Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 392 It's okay, don't panic, just a small loss...

Chapter 392 It's okay, don't panic, it's just a small loss
On the high platform of the earth mountain, Yuan Jun stood on it every day and shot at Cao Jun on the city wall.

Cao Jun's soldiers were so suppressed that they couldn't even raise their heads. The more miserable the enemy was, the more joyful Yuan Jun's shots were. All of a sudden, the morale of the soldiers was about to drop to the bottom.

Under this huge advantage, Yuan Shao and his soldiers enjoyed it for four full days, venting all their depression about the defeat of the vanguard and the beheading of the general.

During the day of No.11, Cao Jun's scouts sent back news that Yuan Shao's siege equipment had finally arrived at Guandu Ferry.

In the big tent of Cao Jun's army,
After Cao Cao read the news, he guessed in his heart, "I think Yuan Shao will launch a general attack in two days!"

At this time, Jia Xu stood up and said to Cao Cao: "My lord, Yuan Jun's equipment has arrived. We can wait for Yuan Shao's siege equipment to come up, and then let the trebuchets shoot a volley to destroy them!"

Cao Cao nodded and said, "Okay! Let the soldiers take advantage of the darkness to hide all the trebuchets in the tent behind the city wall first, and destroy them when Yuan's siege equipment arrives tomorrow!"

At night, more than 200 trebuchets were quietly hidden in the camp.

It was just dawn, and the siege equipment that had just arrived was sent to the battlefield by Yuan Shao.

It seems that Cao Cao still overestimated Yuan Shao's patience with him. He didn't rest at all, and couldn't wait to attack Guandu and defeat Cao Cao.

Looking from a distance, Yuan Jun on the high platform saw Cao Jun's tents stretching behind the city wall. They still thought that Cao Jun soldiers were stationed behind the city wall, and they didn't find anything unusual in it.

The well rail most commonly used by Yuan Jun has been slowly pushed forward by the soldiers at this moment.

In front of the pawns, civilian husbands, and Jinglan, there are oar chariots equipped with huge shields.

The scull cart opened the way in front, providing cover for the Jinglan and the siege soldiers behind.This combination once broke through Gongsun Zan's Yijing outer city, and almost broke through Yu Jin's White Horse Stronghold. It was Yuan Shao's most proud way of attacking the city.

The scull cart moved forward slowly, passed the high platform of the earth mountain, and there were still about fifty steps to reach the moat.

Behind the scull cart were countless peasants carrying cloth bags full of mud. Under the cover of the scull cart, they tried to fill in the road on the moat for the siege army to pass.

Yuan Shao stood in the gorgeous car, looking at the battlefield in front of him from a distance, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, he said to himself: "Cao Aman, Cao Aman, after all, you are still no match for me, Yuan Benchu."

However, before Yuan Shao's extraordinary words fell to the ground, he suddenly saw a small black spot appearing in the distant sky
Yuan Shao thought it was because he was dazzled by the sunlight, he tried to close his eyes to adjust, but when he opened them again, he couldn't help shouting in surprise, "Good guy! What are those dense black dots in the sky?" ???"

Shen Pei, Xu You and others naturally also saw the abnormality in the sky.

Xu You, who has always paid close attention to Cao Cao and studied it, suddenly thought of the weapon Cao Cao used to deal with Yuan Shu. He couldn't help but widen his eyes, and shouted in horror: "It's the catapult, it's Lu Yan!" The improved catapult from the Chenliu Workshop!!!”

"Catapult? Its power." Yuan Shao was about to ask what power that thing would have, but in the end, a few stone bullets the size of a human head smashed a high platform to pieces!Tell Yuan Shao with the facts, are we powerful?


There were screams again and again, and one platform after another was torn to pieces in the dense rain of stone bullets.

Yuan Shao was stunned and opened his mouth before he could close it.
Cao Jun's 250 trebuchets lined up neatly behind the second city wall began to roar again!



Lishi raised the heavy hammer high and smashed it hard on the machine expansion, and there was a whistling sound that almost pierced the eardrums at the same time!


Only a dozen or so breaths away from the first wave of stone bombs, the second wave of stone bombs struck again!

The second wave of stone bullets was aimed at the Jinglan and the siege infantry behind the scull cart. As for the peasants, they turned around and fled when the first wave of stone bullets fell.

The fragile well fence does not need a second stone bullet to hit it, it only needs one to hit its tall and thin body, and it will immediately fall apart.

Countless archers screamed and fell from the well rail to the ground. If they were lucky, they would be disabled, and if they were unlucky, they would fall directly into a puddle of mud.
It's horrible, it's terrible, it's cruel! ! !

Only the huge shield wrapped in rawhide of the scull cart can barely block the stone bullets, but they are still somewhat unable to bear the fire.

Stones the size of human heads fell from the sky like rain.
When a scull cart was smashed into pieces one after another by stone bombs, Yuan Shaojun's infantry finally began to collapse.

The stone bullets carry huge kinetic energy, not to mention being hit, even if they are rubbed, they will either die or be injured.

An archer from the Yuan family, who was still talking to his companions just now,
As a result, after a gust of wind whistled past his ears, when he turned his head to look again, although his companion was still standing, his companion's head was gone!

Looking at the broken part of his companion's uneven neck, and the hot blood still bubbling out, the archer immediately collapsed, "Hee hee hee hee ha ha ha ha. Are you playing hide and seek with me?"

"Boom!!" Another stone bullet flew in and took away the poor, insane child.

Yuan Shao and the others stared blankly at their siege team, which went from high morale to collapse across the board in just a quarter of an hour.

After a while, Yuan Shao covered his chest and shouted: "Cao Aman! I will cut off your dog's head with my own hands!!!"

"Is Cao Cao hiding the catapult on purpose, just waiting for our siege equipment?" Xu You stared blankly at Cao Jun who was cheering on the city wall, and murmured, "In terms of acting skills and patience, you, Cao A, are better at it!"

"My lord, please calm down. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. If there is no siege equipment, let's rebuild it." The judge was very afraid that Yuan Shao would faint in a hurry. The loss of the coach is much more serious than a small defeat. .

Guo Tu, Feng Ji and others also followed suit and said: "My lord, what is the loss of thousands of soldiers and dozens of siege equipment? We have hundreds of thousands of troops, some of whom are brave enough to fight; we have countless civilians. How many siege equipment can't be made?
But if you are so angry that you lose your body, then we will really lose a lot, and we will really fall into the tricks of Cao thief! "

After a lot of persuasion from everyone, Yuan Shao's pent-up breath finally eased up a little.

After taking two deep breaths, Yuan Shao finally regained his composure and sighed: "You are right. Then Cao Cao deliberately hid the trebuchet until I installed the siege equipment, just to make me angry. Hmph! I almost fell into Cao's tricks!"

Xu You glanced at Guo Tu and Feng Ji calmly, and said in his heart: "It turns out that even trash has a bright spot."

At this moment, Cao Jun's city gate opened wide, and a group of cavalry roared out of the city gate!

When Yuan Jun's soldiers collapsed and retreated, all the siege equipment was left behind.

Zhao Yun and other generals led the cavalry, rushed to the siege equipment left by Yuan Jun with torches, and then lit them one by one. In an instant, the fire was blazing!
Seeing the scene in front of him, Yuan Shao felt a pain in his heart again, but he tightly held his chest, and muttered to himself: "It's okay, it's okay, we can rebuild it after it's destroyed."

However, this tone is not so easy to straighten out after all,
Yuan Shao finally couldn't bear it and rushed to the front of the car, leaning on the railing and roaring at the top of his lungs: "Cao Aman! I call you an immortal!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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