Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 377 Today, next year, will be your death day for Yan Liang!

Chapter 377 Today, next year, will be your death day for Yan Liang!
Baima and Yanjin are the two best crossings within a few hundred miles of the Yellow River.

Yuan Shao could cross the Yellow River from either of these two ferries, and Cao Cao could also reach the north bank of the Yellow River from these two ferries.

Yan Liang was shocked when he learned that Cao Cao led an army to Yanjin in an attempt to cross Yanjin and attack the hinterland of Jizhou.

Because Hanoi County still has Cao Ren, Shi Huan, and Xu Huang's [-] troops ready to serve as support at any time, Yan Liang did not dare to neglect in the slightest. After sending someone to send the news to Yuan Shao, he left Guo Tu and Chunyu Qiong behind. The others continued to besiege the white horse, while he personally led [-] cavalry and [-] infantry and set off for Yanjin.

In later generations, [-] cavalry is enough to be used as [-] light soldiers. On the plains, it takes [-] infantry to fight against one cavalry!
But now it is the end of the Han Dynasty, there are no saddles, stirrups, and horseshoes, and most of the cavalry are light cavalry, so they are far less domineering than the cavalry of the later dynasties.

Before Yuan Shao and Xiliang were dealt with, Lu Yan did not dare to get the three cavalry treasures out.

After all, these three things are too easy to imitate. If you take them out when your cavalry is not enough, isn't that purely for the enemy and causing trouble for yourself?
According to news from scouts, Cao Cao's army heading for Yanjin has about [-] troops, but very few cavalry.

So Yan Liang's [-] cavalry and [-] infantry should be enough to deal with it.

Zhao Yun, Xia Houlan, and Zhang Liao led [-] cavalry to set up an ambush on Yan Liang's only way to Baima in advance.

The location of the ambush was chosen on a trail, which was the closest option to Yanjin, and the trail was lined with dense forests.

Cao Jun did not dig a horse pit on the ground, but only set up a tripping rope, which was gone after being used, so as to avoid charging and pitting the legs of his own horses later.

Xia Houlan led hundreds of soldiers to lie in ambush on both sides of the woods, covering the traces of tripping ropes with dust and leaves on the ground.

Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao each led [-] cavalry and hid in the woods at the front and back of the trail.

Most of the day passed, and the sky had gradually darkened. According to reports from scouts, Yan Liang's cavalry was less than ten miles away from the ambush site.

Ten miles, at the marching speed of cavalry, it takes about two quarters of an hour.

The ground began to tremble gradually, and the "rumbling" sound of horseshoes was heard from far and near!
Xia Houlan was refreshed, and secretly said: "Here we come."

After the dust that covered the sky and the sun could be seen in the distance, Xia Houlan said to the soldiers around him: "Cheer up, the enemy is coming soon!"

The soldiers were silent, but their mental strength was obviously more concentrated.

Yan Liang is a big fish, if anyone can catch him, he will really make a fortune!
Now it was approaching evening, the sun had already set, and only the last afterglow stubbornly exuded the last afterglow.

The path ahead, under the shade of the trees on both sides, looked a bit gloomy.

Yan Liang's keen sense of danger has been tempered by his long-term battle, and he feels very uncomfortable at this moment.

So, Yan Liang turned around and shouted loudly to the soldiers behind him: "Brothers, speed up and pass here, and we will rest after arriving in Yanjin!"

The distance between Baima and Yanjin is not far, and they can be reached in one day by marching quickly.

Due to the urgent military situation, Yan Liang spared no effort to let the cavalry set off towards Yanjin at the fastest speed.As for the infantry behind the cavalry, they will be led by other generals and arrive later.

The sound of horseshoes was approaching, and Xia Houlan, who was spying secretly, could even see Yan Liang, who was wearing a golden armor and had an incomparably majestic figure.

Getting closer, getting closer.

