will firmly guard Jiangdong's foundation!"

After Zhou Yu received the threatening letter, he rushed back to Wu County overnight.

But he was still one step too late, he failed to save Sun Ce, and even failed to see Sun Ce for the last time.

Looking at Sun Ce lying quietly in the coffin, Zhou Yu murmured to himself, "Bo Fu. We agreed to ride the world together."

(End of this chapter)

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