Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 390 Guandu, the drums of war sound!

Chapter 390 Guandu, the drums of war sound!
The conversation between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao finally broke up unhappy, and they each returned to their own army formations.

Looking at the tall city wall behind Cao Jun's formation, Yuan Shao temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​attacking the city.Because Yuan Shao is just a vanguard army that has arrived at Guandu, and the siege equipment, food and supplies are all still on their way.

Cao Cao had many fierce generals who were good at fighting on the battlefield, and Yuan Shao's Yan Liangwen Chou, who was the best at fighting alone, died in battle again, so Yuan Shao had no idea of ​​sending generals to fight alone at all.

Siege won't work, and pre-battle challenges won't work, so you have to find something to do, right?
Otherwise, the vanguard just arrived and just left it alone, and the morale of the army that I had finally inspired would be slowly worn away.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao secretly said in his heart: "Since everyone is here, it's better to have a fight, even if it's to find out Cao Cao's background."

After returning to his extravagant car, Yuan Shao finally made up his mind and ordered the generals: "Let Zhang He and Gao Lan lead the cavalry from the headquarters to fight, and Jiang Yiqu and Chun Yuqiong lead the heavy infantry and archers to push forward!"

"Here!" The generals took orders and left.

Yuan Shao's calm tone contained raging anger.

"Cao Aman, how could I, Yuan Benchu, lose to you? How could I lose to you?!" Yuan Shao has always looked down on Cao Cao's background, let alone the black dwarf who always liked to brag in front of Cai Zhaoji.

But now, Cao Cao not only overwhelmed himself in official positions, but even Cai Zhaoji was taken into the house by him, and his career and love even faintly overwhelmed him. Is it tolerable or unbearable? !

At the beginning, Yuan Shao gave Cao Cao countless help and support as the big brother, but there is a good saying, "I hope you live well, but not better than me"!
Therefore, when Cao Cao gradually gained the momentum to surpass himself, the unwillingness, anger and humiliation in Yuan Shao's heart slowly burst out.

Human heart and human nature are like this.

Although this battle is just a trial, if the first battle can be won, it will definitely have a great boost to morale.

After Yuan Shao's order was issued, the various ministries began to mobilize one after another.

Among the Yuan army, apart from the Xiandeng camp that Qu Yi established back then, the most powerful one is the foreign cavalry that has just surrendered.

This group of foreign cavalry, mainly composed of Wuhuan people, mixed with Xiongnu, Xianbei, Qiang, etc., was extremely brave, capable of sharp shooting, and extremely difficult to deal with.

At this moment, the 5 alien cavalry, commanded by Zhang Yun and Gao Lan, took the lead in battle!

When Cao Cao saw Yuan Shao's formation, he split into two groups of cavalry, and shouted: "The Liannu soldiers go out! Archers, get ready!"

After the order was given, the orderly standing on the carriage began to wave the flag quickly.

The sound of the war drums on both sides gradually became more rapid, and when the three-way drum was finished, Yuan Jun's cavalry was about to rush to the front of Cao Jun's formation!
There is no doubt that Cao Jun's battle was full of horse traps a hundred steps away.

There are countless barbed caltrops between the horse pits. These are the tricks Lu Yan used to deal with the Xiliang iron cavalry.

To deal with this kind of light cavalry who can't get around, horse pits, barbed wire, crossbowmen, and dozing pikemen seem to be enough.

Zhang He Gaolan's cavalry was still two hundred steps away from Cao Jun.

Cracks were suddenly erected in Cao Jun's infantry formation. Numerous hand-held ten-shot crossbows, which have been improved several times, have become smaller, lighter, but more powerful. Before the battle.

Since the city wall was behind Cao Jun, Zhang He Gaolan's light cavalry could not conduct a surprise attack around the rear, so they could only bite the bullet and attack Cao Jun's formation from the front and both sides.

When the cavalry reached a distance of 120 steps, the shout of "shoot the arrow!" came from Cao Jun's formation!

Cao Jun's crossbowmen began to pull the triggers frantically, while the archers drew their bowstrings to the full, pointed obliquely in the air, and fired all arrows!

The crossbowmen dealt with the cavalry, while the archers dealt with the crossbowmen and archers behind Yuan Shao's cavalry.

The horse pit has a natural restraint on the cavalry, and it is easy to dig, and it costs almost nothing.

Caltrops are small and good at hiding, and they are also a sharp weapon against cavalry.

The cavalry who rushed to the front had already entered the trapping area of ​​horse traps and caltrops.

With Yuan Jun's cavalry, he suddenly felt his horse leaning forward suddenly, followed by a scalp-numbing sound of bone fractures!
Or the running horse suddenly bounced up, or fell directly to the ground, and a series of sounds began to sound.





Countless sounds of falling to the ground, fractures and screams sounded, and nearly a thousand cavalrymen of Yuan Jun's cavalry fell to the ground in just an instant.

However, the loss of these people also filled the trap, and their sacrifices allowed the cavalry in the rear to move forward smoothly.

Then, after finally breaking through the area of ​​the horse pit and the caltrops, Yuan Jun's cavalry suddenly heard another "buzz! buzz!" sound!

"Turn around!"

Zhang Xi reacted quickly, but just as he shouted, there was another burst of "puchi" and screams.

It was the sound of crossbow arrows shooting into flesh,
The cavalry under Zhang He Gaolan's command fell down in pieces like harvested wheat at this moment!

Seeing the ferocious firepower of Cao Jun's crossbowmen, Zhang He Gaolan immediately gave the order to turn around and make a large arc.

During this period,

The alien cavalry under Zhang He and Gao Lan showed the strongest killing skills among the cavalry, cavalry and shooting!

"Tu Tu Tu!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The most effective killing range of the improved ten-shot continuous crossbow is seventy steps,
However, Yuan Jun's cavalry fought in a detour at a distance of about eighty steps, and by the way, they threw the bow and arrow in their hands into Cao Jun's crossbowmen by inertia.

Cao Jun's crossbowmen were all lightly armored and had no defensive shields, and a wave of arrows was thrown down, causing heavy losses immediately.

Seeing that the cavalry and shooting were effective, the two cavalry of Zhang He Gaolan began to use their mobility to continuously roundabout, projectile, and then roundabout and projectile, which brought the characteristics of the cavalry archers to the extreme.

Cao Jun's crossbowmen were suppressed by the range and suffered heavy losses, while the arrows of the archers could not hit the light cavalry who came and went like the wind at all.

After Zhao Yun saw it, he clenched his fists and clenched his silver teeth, and forced out a few words: "Cavalry and shooting of foreign cavalry!"

Lu Yan had only seen this kind of large-scale riding and shooting in games and TV before, but seeing it now, he was immediately shocked.

Liu Bei and others had only seen Bai Ma Yicong lobbing at foreigners before, but they didn't feel how strong they were. Now that they saw their own family being lobbed by Yuan Jun, they felt it firsthand, "The cavalry archer is really a pervert!"

Under the blows of several waves of arrow rain, Cao Jun's crossbowmen not only lost their firepower output, but also suffered heavy losses, and finally had to retreat to the formation ahead of time.

"As expected of Zhang Yun and Gao Lan who were able to defeat and recruit foreign cavalry. These two are much better than Yan Liangwen Chou!" Cao Cao couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

Yan Liang Wenchou only has the courage of an ordinary man, maybe Yan Liang can also lead the battle, but after all, he is still a reckless man who underestimates the enemy.

But Zhang He and Gao Lan are different. They are not only superior in martial arts, but also wise and brave, and good at commanding troops.

(End of this chapter)

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