Chapter 368 The Eve of Guandu ([-]) (Thanks [Guoyunren] for the reward)

Jushou and Tian Feng advised Yuan Shao to send troops, but because of their own negligence, Guo Tu and others took the opportunity to enter the prison, and then both were thrown into prison.

Not only that, Guo Tu also said to Yuan Shao: "My lord, why did Jushou dare to yell at the hall repeatedly? His subordinates think that it is precisely because Jushou supervises and controls the three armies, the military power is too great, the prestige is too high, and it is difficult to control, so he thinks you are not If you dare to do anything to him, you will have the confidence to commit crimes repeatedly!"

When Yuan Shao heard the words, he immediately felt that what Guo Tu said was very reasonable, so he replied: "You are right, the power of the three armed forces of the Supervisory Command is indeed too great."

After thinking for a while, Yuan Shao immediately ordered: "Remove the three army supervisors and become the three governors, Ju Shou will still lead the way, and Guo Tu and Chun Yuqiong will each have one army!"

"Ah?!" Guo Tu didn't expect that he would get unexpected joy with his casual words. He immediately bowed his head and bowed, and he and Chunyu Qiong were very happy and grateful: "Thank you, my lord! I will do my best to my lord." !"

Looking at Guo Tu and others who had won a complete victory today, Xu You who was beside him suddenly let out a sigh.

In fact, he and the judge's position are more neutral, and when discussing matters, they are more concerned about the matter than the person.

Compared with Guo Tu, Feng Ji and others, Xu You and the judge still recognize Jushou and Tian Feng's talents more.

However, today's sentence sent Jushou and Tian Feng to jail, and also created a good opportunity for Guo Tu and others to attack their political opponents.
Before the war broke out, Xu You couldn't help but sighed because his family lost a supervisor and a counselor first.

The hall was very quiet. Although Xu You's sigh was small, it was still heard by everyone.

Yuan Shao's face darkened, and he asked Xu You: "Xu Zijiang, do you have something to say?"

Xu You glanced at the complacent Guo Tu with a flushed face, took a step, walked to the center of the hall, and said, "My lord, I have no objection to your decision."

"Then why are you sighing?" Yuan Shao's tone revealed displeasure. If Xu You dared to intercede for Tian Feng and Ju Shou, maybe the three of them could have a table fighting the landlord in prison today.

But Xu You is tactful, so naturally he would not touch Yuan Shao's bad luck at this time.

Xu You's thoughts turned, and then he shook his head pretending to be deep, and replied: "My lord, I sigh because I thought of your brother, Yuan Shu."

Yuan Shu has already burped his fart, why do you still want him?

Yuan Shao was a little puzzled, so he asked, "Gaolu has already confessed in front of his ancestors, why do you mention him?"

"If Yuan Gonglu was here, how dare Cao Cao look north?"

"That's Yuan Shu's own death. He dared to proclaim himself emperor in spite of the world's displeasure. How could we help? Besides, my lord had to deal with Gongsun Zan with all his strength. How could he have the energy and manpower to help Yuan Shu?" Feng Ji defended Yuan Shao. road.

"Yuan Tu said so. That's why You just lamented Cao Cao's cunning and cunning."

But Yuan Shao didn't want Xu You to just get away with it, so he asked: "Since you have such a far-reaching thought, then have you thought of any way to deal with Cao Cao?"

Ask the point!

Xu You straightened up, with a confident smile on his face, and said, "My lord, I have thought a lot recently, and I have some ideas."

"Oh? Let's hear it!" Yuan Shao's curiosity was aroused.

However, Xu You suddenly showed some hesitation, and asked: "Master, I have a question, I don't know whether to ask it or not."

"Mother-in-law and mother-in-law are not your Xu Zijiang's style. If you want to ask anything, just ask directly!"

Xu You nodded, calmed down his emotions, and then asked, "Dare to ask, my lord, are you secretly instigating the chief bookkeeper Geng Bao to call you to find a basis?"

"Wow!" What do you call it?Of course proclaiming himself emperor!

Xu You's words caused an uproar in the entire conference hall.

Yuan Shao's complexion changed, from white to red, and then quickly from red to blue, the change was as fast as a revolving lantern.

"Where did you hear the rumor?" Yuan Shao asked through gritted teeth.

Xu You was neither humble nor overbearing, and continued: "Yuan Shu once wrote you a letter, saying that he wanted to give up his emperor's position to you, and the jade seal was also sent to you by him."

Yuan Shao was poked by Xu You to the deepest secret buried in his heart, and he was so startled that his hands and feet trembled.

But Yuan Shao quickly calmed down. After all, he is the lord, Yuan Shao who owns three and a half states!
"Xu You, if you can't explain your words and deeds today, don't blame me, Yuan Benchu, for punishing you for the crime of deceiving people, and then taking your head!"

Xu You dared to say that, of course, he had already thought about the follow-up words.

Not afraid of Yuan Shao's threats, he cupped his hands again, and replied in a calm tone: "This subordinate's words are to remind the lord. Where do you think this subordinate got the news from?"

Yuan Shao, as well as the civil and military officials in the hall, immediately fell silent, waiting for Xu You's next explanation.

They knew that since Xu You dared to say these words, there must be his intentions.

I only heard Xu You continue to say: "A few days ago, my subordinates went out on a trip, and accidentally heard some rumors from the merchants who came and went.

Some people say that you, my lord, instructed Geng Bao to look for evidence that you can become XX; some people say that Yuan Shu wrote you a letter and handed over the Chuanguo Yuxi to your subordinates. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but my subordinates know that these rumors are very harmful! "

It turned out that it was rumors that Yuan Shao gradually relaxed.

But after thinking about it, why are the contents of these rumors so accurate?
"Someone is secretly spreading false news in an attempt to attack the reputation of the lord!" Xu You saw that Yuan Shao was still a little confused, so he simply woke up with a word.

Yuan Shaoru was enlightened, and his mind became clear instantly. He stood up suddenly, and shouted a name angrily: "Cao Aman?!!"

"That's right!" Xu You looked at Yuan Shao's slender figure, as if seeing the wise and martial Yuan Benchu ​​again,

"The time when Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor is quite strange.

The year before last, Sun Ce was assassinated and died, and civil strife broke out in Jiangdong.

Recently, there was also a sudden riot in Hanoi County, which gave Cao Cao the opportunity to send troops quickly
The subordinates have carefully studied it recently, and there is actually Cao Cao secretly in it! "

Yuan Shao narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked, "You mean, they were all secretly plotted by Cao Aman?"

"Yes, my lord!" Xu You's tone was a little excited, and he said, "Do you still remember?
There was a period of time before Jizhou that the activities of spies were very frequent.

The subordinate was a little confused recently, so he went to the prison to interrogate a few secret agents a few days ago.

In the end, the subordinates learned from them that Cao Cao had an organization that specialized in doing things in other vassal territories. It seemed the name was Shadow? "

Yuan Shao suddenly realized that his anger towards Xu You had completely dissipated at this moment.

After Yuan Shao sat down again, after a while, he suddenly pointed to Xu You, and said to the civil and military officials: "Look carefully, Xu You and Xu Zijiang, this is the real person who does practical things!"

(End of this chapter)

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