Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 375 Temporarily avoid the front, avoid the reality and attack the imaginary!

Chapter 375 Temporarily avoid the front, avoid the reality and attack the imaginary!
Even Guan Yu, the fierce general under Lu Yan's command, would be speechless in his heart when he saw it.
"Zhao Zilong, Dian Wei, Tai Shici, and Huang Zhong are all superb generals.

Even Xia Houlan, who was unknown in the past, now has the strength of a quasi-first-class fierce general
The strength of Lu Yan's generals is not inferior to that of Cao Cao!
However, he has no counselors under his tent, maybe this is what he did on purpose to reassure Cao Cao. "

Guo Jia is not Lu Yan's counselor, he can only be regarded as a bad friend, or the kind who loves to cheat his teammates
Of course, when thinking of his elder brother Liu Bei, he is incomparable with Lu Yan and Cao Cao.
Liu Bei's current generals are full of fighters, Guan Erge and Zhang Sanye,
The civil servants have been assigned by Cao Cao to serve in various places. Even if they want to get together now, it may be very difficult.

Opposite Liu Bei, there are two rows of literati. One row is led by Xi Zhicai, and Xun Yu, Xun You, Jia Xu, Cheng Yu, etc. are the advisers; the other row is headed by Guo Jia, Dong Zhao, Jiang Ji The queue lined up one by one, there are seven or eight people in detail.

Such a luxurious think tank made Liu Bei both envious and inferior.

However, Liu Bei has now given up the idea of ​​fighting for world hegemony. Now he only wants to work with Lu Yan to protect the big man and the people of the big man, and also to protect his last trace of ideals and stubbornness.

Some other miscellaneous thoughts in my mind were fleeting, and were soon left behind by Liu Bei.

At this moment, Cao Cao, who had been bowing his head in thought, suddenly raised his head.

He looked at the advisers represented by Xi Zhicai, and asked aloud: "I have received the news from Dongjun that Yuan Shao sent General Yan Liang to lead an army of 30 to cross the Yellow River and attack the White Horse Stronghold. Leading an army of [-] and waiting for an opportunity to cross the Yellow River, do you have any countermeasures?"

Xi Zhicai took a step sideways without hesitation, stood out of the queue, cupped his hands and said: "My lord, Yuan Shao sent Yan Liang to capture the white horse to clear the way for the main force to cross the Yellow River. According to my subordinates, the prime minister can send a light Cavalry, support the white horse as quickly as possible."

Xi Zhicai only spoke half of what he said, which puzzled the generals on the other side.

Xia Houyuan immediately stood up and asked: "Master, since Yuan Shao sent Yan Liang to attack the white horse, we should send the main force to quickly reinforce the white horse before the main force of Yuan's army crossed the Yellow River. Otherwise, let Yan Liang occupy the white horse and cover Yuan Shao's main force to cross." After crossing the Yellow River, it will be bad."

Cao Cao looked at Xia Houyuan and said, "Don't worry if you are a brilliant talent, the military teacher has not finished speaking."

After hearing what Cao Cao said, Xia Houyuan folded his fists and retreated.

Xi Zhicai didn't open his mouth, but retreated and said to Xun You: "Gongda, you came up with this plan, and you will explain it to the Lord and the generals."

Xun You stood up, then cupped his hands and said, "The fifty thousand soldiers and horses in Dongjun are mostly newly recruited soldiers. Although they have been practicing day and night, they have never actually been on the battlefield.

If I had waited for all my troops to rush to Baima, I am afraid that the Baima stronghold would have been breached before we arrived.Moreover, it will encounter Yuan Jun's main force head-on, and the gain outweighs the loss.

I think that Yuan Jun is in full swing now, and it is inappropriate to confront him head-on.We should avoid its edge first and drag him into tug-of-war or even positional warfare. "

Having said that, Xun You paused for a moment to give the others enough time to digest.

After Cao Cao nodded and signaled him to continue, Xun You continued:

"I believe that we can send a general to lead a partial army to pretend to cross the Yellow River to attack Yanjin; at the same time, send another general to lead the light cavalry to lurk outside the white horse and wait for the opportunity.

