Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 374 The confrontation between the two banks of the Yellow River

Chapter 374 The confrontation on both sides of the Yellow River

Historically, only a few thousand troops from Liu Yan guarded the south bank of the Yellow River, so there were almost no obstacles for Yan Liang's army to cross the river, and they could send troops straight to the White Horse Fortress.

But now, under Lu Yan's advance planning, there are [-] defenders in East County alone.

Moreover, Lu Yan also specially asked Cao Cao to transfer Chen Deng to Dongjun. With Yu Jin, a general who is good at commanding troops, Dongjun is bound to play an extremely important role in this war.

After Yu Jin and Chen Deng noticed that Yuan Shao was going south, they deployed defenses on the south bank of the Yellow River early.

The shoreline of the Yellow River is very long, and there are many places that need to be defended.

In order to be able to detect the enemy's situation in time, the only [-] cavalry in Dongjun County have all been used as scouts, patrolling uninterrupted every day, and once there is a sign of Yuan Shao's army crossing the river somewhere, Yu Jin will send troops to go there support.

Yan Liang's army was stationed on the north bank of the Yellow River. With a hundred thousand troops and civilian husbands, the camp stretched for dozens of miles!
The two armies are separated from the Yellow River and face each other across the bank, and their various actions are basically clear at a glance.

The northerners are not very good at water warfare, and the Yellow River is very fast. Yan Liang sent people to try to cross the Yellow River from different directions several times a day, but Cao Jun found them in time and shot them back with random arrows.

Yuan Shao did not build any large warships, and even Yan Liang's boats across the river were requisitioned temporarily from other families or common people.

Most of the northerners are not familiar with water. After the soldiers of Yan Liang were shot into the water with bows and arrows by Cao Jun or fell into the water in a panic, they basically announced that they could only feed fish.

After the one-day trial, not many soldiers were shot to death by Yuan Jun, but there were 800 soldiers who fell into the water and drowned in panic.
After realizing that Cao Jun's defenses were tight and that forcibly crossing the river might result in heavy losses, Yan Liang stopped trying and turned to Guo Tu and others for a strategy.

Although Guo Tu is a villain, his intelligence is not bad.

He offered advice to Yan Liang, looking for a person with a similar body and appearance to Yan Liang, and asked him to wear Yan Liang's bright armor, pretend to be Yan Liang to command the army, and patrol the banks of the Yellow River every day.

At the same time, flags were planted all over the camps along the Yellow River in an attempt to confuse Cao Jun on the other side, so that Cao Jun could not see their specific deployment of troops.

After all these tricks, the real Yan Liang sneaked across the Yellow River with [-] cavalry in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River two to three hundred miles away at night.

day time,

Fake Yan Liang and Chun Yuqiong continued to send people to forcefully cross the Yellow River, firmly attracting Cao Jun's attention.

So much so that Chen Deng and Yu Jin on the south bank of the Yellow River did not realize that the real Yan Liang had already crossed the Yellow River and was heading towards the Baima Camp!
Fortunately, Chen Deng is also a man of extraordinary resourcefulness. He has seen the strangeness of the current situation from some details.

Chen Deng knew very well in his heart that he wanted to stop Yuan Shao's hundreds of thousands of troops on the north bank of the Yellow River with only [-] to [-] troops, which was tantamount to a dream.

What he and Yu Jin had to do was to delay for as long as they could.

Although the White Horse camp is not too big, the fortifications outside are very complete.

There are trenches, horse traps, horse refusals, and more.

After stalemate with Yan Liang's army for almost three days, Chen Deng noticed some subtle abnormalities of Yuan Jun.

Therefore, Chen Deng decisively asked Yu Jin to withdraw all the defenders deployed along the Yellow River, and divide his troops to garrison the Baima camp and the camp in the direction of Puyang City.

Yu Jin was extremely puzzled by Chen Deng's request to withdraw troops.

This is well guarded, so how can you withdraw it?So Yu Jin asked Chen Deng, "Prefect, if we withdraw our troops at this moment, wouldn't we hand over the Yellow River to Yuan Shao?"

Chen Deng has cooperated with Yu Jin for more than a year and almost two years. He also has a good impression of this general who is both civil and military, and is a first-class general in allied wars.

Hearing Yu Jin's question, Chen Deng patiently explained to him: "General Yu, didn't you notice that when Yuan Jun crossed the river on the other side, he seemed a little too perfunctory?
Moreover, Yan Liang patrolled around the banks of the Yellow River every day in his shining armor, as if he was afraid that we would not see him. "

Yu Jin recalled it carefully, only to realize that it was indeed what Chen Deng said, "It seems to be true, but is there any explanation in it?"

Chen Deng frowned, stroked his light beard with his fingers, and said: "As I expected, the Yan Liang who was dangling around that day is probably just a counterfeit, and the real Yan Liang may have crossed the Yellow River and is heading towards us. Killed"

"Ah?!" Yu Jin was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly confirmed again: "Is that true?"

"That's true!" Chen Deng said with certainty and decisiveness: "Yan Liangzhi's bravery is not invincible to fierce generals like Zhao Yun and Dian Wei!

Therefore, General Yu, you should quickly withdraw your soldiers.

We have to leave 1 people to stick to the Baima camp, and the rest go back to the camp in the direction of Puyang to form a corner with the Baima stronghold, and then stick to waiting for Prime Minister Cao's reinforcements, which is the best strategy! "

Yu Jin nodded and said: "I will send someone to recall the defenders. The prefect can lead the army back to the Puyang Camp, and a certain soldier will lead [-] soldiers to guard the White Horse Stronghold!"

Chen Deng knew that this was the best choice,

Because even if the White Horse camp was breached, Yu Jin, who was close to the quasi-first-class martial arts, might still be able to break out of the encirclement with his bravery.

If it were Chen Deng, a frail scholar with a "big belly", he would be chopped into meat by the rebel army as soon as the camp was broken.

Cao Cao led an army of Chen Bing in Yuanwu, and Lu Yan's [-] troops are now camping in Yuanwu.

It's almost night,

Although it is located in the Cao Jun camp in Yuanwu, it is still brightly lit, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

Lu Yan, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Xia Houlan, Tai Shici, Dian Wei, and the three brothers Liu Bei who were voluntarily transferred to Lu Yan's subordinates gathered in Cao Cao's central army tent at this moment.

It is already midsummer in June, and the temperature is already very sultry.

Although the large tent of the Chinese army is spacious enough, but now there are dozens of people standing in the big tent, and the air is not well circulated, so the big tent looks extremely hot.

Apart from Lu Yan, even Zhao Yun and Guan Yu were sweating on their foreheads, and the sweltering environment made people gradually become irritable.

Cao Cao put his hands behind his back, lowered his head, and wandered in and out of the tent, thinking.

Seeing that Cao Cao was thinking about the problem, everyone restrained their restlessness and waited patiently.

When Liu Bei first arrived in Cao Cao's big tent, he was taken aback by no less than thirty or forty military and civil officials in the fourth row of the big tent.

Back then, even when Liu Bei was in Xuzhou Muna's most glorious time, there were only seven or eight generals under his command, and a dozen or so civil and military officials, and there were no real advisers among the civil officials, and the military generals who could really fight were his own Just two brothers.

And under Cao Cao's tent, not counting the generals guarding one side, Xia Houyuan, Cao Hong, Zhang Liao, Xu Chu and others were recruited alone.

In addition, the group of extremely high-quality generals brought by Lu Yan, who seemed to be exuding golden light all over their bodies, almost blinded Liu Bei's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes
(End of this chapter)

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