Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 391 The earth mountain is high, the suppressed Lao Cao can't lift his head

Chapter 391 The earth mountain is high, the suppressed Lao Cao can't lift his head

Zhang He Gaolan's use of light cavalry opened the eyes of Lu Yan, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei and others on the city wall.

It also allowed Lu Yan to see the true power of the cavalry, and put away the slightest contempt for the cavalry in his heart.

Regardless of strategy or tactics, cavalry is still the most powerful arm of this era after all.

Zhao Yun, Xiahoulan, Zhang Liao and others were slightly dissatisfied in the face of Zhang He Gaolan who was directed like a flower.

Yes, they are all commanders who specialize in cavalry, but Cao Cao can't get good horses, and they can't show their true strength at all.

Seeing that Yuan Jun's cavalry had broken through the two lines of defense, Cao Cao had no choice but to order: "Shield wall, long spear array!"

This is also the tactic Lu Yan used when dealing with Xiliang cavalry.

Behind a large shield that is taller than a person, there are three warriors holding the shield from behind.

From the gap in the shield, a spear nearly six meters long protruded.

The dense array of long spears and large shields, Sen Han's iron spear head shone coldly under the sunlight, like the blade of the death sickle!
How dare light cavalry without heavy armor rush into such a shield spear formation?The fate of the Xiliang cavalry is enough to illustrate the seriousness of the consequences of reckless actions.

Besides, these alien cavalry don't even have iron armor, they don't even have leather armor, so how dare they challenge such an iron shield and spear formation head-on?

After all, it was only a tentative attack. Cao Jun showed the Liannu soldiers, and Yuan Jun also showed riding and shooting.

Zhang He Gao Lan obviously also had an in-depth study of Cao Jun's tactics against the Xiliang iron cavalry. They just roared past Cao Jun's spear formation, and after throwing a rain of arrows that had no obvious effect, they returned to the two wings of their infantry formation. , to cover the two wings of their own infantry formation.

At this time, Yuan Junzhong issued another order, "Shield soldiers, advance!"

This is Yuan Shao's heavy armored infantry, which originated from the first camp of general Qu Yi.

The heavy armored infantry raised their shields to block Cao Jun's random arrows. Behind them were Yuan Shao's heavy crossbowmen and pikemen, who were slowly but firmly moving towards Cao Jun.

If Yuan Shao's heavy armored soldiers and heavy crossbowmen were allowed to approach, with the current Cao army's formation, he would have to pay a high price.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Cao Cao immediately ordered the ballista on the city wall to fire to stop Yuan Shao's infantry from advancing!
Arm-thin crossbow arrows can clear a terrifying passage of human blood with one arrow.

In Yuan Jun's formation, there were two unlucky guys with a shield, strung together by a crossbow the size of an adult's arm, nailed to the ground, and let out screams.

Seeing that Cao Cao had used all the defense equipment, Yuan Shao immediately showed a disdainful smile, and said, "Send the order, withdraw the troops! After the siege equipment arrives, take down Cao Cao in one fell swoop!"

"Ding Ding Ding!"



The sound of gold ringing sounded, and Yuan Jun retreated like a tide.

At this moment, Cao Cao's back was already soaked in cold sweat.

On the surface, Cao Jun seemed to repel Yuan Jun, but in fact they lost.

Using the defense equipment in advance is equivalent to exposing a trump card in advance. The next time Yuan Jun attacks the city, he will definitely be fully prepared for the ballista.

After Yuan Shao returned to the camp, he asked the counselors around him for advice: "After this battle, Cao Cao will definitely not be able to retreat. Everyone, do you have a plan?"

At this time, the judge was the first to stand up and offer advice: "My lord, Cao Jun has retreated behind the city wall and defended the city. I can take this opportunity to build an earth mountain and a high platform a hundred steps away from Cao Jun's city. Then let the archers go On the high platform, condescendingly suppress Cao's army with bows and arrows, after a long time, Cao's army may collapse without fighting!"