If Yuan Shaozhong planned to divide his troops, he could use all his cavalry to attack Yan Liang's back, break the siege of the white horse, and even join the Dongjun army to wipe out part of the main force of Yuan's army who crossed the Yellow River.

If Yuan Shao didn't fall for the plan, he would ambush Yuan Jun's pursuers in the middle of the way to cover Yuanlong and Wen Ze's retreat. "

Hearing this, Xia Houyuan's restless mood has calmed down, but he still has a question, so he asked aloud: "Dare to ask the military division, what should the main force of our Yangwu do?"

Xun You looked at Xia Houyuan and said, "Someone has said just now, avoid Yuan Shao's edge."

"You mean to retreat?" Xia Houyuan wondered if he heard it wrong.
"That's right, retreat, return to Guandu and stand firm!"

Without waiting for Xia Houyuan to ask again, Cheng Yu said: "Yuan Shao claims to have an army of 70, and the daily food consumption will be an astronomical figure.

We can set up many camps along the way, build fortifications, delay Yuan Shao's footsteps, consume their food and grass, and drain their morale.

With such an interception and consumption all the way, by the time Yuan Shao's army arrives at Guandu, [-]% of its combat power may have already lost [-]%. "

Only then did Xia Houyuan understand the intentions of the counselors, so after saluting with fists clasped, he remained silent.

Liu Bei was stunned when he heard that,

What feigning an attack, avoiding the real and attacking the false, what joining forces in one place, attacking east and west, what avoiding the edge, consumes morale and food.
He used to be either "Brothers follow me", or "Brothers follow the second and third brothers". How has he seen so many dazzling and intricate schemes?

Liu Bei's expression remained the same, but he smiled wryly in his heart: "It's not wrong to lose, one of these resourceful people is already terrifying, and this is still a bunch of meows."

Thinking of this, Liu Bei glanced at Lu Yan who had been silent all this time.

From the beginning to the present, Lu Yan, who stands at the head of the military commander, has not said a word, "Could it be possible that all of this is within Mr. Lu's expectations?"

Do as the Romans do, after Liu Bei came to Lu Yan's command, he called Lu Yan Mr. like everyone else.

Moreover, regardless of Lu Yan's fame or strength, Liu Bei's "Mr.

Unable to figure out what was going on with Lu Yan, Liu Bei naturally wouldn't open his mouth casually, so he followed Lu Yan's example of staying still and watching the situation quietly.

Lu Yan kept silent, because he didn't want to interfere too much with the progress of the Guandu battle.

After all, Yuan Shao is indeed much stronger than Cao Cao.

If because of his own interference, Yuan Shao changed to a hidden place to store grain, and Xu You came to join Cao Cao as usual,
Without the advantage of Wuchao Tunliang's foresight, I'm afraid they will have to fight with real swords and guns.

At that time, the outcome will be a bit unpredictable. Wouldn't it be that he lifted a rock and hit his own feet? It's too troublesome
Cao Cao glanced at Lu Yan and Guo Jia,

Seeing that Lu Yan and Guo Jia also nodded slightly in agreement, they made up their minds and said:

"Yuan Shao's vanguard general Yan Liang, bravely crowned the three armies. Going to Baima, the main general must be Zilong!"

As the number one general under Cao Cao and Lu Yan, Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong are bound to be the first thing that comes to mind whenever encountering the most difficult situation.

"Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, where is Xia Houlan?" Cao Cao pointed at the three of them.

Zhao Yun, who is handsome in silver armor and white robe, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes; Zhang Liao, who has a face like purple jade and starry eyes; : "The end is here!"

"Let Zhao Yun be the chief general, and Zhang Liao and Xia Houlan be the deputy generals. In the early morning of tomorrow, we will lead [-] light cavalry to travel across the starry night and rush to the white horse to lie in wait for the opportunity!"

"Here!" The three clasped their fists together and agreed in unison.

Cao Cao told Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, and Xia Houlan: "Zilong, Wenyuan, and Ziheng, you three are both wise and brave, so I won't make any specific arrangements.

You can make immediate responses based on the situation on the spot. "

"The general obeys orders!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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