Chapter 369 On the Eve of Guandu ([-])

Xu You suddenly got Yuan Shao's praise, and at the same time he was happy, he immediately bowed his hands and said humbly: "It is the duty of the subordinates to share the worries of the lord, and the subordinates dare not be the lord to praise!"

Resourceful, down-to-earth and hard-working, the most important thing is to be humble and respect the master
"Good good!"

Comparing with Ju Shou, who is always angry at every turn, Yuan Shao immediately became more and more pleasing to Xu You, and couldn't help but clicked three likes in succession.

Yuan Shao is not a stingy person either, Xu You has done so many things, he still has to give certain rewards.

Now that the military commander sacrificed wine to Toyoda and was imprisoned, Yuan Shao simply ordered: "Order Xu You to offer wine to the military commander. I hope you can continue to maintain this kind of work attitude in the future, give advice to our army, check for omissions and make up for vacancies."

"Here! Thank you, my lord! My lord is wise and mighty, and he will surely conquer the world!" Xu You was ecstatic in his heart, so a series of flattery came naturally.

"Papa papa!" Yuan Shaodang was so ecstatic even though he was photographed by Xu You.

Although he drifted away for a while, Yuan Shao did not forget his business, so he asked Xu You again: "Since you have discovered the problem, do you have a countermeasure?"

"Of course!" Xu You puffed up his chest and said with a confident expression: "Cao Cao secretly spread false and true rumors in order to attack your reputation, my lord, and make your lord famous, so that he can gain more development and benefits for him." Time to prepare."

Yuan Shao couldn't help nodding slightly when he heard the words, Xu You's words were very reasonable, which made Yuan Shao feel even more disappointed with Jushou and Tian Feng, "The gap! Why didn't I see that Xu You still has the ability to conspire?"

"Cao Cao is afraid that the lord will go south to fight him immediately because he has seen the gap between himself and the lord."

Speaking of this, Xu You's tone carried the momentum of Jin Ge, "I think, my lord, you should not only send troops south immediately, but also divide them into three groups!"

At this moment, Xu You has a taste of pointing the country,

"The first route, the soldiers entered Liyang, crossed the white horse, and rejected the reinforcements from Dongjun in the east, and then the army entered Chenliu!

For the second route, a general can be sent to lead the army to detour to Jiluo Mountain, and then cut off the grain road and connection between Xuchang and Chenliu.

On the third route, passing through Yanjin to Yangwu, Chen Bingguan crossed his troops to force Chenliu County, and after meeting with the Baima army, he broke through Chenliu County and marched into Xuchang!
In the end, the lord can ask Mr. Yuan Tan to pretend to attack Mount Tai and other places to contain the local defenders. As for Lu Bu, the subordinates are sure that he will not dare to act rashly before the situation is clear! "

The goal of the three-way army planned by Xu You was very clear. Lu Lu pointed directly at Chenliu Xuchang, vowing to hit Cao Cao's life gate directly.

He just wanted to use his superior force to hit a point to break through the defense line guarded by Lu Yan, and then take down Xuchang where Cao Cao and the Son of Heaven are located!

As long as Xuchang is defeated, the prestige that Cao Cao has finally established will be lost in one day.

Let's not talk about how many rebellions will arise within him, but at that time, Sun Quan and Liu Biao in the south, and even Han Suimateng and others in the west, will probably come to share a share of the pie.

At that time, all the princes will rise up and attack him, and Cao Cao, who is in the place of the Four Wars, is bound to be torn apart, divided and eaten.

After Yuan Shao heard Xu You's plan, his eyes opened suddenly, and a burst of light shot out!

"The words of the general are very in line with my wishes!" Yuan Shaohao was furious, and after thinking for a moment, he immediately said: "Come here, Geng Bao's demonic words will confuse the public, confuse the public, take him to the prison, and kill him when he goes out to fight in the next day." flag!"

"Here!!" There was a sergeant outside the door leading the order, but it was pitiful that he was still somewhere, working so hard to create the master book of "Auspiciousness" for Yuan Shao.
Seeing Yuan Shao resolutely gave up the idea of ​​proclaiming himself emperor, Xu You couldn't help but feel refreshed. Now there will be no major moral problems!