"This plan is very good!" Yuan Shao nodded slightly, agreeing.

Yuan Shao adopted the strategy of auditing and matching, so he dispatched infantry to cover, and ordered the civilian husbands to take shovels, hoes and other tools to a position about 120 steps outside the city, and piled up soil into mountains.

After Cao Cao saw Yuan Jun's actions, he immediately ordered Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, Xia Houlan, Cao Chun, Cao Xiu and other generals to lead all the cavalry out of the city to stop Yuan Jun's actions.

It's a pity that even though Cao Jun has more than 4 cavalry, Yuan Shao's army has more than [-] cavalry led by Zhang Ying and Gao Lan.

As soon as Cao Jun's cavalry appeared, Zhang He Gao Lan led the troops out.In desperation, Zhao Yun and the others just divided up their troops to symbolically destroy a few earth hills, and then had no choice but to return behind the city wall.

Seeing Yuan Shao's actions, Cao Cao couldn't help feeling a little worried.

So, he asked his counselors for advice, saying: "Yuan Shao pushed the earth into mountains and built a high platform. I am afraid that he wanted to use the high altitude to suppress our army's defense. Gentlemen, do you have any countermeasures?"

Xi Zhicai clasped his hands and replied, "My lord, it's really easy for us to destroy the earth mountain."

When Cao Cao heard that Xi Zhicai said that defeating the enemy was easy, he was overjoyed and said, "Please tell Zhicai in detail!"

"My subordinates went to see the camp yesterday. Our army has almost assembled nearly [-] catapults. As long as the catapults throw stones at Yuan Shao's dirt hill, they can be easily destroyed."

Suddenly, Cao Cao slapped his forehead suddenly, made a clear and loud "pop", and laughed at himself: "How did I forget the trebuchet!"

However, at this moment, Jia Xu suddenly stood up and suggested to Cao Cao: "My lord, I suggest that Yuan Shao should first build the earthen mountains and high platforms, let them be proud for a while, and then use the trebuchet to destroy them." hit."

As soon as Jia Xu said the words, everyone immediately understood what he meant, and all of them burst into low laughter.

"Shrimp and pig's heart!" Lu Yan gave Jia Xu a thumbs-up, and said, "That's right, if it's bad, it's you, Jia Wenhe!"

After hearing Lu Yan's "praise", Jia Xu immediately cupped his hands and replied to Lu Yan: "It's all thanks to Lu Hushi's guidance!"


In order not to make Yuan Shao suspicious, Cao Cao's cavalry and even infantry would rush out to destroy two or three earth mountains from time to time, and the crossbow carts on the city wall were also firing at the earth mountains with all their strength, trying to delay Yuan Jun's construction of the earth mountain high platform.

But in the end, Cao Jun's efforts were "in vain", and Yuan Shao still completed his set goal.

In just seven days, Yuan Jun built fifty earth mountains outside Cao Jun's city wall!On top of the dirt hill, the peasants driven by the Yuan family built a wooden platform more than three feet high.

Dozens of archers are arranged on each high platform. When there is nothing to do, the archers will shoot arrows at the defenders on Cao Jun's city wall. Relying on the range advantage brought by their condescension, they suppressed Cao Jun somewhat for a while. Can't hold my head up.

How miserable were the defenders on Cao Cao's side?

When Cao Jun's soldiers went up to the city wall, they had to put shields on their heads before they dared to go up.

As long as anyone is negligent, there will be a rain of arrows shot from Yuan Jun's high platform, and then they will accurately land on the head and body of that unlucky guy, stabbing him into a human-shaped hedgehog.

Whenever a Cao Jun was shot into a hedgehog by Yuan Jun's archers, there would be a burst of shouts and laughter on the high platform.

Yuan Jun's soldiers even took this as fun,
Every day is roll call and volley, and then watching Cao Jun run away with his head in his arms, and finally spend a beautiful and happy day amidst loud laughter.
(End of this chapter)

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