Chapter 376 Yan Liang's plan

After the three of Zhao Yun were ordered to retreat, Cao Cao continued to order: "Li Dian, you lead [-] soldiers and [-] garrison soldiers, bring more flags of me and other generals, and pretend to attack Yanjin."

Li Dian walked out, clasped his fists and said, "The last general takes orders!"

Cao Cao looked at Xiahouyuan again, and said, "Xiahouyuan!"

"The end is here!"

"I order you to lead an army of [-], bring more civilians, and set up camps every fifty miles along the way. Within five days, I will see at least four camps!"


Then, Cao Cao looked at Lu Yan and asked, "Mr. Lu, do you have anything to add?"

Lu Yan shook his head and said, "Mr. Cao's arrangement is very comprehensive, Yan has nothing to add."

But Cao Cao still felt a little uneasy in his heart. Although Lu Yan said in his diary that Cao Cao won the battle of Guandu,
But Lu Yan also said that the current trend of history has changed greatly, and it is uncertain whether it will develop in the established direction in the future.

But now that Lu Yan said it was okay, Cao Cao couldn't force Lu Yan to speak, so he looked at Xi Zhicai and the others and asked, "Everyone, do you have anything to add?"

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Cao Cao said, "Since that's the case, we'll be here today. You can go down to arrange and rest first."


Cao Cao adopted Xun You's strategy and ordered Li Dian to lead an army of [-] disguised as [-] to Yanjin Ferry.

On this journey, Zhao Yun led [-] cavalry from the headquarters of Chenliu Commandery, plus the [-] cavalry assigned to him by Cao Cao, making a total of [-] light cavalry, and rushed day and night to thirty miles outside the White Horse Fortress.

Eight thousand cavalry, in addition to conventional weapons, each of them only carried a long bow and a pot of arrows, a dozen rice cakes and ten potatoes, plus some refined salt, and temporarily hid themselves.

Today is already the third day since Zhao Yun arrived in Baima, and it is also the fifth day since Yan Liang's army besieged the White Horse stronghold.

After Chen Deng withdrew the Yellow River defense line, Yuan Shao's army crossed the river without hindrance. As of today, nearly [-] troops have crossed the Yellow River.If Yuan Jun hadn't chosen to transport the siege equipment and supplies across the river first, I am afraid that there are far more than [-] soldiers now.

Zhao Yun personally led the scouts to Baima to investigate the news. Firstly, he wanted to observe the battle situation and situation of Baima with his own eyes, and secondly, because he had a telescope given to him by Lu Yan, which allowed him to see farther and more in detail than anyone else.

Zhao Yun and others hid behind the hillside.

In the telescope, about two or three miles away, the White Horse Fortress is being attacked by Yuan Jun's soldiers at the moment.

The sounds of shouting, fighting, and cursing on the battlefield came from far away. In Zhao Yun's binoculars, the fortifications around the White Horse Fortress were almost cleaned up by Yuan Jun.

Yuan Shao was born in the fourth generation and the third father, and his family background is extremely strong, and there are countless talents of all kinds under his command. This can be well proved by the various weapons and various siege equipment in his army.

In the past, when Cao Cao fought against other princes, they were basically overwhelmed by technology.

But now, Zhao Yun felt the black technology from Yuan Shao.

Zhao Yun clearly saw that Yuan Jun frantically deployed more than a dozen well rails with a height of seven or eight meters outside the city wall of the White Horse Fortress, which was only four or five meters high.

In fact, the well fence is relatively easy to be destroyed. Rockets and trebuchets are its nemesis.

But before the Jinglan, Yuan Jun also deployed a scull cart. In front of this kind of scull cart is a large shield wrapped in rawhide, more than five meters high, which can help Jinglan resist the attack of rockets from the city.

On each well, dozens of archers took turns shooting arrows towards the city.

They are nearly half higher than the city wall, and they are condescending, and they can stably shoot at the defenders deployed by Yu Jin on the top of the city.

Under the city wall, there were also Yuan Jun holding shields and shooting arrows, cleaning up horse rejection, horse sinking pits and trenches.Look
Their progress, another day and a half, I am afraid they will be able to clean up all the fortifications outside the two city walls.

When the fortifications are cleared, it will be time for Yuan Shao's army to launch a general offensive.

Regardless of the number of people or the equipment, Yuan Jun currently has the upper hand. Yu Jin was able to hold on for five full days under such a difficult situation, which also showed his superb commanding ability.

Yuan Jun only attacked from the east and north, presumably he was also wary of Cao Jun coming from the direction of Puyang City.Maybe, they might have purposely allowed Yu Jin to guard for so long, in fact, they secretly wanted to come around to help.

It's a pity that Chen Deng kept his troops on hold and refused to send troops easily, so Yuan Jun could only vent his anger on the white horse defended by the ban.

Zhao Yun observed the situation outside the White Horse Village, countless inferences and conjectures flashed through his mind, with a serious expression on his face.The situation on the battlefield is changing, but important information has also been revealed from various details, which is why Zhao Yun came to investigate in person.

Just when Zhao Yun was hesitating whether to go in advance to ambush on the only road between Baima and Puyang, Yan Liang, who was holding up the siege army in the distance, suddenly led a group of troops away from the battlefield in a hurry.

Zhao Yun's heart moved, and he said secretly: "It seems that the news of Manchester City's feigned attack on Yanjin has arrived. Yan Liang may divide his troops and go to Yanjin immediately. I have to go back immediately and tell everyone to prepare for the ambush!"

Not daring to delay, Zhao Yun led the scouts back to the hiding place of his army.

Seeing Zhao Yun's hasty expression, Xia Houlan asked, "Did Yan Liang make any movement?"

Zhao Yun nodded, and said to Xia Houlan and Zhang Liao: "Ziheng, Wenyuan, immediately inform the brothers to go to the road we have selected in advance to ambush on the road to Yanjin!"

When Zhang Liao heard this, he immediately understood, "Okay! It seems that Li Mancheng's feint has succeeded!"

The white horse wants the village.

Yu Jin's adjutant came to him and said, "General, Yuan Jun has almost cleared the fortifications outside the city. Our brothers are suppressed by Yuan Jun's archers. If they attack the city aggressively, General, Please make a quick decision!"

Yu Jin knew what the adjutant meant, he thought to himself:

"We have tried our best to delay it for more than four days, presumably Prime Minister Cao should be ready.

These 1 people couldn't just die in vain. If Yuan Shao had so many troops, if he didn't leave more defenders, Dongjun might be easily defeated by him. "

After many years of management, Yu Jin has long regarded Dongjun as his home. He does not allow his homeland to be invaded and ravaged by the enemy, and Cao Cao has not given him the order to stick to the white horse.

Just when Yu Jin was thinking about when it would be better to retreat, Yuan Jun's momentum of attacking the city suddenly slowed down.

"What's going on?" Yu Jin was wondering,
Suddenly a messenger came to report, "Report! General, Yan Liang's banner is withdrawing!"

"Yan Liang withdrew???" Yu Jin was surprised, "Are you sure Yan Liang really evacuated?"

"The little one saw it for real, Yan Liang Daqi really left the battlefield!"

Yu Jin immediately came to the top of the city under the escort of his personal guard, "Sure enough! Yan Liang's banner is gone!"

I don't know why Yan Liang withdrew suddenly, but his departure caused the morale of Yuan Jun's siege soldiers to plummet. Yu Jin let out a sigh of relief, and finally showed a smile, saying: "It seems that we can survive another day by luck."

(End of this chapter)

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