At this moment, Xu You felt that Yuan Shao was really very wise, so he shouted: "My lord is holy!"

Seeing this, all the civil and military officials also shouted loudly: "My lord is holy!"

After the discussion was over, Yuan Shao ordered Xu You to take the lead to do a good job in diplomatic work before making preparations for going south.

Therefore, Xu You immediately sent an envoy to Liu Biao to report the pros and cons to him, hoping that Liu Biao could form an alliance with Yuan Shao and cooperate with Yuan Shao in sending troops to attack Xuchang.

Liu Biao wanted to help Yuan Shao in his heart, but he was a little vacillating about sending troops.

In fact, he has no ambition to expand now, and only hopes to protect himself between Jianghan and watch the changes in the world.Liu Biao is surrounded by resourceful people who can clearly see the general trend of the world, so they clearly oppose Liu Biao's neutral policy.

Kuai Yue, Han Song and others all believed that now is the time when the princes are fighting for the world, if Liu Biao wants to make a difference in the chaotic world, he should take advantage of the chaotic world to actively expand.If not, you should choose someone who can command the world and follow him.

Then, the person who can command the world now is undoubtedly Prime Minister Cao Cao.

They believed that with Cao Cao's talents, he would definitely be able to defeat Yuan Shao, and we should rely on Duke Cao for the entire state. This is the best strategy.
Kuai Yue, Han Song and others originally advocated getting close to Cao Cao, coupled with the shadow guards secretly wooing and fueling the flames, in the end Yuan Shao's emissary did not get the desired result, and instead went to Jiangdong, trying to persuade Sun Quan to send troops.

Although Liu Biao clearly rejected Yuan Shao, he did not want to join Cao Cao.

In fact, the balance in Liu Biao's heart is still biased towards Yuan Shao. After all, from the perspective of identity and family background, Yuan Shao has dumped Cao Cao for an unknown number of streets.Moreover, most of the ideas of Cao Cao and Liu Biao do not match, so Liu Biao does not want to fall to Cao Cao.

But Liu Biao didn't know if doing so would anger Cao Cao, so he sent Han Song north to meet Cao Cao, and decided to explore the situation first.

The shadow guard saw that Liu Biao was still in a state of uncertainty,

When he clearly felt that Yuan Shao was about to launch an attack, he secretly contacted Huan Jie, who had fallen to Cao Cao, and asked him to lobby Zhang Xian in the rear of Jingzhou, and asked Zhang Xian to use Changsha County, Guiyang County, Lingling County, and Wuling County. The four prefectures united against Liu Biao and supported Cao Cao.

The back of Liu Biao's ass suddenly caught fire, so his attention was all shifted to suppressing the rebellion, and he was in no mood to care whether he was allying with Yuan Shao or taking refuge in Cao Cao.

In short, Liu Biao finally has one attitude, and the two do not help each other.

At this point, Yuan Shao's plan to send troops to Liu Biao was completely bankrupt.

Although Liu Biao did not agree to help Cao Cao, at least the shadow guard's goal of restraining Liu Biao from going north was achieved.

Yuan Shao's diplomacy in Jingzhou failed and he turned his attention to Guanzhong and Jiangdong instead.

However, in Guanzhong and Jiangdong, Cao Cao had planned for a long time, and Yuan Shao was doomed to end in failure after realizing it later.

Although Yuan Shao's diplomatic work did not yield results, Yuan Shao still started to organize his army and prepare for war according to the established plan.

After Zhang He Gaolan defeated the Karasuma army, he recruited a total of [-] Karasuma elites. Everyone is a brave and skilled knight, and their combat power should not be underestimated.

Yuan Shao summoned soldiers and horses, so Zhang He Gaolan and Yan Liangwenchou responded to the call one after another and led their troops back to Yecheng.

Jian'an three years, April.

Yuan Shao stationed [-] troops in Yecheng, [-] troops in Liyang, and [-] troops in Yanjin. Across the Yellow River, he stared at Cao Cao.

In the third year of Jian'an, at the end of May,

Chen Lin's "Yuzhou Essay for Yuan Shao" spread all over the world, shaking the government and the public!
(End of this chapter)

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