Just when Yan Liang was about to turn around and urge his subordinates to speed up again, he suddenly saw something abnormal on the ground in front of him!
Out of a keen sense of the crisis, Yan Liang immediately clamped his legs and raised the rein.Yan Liang's war horse has followed him for many years, and they have long been connected with each other.

Under Yan Liang's series of subconscious movements, the horse's hind legs slammed hard, and with the help of its forward momentum, it jumped up and covered a distance of several feet!

The cavalry behind Yan Liang were not as alert as him, let alone the quick response and powerful physical functions of his horse.




After Xia Houlan ordered people to pull up all the tripping ropes within more than ten meters on the ambush path, the cavalry running in the front, except for Yan Liang, were immediately hit!
The war horses under Yuan Jun's crotch stumbled one after another, with their heads upside down and forcefully stuck on the ground, and by the way, they threw their masters on their backs about ten meters away, making a close contact with the earth without distinction between you and me
This path is only five or six meters wide. After the cavalry in front fell down, the cavalry behind them could hardly escape at high speed.

Numerous cavalrymen fell to the ground in front of them. Amidst the heavy objects falling to the ground and the screams of Yuan Jun's soldiers, the marching speed of Yan Liang's cavalry slowed down quickly.

After Xia Houlan went out to slow down the speed of Yan Liang's cavalry, she quickly retreated into the woods.With the cover of the forest, Yan Liang's cavalry did not dare to rush in.

Whether it is light cavalry or heavy cavalry, their most valuable and deadly is speed.

At the moment when Yan Liang's cavalry slowed down, at the end of the trail, which is the end where Yan Liang's cavalry came in, there were bursts of screams that made Yuan Jun terrified!

"Kill the thief!"

A large number of arrows followed the shouts of killing, but there were not many cavalry who could ride and shoot. Many of them were soldiers who had dismounted, lying in ambush on both sides of the entrance and shooting arrows into the path.

After shooting down about hundreds of Yuan Jun's cavalry, Zhang Liao led the rest of the cavalry to appear from behind and blocked their retreat!
Zhang Liao's voice came from behind, "Zhang Wenyuan of the Yanmen is here, why don't Yan Liang surrender quickly?"

"Zhang Liao?" Yan Liang had never heard of Zhang Liao's name at all, and he didn't care about the ambush behind the army, but urged the cavalry to follow, saying: "Follow me, rush out!"

Realizing that he was ambushed by the enemy, Yan Liang urged the soldiers to rush out of the trail.

The terrain here is not conducive to the turning of the army. It is a very unwise choice to spend with Cao Jun here.

Just when Yan Liang took the lead and was about to run out of the trail, another burst of shouting came from outside the trail.

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is here! Yan Liang, today is your death day next year!"

When Yan Liang heard that Zhao Yun, the number one general under Cao Cao's command, was in front of him, he was shocked, and he gripped his sword tightly and put up all his energy!
Zhao Yun led the cavalry to charge quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Yan Liang and Zhao Yun, who was on a white horse and silver armor, made a bloody mess!
Yan Liang's martial arts were at the pinnacle of first-class, and when he faced the super-class Zhao Yun, he obviously felt tremendous pressure.


Xia Houlan came out from the woods and led the remaining cavalry to attack the soldiers behind Yan Liang.

After Yan Liang blocked Zhao Yun's shot, he took the opportunity to look left and right, and the enemy was densely packed, obviously a lot of them!

"Cao Jun unexpectedly ambushed so many people!" Yan Liang's heart began to sink uncontrollably.

In the battle of masters, victory or defeat is often in the blink of an eye.

You, Yan Liang, are not only looking around, but also distracted thinking about other things. Do you not take me, Zhao Yun, seriously?

Yan Liang knew Zhao Yun's bravery could not be matched by himself, so when Zhao Yun raised his spear to stab him, Yan Liang dodged in the short body, then turned his horse's head without hesitation, and broke through in other directions.

The personal guards behind Yan Liang rushed up quickly and stopped Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun couldn't get away for a while, he could only watch Yan Liang running towards Xia Houlan!
(End of this chapter)

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